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Rhaenyra Blackfyre (Targaryan)

Rhaenyra Blackfyre is the daughter of Aemon, and Lianna Targaryan making her a member of House Targaryan. Rhaenyra would marry Aenias Snow and together they would change their last name to Blackfyre and make it a House of their own. With Aenias Snow she has three children in the form of Daemon, Daena, and Eleana Blackfyre of which Eleana is dragonborn due to the Targaryan blood within her being especially strong, while Daena is a skilled fighter that stands alongside her brother and father in leading the forces of House Blackfyre, and Daemon is the heir to the throne of House Blackfyre and commands great respect due to his popular reputation as a noble man.

Rhaenyra's early life came to be defined by her survival and then creation of House Blackfyre. House Blackfyre was born through a blasphemy of fire during the destruction of House Targaryan in Tree Hill. House Blackfyre was formed by the five year old Rhaenyra Targaryen of whom survived the Week of executions and fled Tree Hill with the remnents of her family. When she arrived she was fifteen years old, and fell in love with Aeinas Snow one of the young servents that had accompanied them from Tree Hill. With him she created a new house called House Blackfyre of whom would work alongside House Targaryan. Aenis Blackfyre became a close friend of Aryes Targaryan III. and through this grew powerful and liked throughout the house.


Early History[]

Rhaenyra's early life came to be defined by her survival and then creation of House Blackfyre. House Blackfyre was born through a blasphemy of fire during the destruction of House Targaryan in Tree Hill. House Blackfyre was formed by the five year old Rhaenyra Targaryen of whom survived the Week of executions and fled Tree Hill with the remnents of her family. When she arrived she was fifteen years old, and fell in love with Aeinas Snow one of the young servents that had accompanied them from Tree Hill. With him she created a new house called House Blackfyre of whom would work alongside House Targaryan. Aenis Blackfyre became a close friend of Aryes Targaryan III. and through this grew powerful and liked throughout the house.

Coming of the Dragon[]

Main Article : Flenix Comes to Dragonstone

The Coming of the Dragon
I never believed truly that playing that harp would bring about anything more then good music.
Rhaegar Targaryan's Harp
Flenix would give rise to everything our dreams had ever created. After Flenix arrived it was as if the world was finally open to us. Nothing was impossible anymore.
Rhaegar Targaryan

The Targaryans had been alongside several other Lucernian houses given gifts by the White Dovah of Lucerne but the Targaryans themselves had been given an additional gift in the form of the Harp of Lucerne. The Harp was a Magi item created by the White Dovah of Lucerne and would allow the player of the harp if they held the blood of the Dragonborn to be able to communicate with a Dovah and thus basically summon a dragon to them. Having taken the harp with them when they fled Tree Hill the Targaryans had upon taking control of Dragonstone almost immediately begin attempting to use the Harp but discovered that it would not work for any of the Targaryans at that time. After years of failure the Targaryans gave up attempting to use the harp, and it was only on the sixteenth birthday that harp was brought back out when it was given to Rhaegar who loved history as a gift. There was some excitement about a new generation attempting to use the Harp but when Rhaegar used it no music played from the Harp just as before, and thus it was believed that still no one of Dragonborn blood had returned to House Targaryan. Rhaegar though for his part became obsessed with the idea of the Dovah returning and thus he would spend his considerable political capital as the heir of Dragonstone to rebuild and expand the Tower of Dragonstone which he turned into a great monument to Glaurung believing that Glaurung would view this tower as penance for whatever sin they had committed to make him no longer listen to them. Despite all of this work nothing seemed to work but despite constant failure it was Rhaegar that became more fanatical in finding a fix to the harp, which did not know had been sabotaged by the Green Dovah of High Forest on the order of Stragnarax. As time went on he was eventually joined in this by two other Dragonborn who like all Dragonborn were drawn to the harp, but these two in the form of Deneyres Targaryan, and Maella Aranyon were especially drawn to the harp and together the three played the harp together every day.

Flenix Moved South[]

You stay up here Flenix and you die. Its very simple.

Lornax would travel to the Green Dragonshire alongside a large force of White Dovah in order to meet with the Green Dovah there and discuss the changing situation, but while there he discovered from the Green Dovah Nassyra that the Targaryan Harp was in an Ostrogoth city called Dragonstone. While the rest of the White Dovah met at the Green Dragonshire he would travel to Dragonstone, and using Magi he took on a human image calling himself Visedor Valtigar and entering the city of Dragonstone in search of the Targaryan Harp. While traveling the city he discovered a high concentration of Dragonborn, and was shocked that the Harp had not attracted any Dovah with the power of some of the Dragonborn, but understood when he found the harp and discovered it had been sabotaged. Not knowing how to fix the damage he would return to the Green Dragonshire and attempt to find a way but discovered that it was the Green Dovah who had damaged the harp at the request of Stragnarax and were thus unwilling to help.

Tell father that while he has chosen isolation and the death that brings, I have not yet accepted death as our future.
While the remainder of the White Dovah returned to the White Dragonshire it was Lornax that would travel north to the Red Dragonshire where he planned to meet his friend Flenix who was the Ruby Prime of the Red Dragonshire and thus would know how to fix the damage. Arriving at the Red Dragonshire he discovered that his friend Flenix had self exiled himself, and after the meetings with the Red Dovah he left alone to find his friend Flenix. Flenix would spend much of his life following his departure from Ruby Dragonshire hiding from the increasingly powerful, and numerous humans of whom enjoyed killing Dragon of whom in the north were not treated with the reverence they were treated with in the south. Finding Flenix in Austria it was Flenix who revealed how to fix the harp and following the reveal of this information the two spent several months together, and realizing that Flenix was looking for something to fight for Lornax left Flenix for a time traveling south to Dragonstone where he now knew how to fix the harp. Entering Dragonstone again as Visedor Valtigar he would return to the harp, and prepared to fix it but found two young girls playing at the harp with a boy, and talking with the group they were revealed as Deneyres Targaryan, Maella Aranyon, and Rhaegar Targaryan and he could feel the Dragonborn power rolling off them, and thus using the Magi spell that Flenix had taught him he would fix the harp. Following fixing the harp he would touch each of them and using the fact that they were Dragonborn gained a control of them which he would plan to use once his plan came into effect. With the Harp repaired he returned to Flenix and over several months eventually Flenix was convinced by Lornax to end his isolation but unwilling to return to the Red Dragonshire and not allowed to come to the White Dragonshire due to Stragnarax's rules he would be convinced by Lornax to travel south to the Green Dragonshire in High Forest.
Deneyres Targaryan Gif1
While traveling south Lornax would instigate his true plan which was to help Lucerne by bringing Flenix to the Targaryans, and traveling ahead of Flenix he would pay a Pentosi mercenary group to injure Flenix while they were resting, and with Flenix badly injured Lornax would guide him towards the mountain range just north of Dragonstone. While the injured Flenix rested it was Lornax that traveled once more to Dragonstone and again entered the city under his human guise but this time used his control over the three Dragonborn to enter the dreams of Rhaegar, Deneyres, and Maella Aranyon all powerful Dragonborn, and following this he returned to Flenix and waited for the three Dragonborn to follow the dream visions he had left them. All three would wake up and following the visions in their dreams travelled to the top of the Dragonstone Tower and bringing the Harp to the top of the tower the three would play the harp together, and the three playing the harp together would reach the mind of Flenix. So it was that While attempting to regain his strength he would be awakened by the sounds of the Targaryan Harp played by Maella Aranyon, Rhaegar, and Deneyres Targaryan and after finding no sign of Lornax and and not believing he could reach High Forest he used his remaining strength to travel to the location of the Harp. While the badly injured Flenix was flying towards the harp it was Lornax that returned and it was Lornax who told Flenix that they had reached their destination but Lornax was not able to join him as he had his own path and then left Flenix who nearly completely exhausted and badly injured would crash into a small island in the town of Dragonstone.
Coming of the Dragon[]
Denarys Targaryan Action Flenix
Flenix would give rise to everything our dreams had ever created. After Flenix arrived it was as if the world was finally open to us. Nothing was impossible anymore.
Rhaegar Targaryan

Flenix was by this point so exhausted that he was unable to to control his descent and landed in the northern part of the city on the small island that existed in the lake. The entire city flew to the spot he had crashed all wanting to see why it had crashed, and when Rhaegar arrived he was shocked at the condition the dragon was in. Flenix had passed out but Rhaegar was able to see that he had scars all over the one side of him, and he could barely lift his head, and with that came the fears that he might die. Rhaegar had been the first to get across on one of the small boats but only minutes after he had dissected the situation he was accompanied by others from the mainland, and together they attempted to help the Dragon.

To see something that beautiful was one thing I never thought I'd get the chance to see. The dragons were always nothing more then a dream that I kept ahold of because it reminded me of the world that was before my father lost his mind.
Aryes Targaryan III.

Over the course of the hours that followed they begin bringing materials onto the island and over the following days as they tended to his wounds they constructed around him a makeshift wooden house where he would be allowed to heal. During this time Rhaegar the prince of Dragonstone was never far from his side, and alongside him his younger sister Deneyres Targaryan also became glued to the Dragon who had yet to raise his head or make any sign that he was alive other then the fact that he was breathing. Over the day nearly every noble would attempt to see the Red Dovah but eventually Deneyres would convince her brother Rhaegar to not let anyone else in, and that they needed to give the dragon time to heal itself thus leaving only Rhaegar, Deneyres, Maella inside the house with him. As time went by it was the simple singing of Deneyres that would wake the mighty red drake, and Deneyres begin to notice the dragon reacting to her voice. At first they just desperately wanted Flenix to drink or eat, and they were able to feed and let him drink thus getting him more strength. It was after nearly a week of this process that Flenix finally opened his eyes and ushered the first words to Deneyres Targaryan.

Flenix and Deneyres would talk for some time, and eventually Flenix was lured in by her promises of protection and a part of something more then just fleeing constant attacks from Dragon Hunters. With this Rhaegar would enter the tent followed by several members of House Targaryan and their allies of which each would promise that they would remain loyal to the dragon, and in this oath never turn away from this loyalty. The final one to enter was the old and sickly Aryes Targaryan III. of whom was carried in by Aegon, and Hanzal Targaryan and would rest himself on the floor in front of the mighty dragon, who by this point was now standing and walking throughout the island home. Aryes it is said wheeped in front of the dragon as he finally for the first time in his life came to realize that the pain and hardship that he had endured as a child was now possibly going to lead to something better. Flenix would move towards Aryes and would speak softly to the old leader of House Targaryan and basically promise himself to the members of House Targaryan until such point that their bloodline was spent, and thus become the first of the Dovah sworn to Dragonstone.

The Stormrain Dragon[]

Flenix would give rise to everything our dreams had ever created. After Flenix arrived it was as if the world was finally open to us. Nothing was impossible anymore.
Rhaegar Targaryan

Following his playing of the harp this first time unknown to the Targaryans the playing of the harp was a part of a spell that had been placed on the dragon egg held by House Stormrain and with the playing of the harp the Stormrain egg would hatch to the shock of House Stormrain. With the egg hatching the leadership of House Stormrain would move quickly into action with Aegon Stormrain II. preparing the long awaited ritual to discover a dragonborn among their number so that one of them would be able to ride the dragon and thus return themselves to the ranks of Lucerne.

Family Members[]

