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Queen Lenethel3

Queen Lanathel Lanethen or "The Red Queen" is the daughter of members of the House of Lanethen making her a member of the House of Lanethen and an undisputed ruler of the San'Layn and a member of the Sindar Elven race. She has many sons of whom are all the second tier commanders of the Empire of San'Layn. Of her children the only father that survives is Illidan Stormrage who is the father of Sandoval, and Harnix her only daughter. Illidan stands as the love of her life and she refuses to accept that he is fated to love Tyrande for the rest of his days and the chances of him ever returning to Europe from his stronghold in western Ind are nearly impossible due to the fact he would be hunted relentlessly by High Forest and Athel Loren if this came to pass.She never allows the father to survive as this would lead to a counter to her influence and this is something she has worked tirelessly to make sure never happens.

Lanellia Lanethen was born in the vast Sindar forest of Averlorn where she enjoyed a peaceful life for many centuries and was a member of the extremely powerful Elder Elven Family in the form of the House of Lanethen. During the days leading up to the War of Vengeance she grew close to Illidan Stormrage, who taught her the ways of Magi., and it was his belief in Magi, and Lanellia's adortion for Illidan meant she swallowed everything he told her without question, and had a child with him whome she named Sandoval. The War of Vengeance was fought by the Elves to defend their holdings in France, but for Illidan and Drasen the conflict was a chance to scour the French country in search of items of power they could use for their own uses, and during this time they wandered the country for the course of the war, and spent a long time in the forest of Athel Loren, where Illidan used his power to create a device he called the Sunwell. With this sunwell completed Illidan packed it into his bag, and then the two left France to return to Ulthuan where the Dark Elves were in the process of attacking Ulthuan. During the events of the Elven Civil War Lanellia was commanded by Illidan to begin forming a group of Elves that would be utterly loyal to him, and would assist them in gaining more Magi power. In this way she spent a lot of time in the rear lines and recruited nearly directly and solely from the invading Dark Elves who because of her darkness believed she was one of them. Following this she came to live within the growing Kingdom of Lothlorian following the Exodus of the SIndar Elves and during this time she continued to funnel information to Illidan of whom was continueing his plot to corupt the Sindar Elves. This coruption wrecked her mind, and when she finally began to recover she begin hearing the voice of Malekor of whom convinsed her to rise against the forces of the Kingdom of Lothlorian in a giant rebellion of which she fought visioulsy but was horribly outnumbered and eventually defeated which led to her leading her people into the Icecrown Mountains. 


Early History[]

Queen Lenethel2

Drasen Lanathel was born in the vast Sindar forest of Averlorn where she enjoyed a peaceful life for many centuries. During the days leading up to the War of Vengeance she grew close to Illidan Stormrage, who taught her the ways of Magi. His belief in Magi, and Drasen's adortion for Illidan meant she swallowed everything he told her without question, and had a child with him whome she named Sandoval. When the Dwarves and Elves begin to come into conflict she quickly followed Illidan to France to take part in the conflict.

The War of Vengeance[]

Main Article : War of Vengeance

The War of Vengeance was fought by the Elves to defend their holdings in France, but for Illidan and Drasen the conflict was a chance to scour the French country in search of items of power they could use for their own uses. They wandered the country for the course of the war, and spent a long time in the forest of Athel Loren, where Illidan used his power to create a device he called the Sunwell. With this sunwell completed Illidan packed it into his bag, and then the two left France to return to Ulthuan where the Dark Elves were in the process of attacking Ulthuan.

Elven Civil War[]

Main Article : Elven Civil War

During the events of the Elven Civil War Drasen was commanded by Illidan to begin forming a group of Elves that would be utterly loyal to him, and would assist them in gaining more Magi power. In this way she spent a lot of time in the rear lines and recruited nearly directly and solely from the invading Dark Elves who because of her darkness believed she was one of them.

The Sindari Exodus[]

Main Article : The Exodus of the Sindari

Our time on Ulthuan has come to an end.
Exodus of the Sindari Elves - Maps

The Exodus of the Sindari Elves from Ulthuan would begin from eastern Ulthuan and move towards western France. Landing in Western France they would move themselves in two main groups towards their respective new homes. While the two main groups would originally start with similar goals in mind the eventual Lothlorian Elves have become little different then High Elves.

There comes a point when all things end. A time in the lifeline of a people when the glory, and honor of the past are replaced by the greed and corruption of the future. I shall not sit by and watch as the island of Ulthuan burns around me. I shall not watch as the people I have loved and cared for since my birth are destroyed by the madness of our failings.
Malfurion Stormrage

Eventually the corruption of the High Elves reached a point where no longer could Malfurion Stormrage or the vast majority of the Sindar Elves in Ulthuan accept the madness of Ulthuan. Malfurion would one last time go to the Pheonix King who at this point was Bel-Anahar and during this final conversation Malfurion went before the Pheonix King alongside his two closest commanders in the form of Laera Sunstrider, and Vareesa Windrunner in the great council chambers where they were surrounded by High Elven councilors. Malfurion requested one last time for the Pheonix King to give them control over the central forests of Ulthuan and with this allow their traditions to continue, but the Pheonix King was an arrogant man believing he was in the right with his movement of the Elves and in this way he would deny this request. As the disappointed Sindar Elven group left the meeting the situation was made much worse when the Pheonix King egged on by several of his Councillors would insult the Sindari way of life causing the other assembled councilors to laugh at the group, and this final insult was the last straw for the already furious Sindari.

There was just no living there after seeing the way our leader felt for us. The end of our time in Ulthuan had come.
Malfurion Stormrage

Following the return of the command structure of the Sindari Elves to their forest holdings the decision was clear to all of them that they needed to leave Ulthuan and go to a new home. Ideas flowed from the group, but several of them all pointed to the nearly wild land of France, and due to the experiences of many Sindari who had fought in the War of Vengeance this decision was found to be the right path to take. Following the decision by the leadership to leave for France they commanded the Sindari Elves to pack what things they needed and to make for the ports on the coast of eastern Ulthuan where they constructed a fleet of ships over many months to take the Sindari to France. While these ships were being constructed many of the High Elves attempted to convinse them to stop, and there was even discussion in the capital by the Pheonix King to stop them militarily, but in the end the High Elves were unable to unify in their view of how to stop it so they ended up doing nothing when the day came that the ships set sail for France.

Sindari Group Site of Settlement Site of Group
Malfurion's Elves High Forest 1,600,000+
Laera Sunstrider's Elves Athel Loren 600,000+
Cathannius Windwatcher's Elves Menegorth Forest 300,000+
Thadral Lightleaf's Elves Bloomwall Forest 120,000+
Nandos Wildgazer's Elves Plyrood Forest 65,000+
Filadon Silverleaf's Elves Lamarane Forest 55,000+

Founding of the Kingdom of Lothlorian[]

I had to carve out a new destiny for our people. The Sindar Elves would only find themselves destroyed if they follow Malfurion any further. It was time for a new path.
Laera Sunstrider

As Malfurion Stormrage started the exodus of the Sindar Elves the second most powerful Sindar Elf in Laera Sunstrider took his followers and went as well. During the crossing he used Magi to make sure that certain ships were delayed quite heavily. In this way the ships of his followers as well as several other Sindar Elves that he wanted did not arrive in France until nearly two months later. As time wore on the Elves on board became horrified that they would never arrive, and that some great evil was delaying them, but each day Laera Sunstrider used his charisma to control more and more of the Elves. By this point Laera Sunstrider spread word to his supporters amongst Malfurion that the ships had crashed into rocks leaving the fleet of Laera dead or lost in the waters. Malfurion with great sadness would leave behind volunteers of whom took the form of Laera supporters to wait for the stragglers but he took the rest of the Sindar Elves with him to High Forest. When the second wave finally did arrive in France and did not find Malfurion waiting for them those who were not among the devout followers of Laera were scared, and open to manipulation. Laera used this moment to rally the second wave of Sindar Elves of which there were many of his personal followers, and brought them to the forest of Lothlorian which was the forest scouted by Sylvanus during the War of Vengeance, and of which she had advised him of.

We had travelled all this way, and yet here I stood on the edge of a lake that was supposed to lead us to everything we would need, and I saw nothing.

When the Elves arrived in Athel Loren they were guided throughout by Sylvanas who had intimate knowledge of the forest. In this way the large group of Sindar Elves was able to dramatically eliminate the local Trolloc without much difficulty. With the forest clear Sylvanus lead Laera to the island that she had seen, and been told by Illidan was a source of great power, but when they arrived there Laera discovered that they had been tricked by Illidan and that there was nothing special about the island. As he prepared to give up on this spot out of the water appeared Illidan Stormrage. Illidan begged to speak to Laera priveatly and when he agreed the two discussed how Illidan had absorbed the Skull of Maethor thanks to the efforts of his children and for this he wished to meand the differences between the two by helping to craft a massive devise which would be able to harnass a massive amount of Magi, and become the culmination of everything that Laera had ever dreamed of. Laera was skeptical at best but told Illidan that he had one year to complete the devise, and if he succeded then all would be forgiven but if he failed then he would hunt him down and kill him. Following this Illidan travelled to the Island of Quel`Dalas as the Elves had come to call it, and begin constructing the Sunwell. While working on this he was watched over by Laera`s trusted daughter Maen`Tryden Sunstrider who was a youthful but still gifted Magi. As the sunwell was being constructed the Elves obviously could not sit idle so they were joined together and begin constructing the city of Silvermoon.

Founding of Silvermoon[]
COming of High FOrest
We had travelled all this way, and yet here I stood on the edge of a lake that was supposed to lead us to everything we would need, and I saw nothing.

Silvermoon was constructed over the course of the year that Illidan was constructing the Sunwell, and during this time the Sindar Elves who were heavy in number constructed a city that could home the entire group of them meaning that the well over 400,000 Elves at the time needed to live there. The city was constructed out of white stone and living plants in the style of the ancient Ulthuani empire and interwoven with the natural topography of the landscape. The city contained the famous Academies of Silvermoon as a center for the learning of Arcane Magic and Sunstrider Spire, a majestic palace home to the Royal family of the Sindar Elves of Athel Loren. The Convocation of Silvermoon (also known as "The Council of Silvermoon"), the ruling body of the Sindar elves was also based here within the Court of the Sun. Nearly a year after starting the construction and nearing completion the entire society of Athel Loren stopped as Illidan returned to the main island accompanied still by Maen`Tryden.

Illidan's Betrayal[]
Illidan Stormrage Cover Founding
I held up my end of the bargain Sunstrider. Its your turn to hold up your end of our deal.
Illidan Stormrage

Illidan would come shore with Maen`Tryden still at his side but she was now clearly quite pregnant, and this caused great anger from Laera Sunstrider of whom had planned her marriage to nobles loyal to him and this put a serious wrinkle in his plans. From this anger he would reject the deal he had with Illidan Stormage and after a great argument broke out Illidan would be taken into chains while Maen`Tryden would also be taken to the palace and kept locked away. Illidan would be kept under guard by Maeiv Shadowsong of whom would be placed in charge of the new Lothlorian Barrow Dens which would serve as a large prison for Athel Loren. While Illidan and Maen`Tryden remained locked away the upper echolon of the forces of Laera Sunstrider would travel to the now created Sunwell and upon arrival basked in its power with several passing out from the effects of the Sunwell. Large forces were brought to the island where they would construct the fortress of Quel'Dalas and completely cover the Sunwell within. While this was happening communication begin to open fully between High Forest where the main force of the Sindar Elves had landed, and the now growing lands of Laera Sunstrider of which Laera attempted to slow as he wanted to keep complete control. After months of construction Laera would stand over the top leadership and proclaim the creation of the Kingdom of Lothlorian, and in his first act he ordered the execution of his sister, and Illidan for treason.

Give me my brother. He needs to pay for his crimes, but not this way. Laera listen to reason.
Malfurion Stormrage

As the preparations were being made for the two's execution Alleria Sunstrider would sectrely send word to Malfurion Stormrage in High Forest of what was happening, and after the initial shock that the Sindari Elves had survived in the second group Malfurion would go to Athel Loren in large force. Captain Vur'talos Darkshadow would arrive before the main High Forest army with some four hundred sentinels and would relay the coming of Malfurion Stormrage to the Lothlorian commanders of whom led by Laera planned to resist and tried to kill Illidan but found his, and Maen'Tyrden's cell's were locked through Magi and they couldn't get in. Moving in from the west another force of some two thousand Sindari Elves from High Forest arrived under the command of Hammon Winterdew and would block the western approach into Silvermoon awaiting the arrival of the main force led by Malfurion. Arriving at Silvermoon with nearly one hundred and fifty thousand SIndari Elves at his back Malfurion would demand the return of his brother to stand for trial, and at first Laera would refuse, but as the High Forest siege of Silvermoon continued many Sindari in his own ranks whispered of the right of Malfurions claims and thus he was forced to relent and returned Illidan to Malfurion, but the relationship between High Forest, and Athel Loren was broken. While Malfurion was willing to fight over the return of his brother he was less willing to fight over Maen Sunstrider of which Illidan once he was returned to the High Forest lines would take as a betrayal and not even the words of Tyrande could stop him from abandoning his brother who had just saved him.

Athel Loren[]

The Sunwell[]

The Lothlorian Civil War[]

Travelling to Icecrown[]


The San'Layn seeing the Statue of Milhaevan, of which was actually a temple to Malekor of whom had once held the position with his personal forces but it had lay abandoned until he lured Lanellia to its depths.

His voice entered my mind. The voice was calming and sweet as it always was. It wanted me to know that there was nothing to be afraid of. That if I followed the path of the mountain I would come to find a statue, and at this statue I would build the center of a Kingdom so great the entire world would tremble.
Queen Lanellia Lanethen

Following the fall out of the Sunwell Massacre, the followers of Queen Lanellia Lanethen would mobilize and began leaving Athel Loren en masse or else they would be targeted and killed by a very vengeful Lothlorian Elven population. As the Queen led the San'Layn from Athel Loren the group that she left were only several hundred San'Layn in number accompanied by nearly twice that number in Lothlorian captives. With no plan at hand other then Queen Lanellia following the voice in her head the group simply marched northward following the river Manex, where eventually the group reached the outlining hills of the mountains of Pyreese and it was at this point that Queen Lanathel had a vision that the San'Layn should enter the mountains.

San'Layn Empire[]

Main Article : San'Layn

Family Members[]

