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Blood Lillies
Bloody Lillies
Spin Offs Background Stories
Chronological Order
Preceded By Fires of Harrenhall
Followed By Pitch Black
Narration POV Naration, Unreliable

Blood Lillies is a short story based on the rise of the Vampires of Europe, and their eventual rise in the Kingdom of Weerhousen. Blood Lillies is centered around the lives and growth of Queen Neferata and her Dukes of which were the starters of their individual bloodlines.

Blood Lillies is a background story that details the rise of the Vampire Kingdom in Europe, and can be skipped if the area of Weerhousen and Meghana is of little importance.

Blood Lillies begins following the events of Hermione Granger`s arrival in Alcase during her chapter in the Rise of Lucerne, and the first detailing of this story is with Angelica Neferata. Following Angelica Neferata the story of Abhorash is detailed with extra focus taken on the relationship between Katia Beckinlate, and Abhorash. Ushoran and Godrick would have three straight chapters where he and Godrick became centered around the growing civil war in Weerhousen and their attemps to change the direction of Weerhousen. Rebekak would maintain the next chapter where in she and her master Eric travelled throughout the continent and eventually became intertwined in the drama that was growing in Harad. Meghanna would have a chapter where in her love story with Shia Labeouf was detailed as well as her involvement with the rebellion and eventually meeting with the leadership of the attacking Lucernians. W'soran and Katia Beckinlate would have the next two chapters as they battled against a growing rebellion within Weerhousen, and W'soran seemingly made things worse by causing more damage to the population through his experiments.

POV Characters

POV Character Chapters

Angelica Neferata

1, 5, 9, 13, 16, 22, 34


2, 10, 14, 17, 23, 29, 35
Ushoran 4, 8, 19, 24, 27, 32, 36
Eric Olden 12, 20, 25, 31, 37
Meghanna 3, 7, 11, 18, 26, 28, 38
Davina Denn 6, 15, 21, 30, 33, 39

Plot Summary


Chapter 1

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is in the Weerhousen capital in the form Lahmia City where she is feeding off several servants when Stefon Vashenesh walks in and gives her a disgusted look which causes her to stop feeding and the two discuss her youth with Stefon of whom she revealed to love almost fanatically. Angelica attempts to defend her behavior but Stefon refuses to accept her reasoning and appears ready to storm from the room when Angelica seduces him by taking her clothes off leading to the two having sex thus pushing his problems with her away. Following this they lay together and he tells her of problems he is having with his brother and Angelica reveals during this that she is married to Stefon's brother hercuso but she clearly holds no affection for him and offers to have him killed if Stefon will marry her, but he refuses unwilling to accept the death of his brother despite all that Hercuso has done to him. Stefon leaves following this offer and she is left alone where she cries tears of blood unwilling to embrace the life that Stefon wants her too despite her true love for Stefon and realizing she is a monster she summons back the servents and begins slowly drinking from them. Eventually she is interupted by the arrival of Harakhate Neherak, and Corvusia two of her most trusted Vampire Lords of whom come to discuss with her the political situation in Weerhousen. While they are meeting Renney Eisenburg enters the room and is greeted with great love by Angelica and like Stefon before her Renney shows digcust at the blood flowing from the mouth of the vampires in the room and it become clear from their discussion that Renney is seen by Angelica as her daughter and Angelica is seen as her mother by Renney leading to an interesting dilema for Angelica. Following this meeting she goes to Stefon's quarters and cannot find him, and eventually her spies tell her that Hercuso has taken him prisoner and is forcing him to feed on innocent young girls, and when Angelica finally frees him Hercuso laughs as they look at Vashenesh and the bodies surrounding him. Angelica takes him back to her hold where she attempts to comfort him, and she watches him break down in front of her as he wants more blood, and hates himself for it. Angelica once he finally calms down takes him into the forests nearby where they lay together for a time, and he tells her how much he wishes he had married her all those years before, and she tells him that she could end her marriage to Hercuso right now if he will agree to marry her, but he won't betray his brother despite what hercuso has done to him. Following this she takes him back to the hold and makes arrangements to hide him away for several months commanding several of her most loyal Lahmian Vampires in the form of (find Vampires) and is preparing to send him away when Medea arrives and upon her arrival Stefon asks Angelica to leave and she does so. Waiting outside she talks with Hercuso of who is sitting outside the door and the two get into a fight which only ends with Medea coming outside saying that she and Stefon have spoken and he is not leaving. Returning to the castle she meets with two of her most trusted Vampires in the form of Persis of Neferata, and Orithyia of Neferata of whom she thinks on and reveals they have been with her since centuries previous in Lahmia and are one of a few people that she trusts without question, and while talking a man enters of whom Angelica reveals as Baerius of Neferata another truly ancient Vampire of whom brings in several slaves of whom the three begin to feed on.

Blood Lillies
Dripping Blood Divider1
The moment our hearts stopped, we chose to let our souls die as well..

"Hello my sweet daughter"

"You upset father."

"Stefon needs to wake up and accept what we are Renney."

"Do not speak of my father Harakhate. He is the greatest man I know and if you would take the time to be half the man he was this world would be a much better place."

Chapter 2

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he is travelling the road with Katia Beckinlate, Sonja, Soran, and Viktor, and the group fights against a Trolloc band and while they quickly massacre the attacking Trolloc it is worth noting how brazen they are getting as of late. Viktor, and Soren ride away to meet with a larger force of Weerhousen troops, and after Sonja leaves to watch the road Katia, and Aborhash have sex, and after this she asks him to tell her the story of his turning one more time. Abhorash tells her about Angelica turning him, and then his battles in the east of which seemed endless, but when she pushes to tell her about Jesus he refuses to talk about that. Seeing he is mad she seduces him again and this leads to him once again talking to her about it and then finally ends the story with the destruction of of Lahmia and the retreat out of Lahmia. Eventually there alone time is interrupted by the arrival of Ludgar of Weerhousen and a troop of soldiers of whom arrive telling Abhorash that the Dutchy of Freehold has come under major assault, and with the forces of Viktor leading the main Weerhousen army alongside the Queen there is little strength left to assist them leading to Abhorash sending word by raven towards the seats of many of the Vampire Lords of Weerhousen to rally forces and head towards Freehold to join him. The forces of Abhorash number less then five hundred but are augmented by groups of Freehold refugees fleeing the violence around the capital of Freehold, and thus by the time he reaches the outskirts of Freehold he is nearly one thousand troops of which he has twenty vampires with him.  

Blood Lillies
Dripping Blood Divider1
The moment our hearts stopped, we chose to let our souls die as well..

"You understand that is not something I wish to speak of." She saw the death of Jesus as an event of great pride, and the true sign that Vampires were ascendant. I saw it as the great stain on our existence. Jesus was the strongest person I ever knew. He would have never changed his ideals to save himself. He wanted to save us, and he died for our sins.

"Just a tiny bit about the god of syria?" As she always did her body forced my mind to tell things I did not wish to speak of.

"What I remember most about him was his eyes."

"Should I be jealous?" I wanted to tell her yes. The honesty in his eyes was something that she would just...she could just never have that.

"There was a truth in his eyes. He was haggard looking. He told me during our talk that he hated overindulgence and was nearly constantly fasting to pay for the sins of the wold. But through the worn out clothes, and starvation which left a stain on him was his eyes. I didn't question him for a single second.

Chapter 3

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is wandering the streets of Westbridge when she begins watching a young couple of whom share kisses and hold hands walking down the streets of Westbridge and she grows increasingly hateful of this overcome with memories of her time with a past lover named Jafrey Hemsworth. Following the couple to their home she watches them sleep together before as they hold eachother following this she creeps through the window and locking the door from the inside she enters their bedroom and this causes a fight to break out but she quickly murders the young man before she is stabbed by the women in the back but camly removing the dagger she has a long conversation with the girl. Her conversation with Adele Boulet ends with the arrival of Tormund, Sophia, and Sevana Fox and unwilling to look at the girl anymore she snaps her neck before letting her progeny feed on the couple. Following this she alongside her progeny travel into the night with the bodies and they leave the bodies outside the Labeouf Estates along with a note telling Harry Labeouf where to reach them with his response and he is clearly willing to surrender to them when he leaves a note for her in a tavern that they had left for him as the communication spot. Harry has with the message let the Vampires know that he will not be a threat to them, and that more then just that he will provide them with servents for their needs through the slave markets of Francia. She communicates with her masters back in Weerhousen and despite Harry completely surrendering his will to the Vampires she is sent word to warn him one last time in person, and she does this by sneaking into the Labouef estates where she finds Shia Labouef and after she sees him she passes out, and when she does pass out she enters a sort of dream where she is confronted by Jafrey Hemsworth her former lover of whom we learn she has betrayed in the past. She runs away from him but finds that she has somehow become trapped in what she can only assume is some sort of purgotory. As she is fleeing from Jafrey she meets dozens of those she has betrayed and is forced to relive all the betrayals of her life and then eventually she finally reaches a wall of dead bodies and is unable to get away from Jafrey. As Jafrey reaches for her she wakes up screaming with Shia Labouef holding her.

Chapter 4

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he has a nightmare about the events of the destruction of Lahmia, and he remembers the death and destruction that the vengeful Nehekharaians laid on their land. Waking up he meets with his council, and he reveals that he is a member of the Strigio Vampires of whom only drink blood from the willing, and many do not do it at all and have transformed into creatures that are more batlike then actually human do to this starvation. Ushoran with his council begins their discussions about resisting the more evil forces of Weerhousen with a clear target of moving against W'soran of whom they all know to be the worst of the Bloodlines, and feeling this way Ushoran commands Amir Salam, and Phineas Pardo to travel northward into the forests of Weerhousen where they will begin training the humans of the forest in order to become a secret army once the time comes. Following their departure he commands his best friend Issah Laden to travel eastward with him to the client state of Weerhousen in the form of the Realm of Dorehousen where he plans to turn their leadership to his cause. Travelling on the road with Issah and a large force of Strigi human soldiers he discusses with Issah and two of the human commanders in Gerard Lerady, and Maurice Bourlabuin how the Strigi took control of their lands and he describes the fighting and what happened in the area. While travelling on the road Ushoran recieves word from a raven that Abhorash is asking for assistence as the Dutchy of Freehold has come under assault from the forces of the Trolloc, and seeing an oppurtunity to gain further appeal with the humans of the north he rallies his forces to move northward.

Chapter 5

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is marching at the head of the army of Lahmia now joined by a force sent by Abhorash towards a direct conflict with the large Trolloc tribes that have gathered north of Lahmia. Travelling towards this destination she and Abhorash discuss Lahmia, and for the first time she discusses her time in Lahmia, and most specifically she discusses their fleeing of Lahmia which directs into the short story Rise of the Vampire Queen. Angelica arrives at the town of Ordenfauld which is surrounded by thousands of Trolloc bodies which have filled the moat surrounding the town, but continueing towards the town she finds her lover Stefon waiting at the gates with his daughter Medea Psomas, and their daughter Renney Eisenburg, and as she greets them with a hug they are interupted by coughing as her husband Hercuso comes into view insulting them. Upset that she cannot spend more time with Stefon she squeezes his hand before leaving with Hercuso of whom leads her to the keep along the way telling her about the situation in Ordenfauld, and finally arriving in the keep before she can go inside he blocks her way and pulls her into a side room where they bump into a servent girl of whom apologizes but before she can leave Hercuso begins feeding on her and drawn to the blood Angelica joins him and this blood frenzy leads to the two having sex over the broken body of the young servent girl. As they are having sex like this Stefon, and W'soran interupt and stopping having sex with Hercuso she tries to go after Stefon but W'soran tells her they have more pressing matters and to see to Stefon later, and revealing these matters W'soran tells her that he is planning to sacrifice the entire remaining population of Ordenfauld in order to give him and his Magi more power and with this power they will destroy the Trollocs during the next attack. Angelica is convinsed to this plan, but doesn't appreciate that there are many among the town that Stefon deeply cares about, and as they are fighting now she cannot tell him and thus when the Trolloc arrive for the next attack W'soran begins his spell which affects any humans who drank his elixir which he had slipped into the well meaning nearly the entire town is infected with the elixir and as the spell begins Angelica seeks out Stefon finding him with the girls fighting on the ramparts assisting the human defenders to repel the attack and helping them they push back the Trolloc from that section but just as Stefon appears ready to talk to her the human defenders around them begin crying out in pain and after minutes of excrutiating pain they all die and Angelica reveals what had been done and horrified that she could be capable of this Stefon and the girls demand that she leave them while they go about burying bodies.

Chapter 6

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she explains her role as the heir to House Denn of which is one of the largest human houses that form the human aristocracy within Weerhousen to her guardians young daughter. It is explained that despite currently being in the Kingdom of Gilneas Davina Denn makes her home within the largest Weerhousen town of Ravensburg where she says her brother rules nominally since her father became sick with illness. Davina would take young Marie Strom to the gates the city of Gilneas where they would meet the returning army of Gilneas who was returning from the Kingdom of Ostrenlia where they had successfully changed the king of the nation leading to the union of the Kingdom of Gilneas and Kingdom of Ostrenlia and the beggining of the Empire of Gilneas. She also looks for Arthur Strom at the gates of the city but is told by Pepin that Arthur is further behind and most likely wont be home for a few more weeks. Following this she returns to her home with Pepin where she watches the emotional reuinion of Pepin and his beloved Lisette before they all go inside to eat dinner and talk of his time in Ostrenlia. Leaving her meeting with her guardian in the form of Pepin Ostrov she travels into the Gilneas Palace where she is shown to be very well known and met at the gates of the palace by Arthur Strom the youngest prince of Gilneas and only a year younger then herself the two are shown to be flirtatious and attracted to each other, and he holds he hand leading her up the massive steps of the Palace towards the throne where she is to meet with the king. Meeting with the King he reveals that things are changing in Ravensburg as the agents he has sent into Weerhousen are having success in growing the rebellious movement and that soon he will send her back to Ravensburg to pave the way for the eventual Gilneas invasion of Weerhousen. During the end of the chapter she receives a letter from her brother stating that things are changing rapidly in Ravensburg and she must return home immediately of which she listens to immediately travelling by boat from Gilneas back to Ravensburg.

Chapter 7

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is still in the arms of Shia Labouef where she has remained since she had in the eyes of him fainted in front of. After he is able to calm her down the two proceed to talk for some time with Shia believing her to be a poor peasent who was just perhaps trying to get some food, and thus despite breaking into his house, Shia begs her to return, and she sees something of her previous lover in him, and both wants to return and never to return. Meghanna would leave with a kiss on his cheek, and then for the next three days she sat on an overlooking tower watching his window, and each night he would look out his window in the hopes of seeing her. On the fourth night she is returning to the top of the building that gives her a good vantage when she is pushed off the side of the tower by Jafrey Hemsworth of which when she hits the water she finds herself within the Veil again and this time she is stuck in mud unable to escape and waits there for hours until finally Jafrey moves to the edge of the mud and begins to talk to her. On the fifth night and horrified over what had happened the previous night she ignores the call of Jafrey Hemsworth and went to the wall of his room, and found a ladder leading up to his window. Going up the ladder she is greeted by Shia of whom is waiting for her to enter and after so long of waiting to see eachother again neither of them know what to say and only when Shia begins to laugh is the silence broke, and his laughter causes her to laugh as well. Spending hours with Shia getting to know him she finds herself ignoring her command to wound Shia, and then as she leaves she goes to kiss him on the cheek but he deepens the kiss leading to the two nearly becoming intimate but a knock at the door forces her to leave through the window but he makes her promice to return the next day. Leaving through the window she wanders the streets where she is joined by Sophia, and Sevana of whom want to know what shes thinking, and talking to her two daughters for all intensive purposes she reveals she will not harm Shia and it is this revalation that they enter the home of Adele Eve of whom lies abandoned since the murder of Adele and has become their nest. The chapter ends with the door flying open revealing a young girl holding a sword who they watch as she slowly enters the house, but with Tormund, and Sevena in their coffins asleep in the basement it is only Sophia and Meghanna that are on the main floor and the two confront the angry girl who reveals herself as Alice Eve and demands to know what happened to her sister.

Chapter 8

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he arrives at the borders of southeastern Freehold with his army, and arriving there he is joined at the small village of Freehollia by another other Vampire Dukes forces in the form of Istaari Merneith who leads the House of Merneith Bloodline into the fight. Following their victory at the battle of Freehollia Ushoran travels to meet with the large Weerhousen army but along the way he spots a small force making their way away from the Vampire force and catching up to this force discovers it is Stefon Vashanesh, and his daughters Renney Eisenburg, and Medea Psomas and seeing they are surrounded by his elite Kharix Guard he knew something was going on and would confront stefon on this. While at first attempting to lie and say that he was leaving to go and scout for the queen Ushoran sees through this and after a second lie Stefon is stopped by Renney Eisenburg who tells Ushoran that they are leaving for other lands as they no longer can accept to be a part of what is happening to Weerhousen. Ushoran realizing that Stefon feels the same way he does attempts to convinse Stefon to fight for Weerhousen but Stefon wants to get his girls out of here but also wants to travel to France in order to make up for what has happened to Renney by trying to save her people, and thus refuses Ushoran's request but does tell Ushoran about several prominent rebels within Weerhousen of whom he believes Ushoran could go to. Saying goodbye Stefon and his forces disaspear into the night and Ushoran travels to the Vampire court where they are celebrating by draining live human slaves brought here in their hundreds and Ushoran realizes it was this that Stefon saw and what inevitably pushed him over the edge, but as he watches he is interupted by his sisters Katia, and Angelica of which Katia is covered in blood and while not as covered he can still smell the blood on Angelica and talking with them he does not reveal that he saw despite Angelica asking about Stefon, and Renney and after Katia leaves he speaks with Angelica attempting to be as honest as he can with his sister about changing things, but despite believing for a moment she looked like she was thinking on it she refuses and returns to the orgy of sorts.

Chapter 9

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she travels northward into the forests where she meets with W'soran of whom has captured hundreds of Trolloc and in the presence of Angelica plans to sacrifice them in a ritual meant to burn away miles of forest in the area. Angelica unwilling to summon any of the other Blood Lords feeling they are not loyal to her but instead themselves is forced to defend the area alongside her personal forces as the Trollocs attack the ritual area with thousands trying to stop the spell. Losing most of her force during the fighting they are still victorious and she enters the bubble created by W'soran alongside a few of her Lahmian Vampires but W'soran does not make it big enough and nearly her entire force including many of her closest vampires are killed as the spell spreads out burning everything in its path and destroying a vast swathe of forest in the south.

Chapter 10

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he travels to Strigi to meet with Ushoran, and during the trip he meets Fadil Haradine, and the young vampire Fadil insults Katia Beckinlate without understanding how deeply this would anger Abhorash. Abhorash would tell him a story about when they were younger and the deep love he had for her, and how all of them had lost something when they were cursed with being a vampire. Riding ahead alone he contimplates what has happened to his great love Katia, and he remembers her travelling northward, and the things that happened to her during that time.

Blood Lillies
Dripping Blood Divider1
The moment our hearts stopped, we chose to let our souls die as well..

I waited laying naked in the snow for him to come. I knew that he would come eventually but as the days past I started to feel the ever present hunger coming from deep within me. I needed the blood. I could feel myself tearing up inside as the lack of blood started to cause me to bleed. I needed it more then I needed anything in the world I begin to think, but each time I did I was brought back to his face and it made it a little better. I knew deep within whatever little remained of my heart that the only joy I knew I would get from seeing me so vulnerable kept me from moving. When I finally felt his presence in the air it was less then a moment before we were together the way I had desired for months.

When we finished he lay beside me and spoke to me in nearly a whisper. "I think it's time we have a real talk Katia. He said it with such sadness in his voice that I didn't dare look at him."

It was always coming. I knew he wanted me to switch to his lifestly, and I loved him for everything he was, I just didn't have the strength that he did. "We've had this talk before my love. I'm simply not strong enough to be like you are." I knew it had nothing to do with strength and everything to do with the blood. I wanted it. There was simply no escaping that simple fact.

He shook his head violently as he looked at me. "But your wrong. I've watched you for the last week ignore the pain the blood lust was giving you. Drink from the dragon and thats the end of it all. You won't be hungry ever again in that manner. You will finally be free of it." He held my shoulders as he said it, and I wanted to give in right there. I wanted to ignore the whispering in my mind that told me he was lying, and that without the blood I would be nothing. I wanted to do so many things but instead I just took the easy way out.

"That was for you. I resist many things if it means I get you in that way." When I took the easy way out, a look of hurt past his perfect marble face.

"Do you not want to be together forever? An eternity of our love...isn't that what you promiced me all those years ago."

"Of course my sweet." I put my hands on both sides of his face, and cradled him as he looked so small. This was beyond a doubt one of the most dangerous fighters in the entire continent, and yet here he was so broken, and looking so small. "Just because I need blood, doesn't meant that our love will not last for the end of days."

"Its not simply morality Katia. Its about what it brings about to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you and your sister you wander around and kill whoever you want, and you take from these people and...and the truth is that its going to come around."

"We are living gods Abhorash. Noone can touch us here."

"One day my sweet Katia they will be at our gates. They will surround us, and when that comes we will not be able to escape as we did in Lahmia."

``Who do you see out there in your travels who has the power to defeat us my love.``

Chapter 11

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she confronts the Alice Eve of whom enters their den and Sophia goes to kill her but Meghanna raises her hand and stops Sophia allowing the enraged Alice to attack her raining her fists weakly at her.

Chapter 12

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he tells his story to his progeny Rebekah about how he was a Vandal living his life as a prince along the North Sea as a child. His father was a Viking chieftain (possibly a king) and, although his father and mother wished Eric would choose a wife, he was more interested in enjoying the pleasures of unmarried life. In the winter of one year while Eric was having sex with a servant, demons attacked their home killing his mother and baby sister, and one of the demon's human followers managed to overpower his father, taking his crown. It was given to a cloaked figure who walked off into the snowy night leaving Eric to tend to his dying father. Before Eric's father died, he declared Eric a king and made him promise to avenge his family. Following this Eric would lead his forces in what appears to be the invasio of the Andals and it is during this time that he tells Rebekah that he was wounded and lay near death and against his wishes, his Viking companions decided to stay with him. They told Eric tales of glory and of women waiting for him in Valhalla, but during the night, an unseen force murdered his comrades. A mysterious young, tattooed boy appeared and introduced himself as "Death" to the dying Eric. Having seen Eric's strength on the battlefield, this boy, the 1,000 year old vampire Godric, offered him immortality through life as a vampire, and while at first disgusted by the idea Godric would offer to assist him in finding the monsters that had ruined his life, and after this Eric agreed and became a vampire. Following telling Rebekah this story he and Rebekah return to the Sanguin fortress of Sanguinaria where they meet with Godric and another of Eric's progeny in the form of Pamala Belacourt, and Willa Doren of which they greet him as a father. As the group is meeting discussing the changing landscape they are interrupted by Nora Vonhesha of whom takes Eric away and the two become intimate once they are alone.

Chapter 13

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is horried to return to Lahmia City to find that Stefan has left the city for the north, and his only goodbye is a short letter of which she reads but does not believe that Stefan wrote the letter causing her to instigate a massive hunt to find him. Her doubts about his departure are ended with the discovery that Medea has also left the city alongside a few other Stefon loyal vampires, and realizing that Stefon is gone she is overcome by violent rage and finds her outlet when she is told about a rebellion that has been sparked in Ravensburg, and begins planning for the destruction of the city and the rebels. Overcome with this rage she sends ravens summoning all the Vampires Lords and Human Dukes of the Kingdom of Lahmia, and as she spends days of blood filled debauchery she receives ravens in return from everyone except for Ushoran, Godric, and Davina Denn with these elements clearly showing their rebellion through this action and thus sparking the Weerhousen Civil War. W'soran is the first of the Vampire Lords to arrive in the capital and arriving there alongside one of his lieutenants in Ralic Darkslayer he recieves the order of Angelica to travel eastward and begin to sow chaos among the rebels while she rallies the remainder of the forces to invade Ravensburg.

Chapter 14

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 15

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she arrives back at Ravensburg where she is greeted at the gates of the city by several councilors of the city but no members of her family, but among the group is several Vampires of which when she sees them she is attracted to one of the group in the form of Fadil Heretee but clutches her necklace of Glaurung and follows the human Councillors to Ravens Castle. Moving towards the castle she is approached by one of the vampires of whom reveals herself to be Anai Heretee the wife of Fadil Heretee and tells Davina that when she is done seeing her family and meeting with her Councillors the three vampires require a meeting as well, and they do not wish to be waiting long. After a long confrontation with the three vampires Fadil reveals to her that a sickness has wracked the city killing many including several in her family, and without another word she storms off eventually running to the keep of her family. Arriving at the keep she is met by her uncle Marcel and her cousin Marcel of whom try to slow her but she continues running throughout the keep going off instinct and eventually reaching her fathers room where she finds her mother sitting on a chair overlooking her father of whom looks as pale as a ghost. Overcome with emotions she ignores the advise of her uncle and heeds the words of Ser Vincent Lephane, and the councillers and commands the raising of the army of Ravensburg in order to find the vampires in their midst and lock them away until she can make her decision on them. Following the imprisonment of Fadil, Anai, and Circe she would ignore the cries of her brother to stop what she was doing, and looking to the sky she realized that it was high noon and with the sun out at its near peak she would command the entire town to the streets with their hands out to show they were not wearing the day ring, and after finding several Vampires among the townfolk she imprisoned them as well before command the city guard go house to house leading to the capture of two more Vampires of whom she imprisoned all within the dungeons of Ravensburg.

Blood Lillies
Dripping Blood Divider1
The moment our hearts stopped, we chose to let our souls die as well..

Lady Denn" He bowed before me. Bowed right in front of me like some real person. His handsome face, and proper form were just more confusion for my mind. He was an enigma. "I am honored to make your acquaintance."

"It has been a long time since I have seen one of of your kind." I tried my hardest to remember in this moment all the hate towards him that I knew in my heart. Everything his people had done just sat in front of me like an image.

"You speak with such hate in your heart Milady."

"Surely with everything your people have done, you would understand that feeling wouldn't you Lord Heretee."

"My people?"

"Vampires Lord Heretee."

"Vampires are not my people Milady."

"You are a vampire. Of course they are your people."

"You see Milady that it the one place where people like you find the narrative isn't it."

"It's no narrative. Your people have done monstrous things to mine."

"Let us for one moment pretend that because I am a vampire I am responsible for all the monstrous things my people do." He stepped forward taking a glass from the table and pouring himself some wine into it. "This narrative is false, but for you I will make an exception." He stopped and took a drink, and I watched his lips touch the glass with far more feeling then I should have. "If everything that Vampires have done evil, is my fault. I wonder which side of the ledger humanities crimes sit upon."

"Humanities crimes?"

"You have fought wars without number. Killed entire species, and people, and by your own argument you are responsible for all of these attrocities."

"What is your point?"

"My point is I do not blame you for the mistakes of your...people. I will take you at your word as the person you say you are. I shall not prejudge you. All I would ask is that you give me the same courtesy."

"When you go home milady you will be upset. Much has changed in Ravensburg in the years you have been gone."

"I speak to my family once a month. I spoke to my brother before I left Gilneas. What has changed?"

"A sickness rolled through the city. Dozens were felled by the sickness...including several of your family." Without another word I stormed away from the monster. At first I walked as quickly as I could, but as I felt the tears stream down my face I took off into a run only barely hearing the voice of Ser Hanzal chasing after me as I made my way to the keep.

Chapter 16

Eric Olden is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 17

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 18

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she is lying in bed with Shia and her thoughts give away that it has been several months since their romance began and forced to lay for hours pretending to sleep she watches as Shia wakes up and the two talk briefly about how Meghanna has lied and said she must return to Dresdan for a short time, while she is in fact just going to hide in Westbridge until she has been gone long enought to keep up the lies. The two would make love and then lay together for some time before finally Shia is interupted at the door by his families steward of whom needs his attention as his father and brother are in the north leaving Shia as the regent of House Labouef and in this way Meghanna lies and says she will wait in the room but instead dresses quickly and goes out the window to follow Shia.

Chapter 19

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter

Chapter 20

Eric Olden is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 21

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she finishes writing a letter to her former family in the Kingdom of Gilneas detailing the changes in Weerhousen and that the time has come to intervene, and then following this her uncle knocks on the door and the two speak for some time about the happenings. Alongside her uncle she travels with her guards to visit Fadil, Circe, and Anai in the dungeons beneath the castle where she has a long conversation with them. While talking to them she is told by her guards of the arrival of several Vampires into Ravensburg in the form of Publius Tiferis, Zalika Merneith, Turgut Nur, and Lena Rehner of whom are in the city to reinforce Fadil's original party and Davina lies to Publius there leader about Fadil never arriving and this begins a confrontation when Lena doesn't believe the story and only the quick talking of Davina stops bloodshed, and seeing they are horribly outnumbered the three Vampires leave the city threatening to return with a larger group and wipe out Ravensburg. Before leaving Lena Rehner reveals that she was the one responsible for the murder of Davina's parents and overwhelmed with rage over this Davina pulls her wand out and fires a killing spell at Lena but Lena blocks the spell with her sword striking Zalika Merneith directly killing her instantly and causing the rest of the vampires to flee leaving behind Lena of whom tries to flee as well but Davina strikes her with a second spell leaving her unable to move. Following her conversation with Fadil she makes the decision to heed his words and hands the regency to her uncle while she travels by horse with a company of a hundred knights and men at arms towards the lands of the Strigi.

Chapter 26

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she has left the city of Westbridge to return to Weerhousen briefly to lie to Queen Angelica Neferata about what she had done in the city, and it was while she was half way to Weerhousen when she would feel a terrible fear within her as the Lucernians would at this point Invade the city of Westbridge. Returning to the city at the fastest possible speed she infiltrated the entire city and reached Shia only to find him safe and being uplifted by the Lucernians, and thus she watched him safely from the tops of the buildings, and she remained watching him for many days before she was finally sure that he was truly safe among these new people. She contemplated attempting to see him, as she felt an obsessive pull to be near him, but she knew there was no way she could explain how she had gotten into the city without unleashing the knowledge of what she was to him. As she tried to get back out of the city she was captured by the forces of House Martell who were about to kill her when she was saved by Shia Labeouf who had sensed that she was nearby. When Shia saw Meghanna surrounded by the men of House Martell, and Wilheim Martell preparing to kill her - because he knew her to be a vampire due to her eyes - Shia broke into a sprint and stood in front of Wilheim who upon seeing the young man stopped his sword. With Shia now in danger the situation was broken up by Lucas Scott who while he was nearby knew that William had large plans for Shia and thus he couldn't allow him to fall and because of this he grabbed a hold of Meghanna and bid Shia to follow him to the tent of the king. As they walked Shia held Meghanna's hand and attempted to make her feel better, but she understood for the first moment that she was about to lose the shield that had protected her from being seen for what she was, and without her shield she was sure that Shia would abandon her

Chapter 27

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he is standing on the parapets of the capital of Dorehousen speaking with the king when the two see the approaching flag of his bloodline and he joins the king in meeting his people at the gate. Arriving at the gate is Ishmil Razshe of whom brings forth Shia Labeouf of whom reveals himself to be a prominent Lucernian and threatens them with invasion by Lucerne if he is not allowed to see Meghanna, and while at first confused as he explains their love Ushoran reveals his true loyalties. The chapter ends with Ushoran about to enter his coffin when he is interupted by Amir Salam of whom tells him he needs to immediatly come to the walls and following without question he arrives at the gates to find a large force of men at the gates with a women on horseback leading them.

Chapter 28

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she says goodbye to Shia in an emotional departure that while both understand neither can accept, but in order to protect him she leaves alongside her children heading back towards Weerhousen. The chapter ends with Meghanna nearly knocked over by a feeling of dread as she feels Shia is in danger and in this moment she bolts from the room followed as closely as possible by her children as she makes her way by horse eastward to find her beloved.

Chapter 29

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 30

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she has arrived at the gates of Strigi and has her man fly a white flag which leads to the gates opening and several horse riding men exit of which she is horrifed by the appearance of several but 

Chapter 31

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 32

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter his force arrives near the border with Dorehousen and preparing to cross the bridge into Dorehousen they are fired on from the trees and are forced to fight against ambushing vampire and human attackers carrying the flags of Nechrarch, and after a tough fight they defeat their attackers and take several prisoners including the Magi Ralic Darkslayer of whom they took with them as they crossed the border into Dorehousen. Entering Dorehousen he meets with the Lords of Dorehousen of whom quickly show their true allegiance when they see Ushoran of whom commands that they prepare the army of Dorehousen, and lock up Ralic Darkslayer.

Chapter 33

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 34

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 35

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 36

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 37

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 38

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 39

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 40

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 41

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 42

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 43

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 44

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 45

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 46

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 47

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 48

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 49

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 50

Meghanna is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 51

Davina Denn is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 52

Angelica Neferata is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter she

Chapter 53

Abhorash is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 54

Ushoran is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he

Chapter 55

Eric Oland is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he
