Lucerne Wiki

The Journey of William Lovie III. was an important event that occurred in the history of the Kingdom of Lucerne during the twilight days of the reign of James Lovie. The Journey of William Lovie III. would be covered within a multitude of stories including the End of Darkness through the POV viewpoint of William Lovie III. Alice Lovie, Edward Cullen, Leven Martell, Ezio Ederiz, Hedrik Clegane III., and Franklin Brent. It was covered in The Lost One through the POV viewpoint of Trevor Baratheon, Charles Fromonville, and Orival Crane. It was covered in The Weasel and the Wolf through the POV viewpoint of Robb Starke, and Brann Starke. It was covered in Lost and Found during the POV viewpoint of Slu-Liana Beyne, Candice Anthor, Demi Hill, and Rachel Nighting. Its covered in the Flower of Turnendorf through the POV viewpoint of Aelfwynn Turnidlon.

In the long term the Journey will be most remembered for being the catalyst for the removal of James Lovie, as well as putting in place William Lovie III., who would in the years of his early reign nearly single-handedly rebuild the Kingdom of Lucerne. Along with these effects the Journey would also lead to the prolonged Lucerne Civil War between the forces of the Kingdom of Lucerne, and the forces of the True Sons of Lucerne led by the fallen prince Tristan Lovie.

During the events of the Journey several of the most influential relationships would become detailed and started in many respects. For William Lovie III. the meeting of William and his two lovers in Brooke, and Bella of which he would come to impregnate Brooke while in Tree Hill and propose to Bella earlier.

The Journey of William Lovie III. started when the prince of Lucerne William Lovie would force his father to allow him to command a military force to put a stop the Seven Knights of Aerene Rebellion of which had implicated his own personal sworn families in House Floren. After putting an end to the Seven Knights of Aerene Rebellion it was William that had come to understand that there was a lot more going on in the Valley of Lucerne then he had been told and thus working alongside his aunt he was able to orchestrate his leaving the capital once more this time on the lie that he would visit Gulltown. Leaving the capital the party of William Lovie III. made there way to Forks where meeting with Charles Swan he became aware of the Yellow Dragons of Lucerne and the initial understanding of the Three Lucernian Purges that had been launched by his father which all led to his decision to travel to Stormwind to attempt to gain the support of House Starke in retaking Tree Hill. Arriving at Stormwind it was William that learned of the Siege of Minus Ithil and fearing a collapse of Gondor it was William that decided he needed to fix things with the Kingdom of Gondor and met with the King of Gondor where in they created an alliance that would begin the planning of the Third Battle of Minus Ithil. With this in mind William Lovie would build an alliance with the Sindar Elves of High Forest, as well as Gondor and use this as a pretense to liberate both the Gondor city of Minus Ithil, and more importantly the Lucernian city of Tree Hill. The Journey would end with a confrontation between the King in James Lovie and Prince William Lovie, in which William would banish James Lovie and take the throne of Lucerne.


William Lovie III.

Main Article : William Lovie III.

``A boy who wanted to be a man, he suffered great pain in Lucerne, and it was only the journey that brought him back.``
-Carlisle Cullen

For most of his life William Lovie had lived the life of a playboy only conserned with the discussion of politics and not actually interested in getting closer to the real thing due to not wanting to be around his father. This began to change when James Lovie begin pitting Tristan Lovie against his brother William, and William out of jelousy wished to prove himself the greater prince beyond a shadow of a doubt. Another of the major changes was that when Alice Lovie was removed from the city, it created a hole in William that he didn't understand and because of this he was constantly searching for anwsers to why he was always so sad.

Tristan Lovie

Main Article : Tristan Lovie

James Lovie

Main Article : James Lovie

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I would have done everything to have stopped him from leaving. Everything the Fade showed me led me to clearly understand that his departure on his little quest ended with my defeat. Sometimes I died. Some times I lived, but in the end I always lost if he left.
Bill Lovie

James Lovie had completely isolated himself in the capital by the time the Journey was first discussed by William, and with goal of fortifying the mountain and basically abandoning the inland to the Orcs he cared nothing for Forks, and Tree Hill never mind the other cities of the area


Departure From Lucerne


Middle gate of Lucerne

It was the first time in many years that I had seen the outside of the Lucernian Mountains, and it felt so different. Like a feeling in the air everything felt tense out in the valley.
Edward Cullen

William left the city of Lucerne with Edward, Jasper, Emmett, and a gaurd unit of 6 men led by Carlisle Cullen. When they arrived outside of the city they were met by Levan Martell her sisters and Ellia Snow of whom joined them with four more men from House Martell. The group headed towards the safety of the city of Forks on horseback.  As they passed Norburg they were met by Radlet Scarlet, Martin Steinmare and their accompanying four men of which further expanded out the group of those joining William on his journey. On the ride their William and Carlisle engaged in the first of what would become many heated arguments between the two on the journey. William desired to know how it was that James his father was so reluctant to allow him to leave Lucerne. Carlisle berated him about being unwilling to have done something like this before, and that he wasn't mature enough to understand what he was going to find in the cities. The engaged in a long argument in which it became clear to William that Carlisle was deeply aware of a number of important lies that were being told by his father, and that he had no intention of telling William.

Carlisle Cullen Large
It was obvious to me that he was a liar. The only thing I wanted to know was whether he was just a really honorable liar, or the kind of liar that had to be dealt with immediatly.
Carlisle Cullen

Eventually when William realized that Carlisle wasn't going to break his father's confidence he stopped talking to him and the four young men just socialized the rest of the ride to Forks. This silence between Carlisle and William didn't go unnoticed and Carlisle attempted heavily to reengage the young prince in conversation to no avail. Carlisle was stuck in a terrible place as he knew the scope of terrible things that James Lovie had done, and knew that the moment William arrived in Forks he was going to be told by Charlie Swan of the destruction of Tree Hill, and that alone would spark a quest of discovery which would only end with the uncovery that James was responsible for the violence. Carlisle would at this point realize that there was no hope of protecting his old master in the way he had been commanded too, and thus he begin to hope for the success of William so that James would be removed and he would be free from the chains that bound him. Travelling the path along the river, it was at this point that William would send Levan Martell and her party eastward towards Stormwind so that she could tell the Starke`s and Lannisters that he was moving, and that he would be making his way east after he had visited Forks and Charlie Swan. Along with Levan he also had Radlet, and Martin travel westward towards Hillsbrad where they would tell Lord Genn Greymane of their intentions and make him aware that they would attempt to travel to Hillsbrad after they had visited Stormwind.


Main Article : Forks

Bella Swan7
"It was the first city I had ever seen outside of the surrounding area of Lucerne, and I don't know what I expected. From all the talk of my father I guess a burned down husk of a town screaming for my death wouldn't have suprised me at all."
-William Lovie III.

When the group arrived at Forks the four of them simply sat and looked down at a massive city that for most of their lives they had not even known had existed. Each of the group spent a moment describing what they knew of Forks, at least what they had heard, and the simple fact seemed clear that they had all been fed a lot of lies over their life to keep them from leaving Lucerne. William told them all a story about how his father had told him that in Forks he had once been forced to put down a rebellion that started after the city wanted to kill him, and his sister. Jasper told him that his grand-father as well as clearly taken the party line and had told him and his sister that the city was a haven of criminals and rebels. Emmett told them that Forks for his family was always too far away to worry about, and for that reason he had never been told anything about it causing the group to laugh at their backwards friend. At the urging of Carlisle they begin heading towards the town, and it wasn't five minutes after they had entered the main gatehouse that the very well known and expensive armor of the Lucernians was seen on them which caused the people to begin swarming the group in the hopes of finding out who they were.


West Side of Forks

"You could hear the roar of the crowd from everyone within the city, and like a tidle wave everyone within the city simply moved like they were automated towards the prince they had always dreamed of seeing"
-Charles Swan

William didn't know how nearly mythical the Lovie's had become so he simply attempted to calm the crowd by telling them their prince and his best friends were on a journey to visit the Kingdom and that Forks was their first stop. If he didn't know before he knew after everyone in the crowd fell to their knees and remained deathly silent in their awe of the prince that they all hoped would become their King. Before five minutes the entire city learned of the coming of William and it took William begging the people to get up before they would finally stop kneeling to him. With the people back on their feet William and the group waded through the crowd that all attempted to touch the armor of their beloved Prince. As the groups of people all attempted to touch the armor of the prince the gaurd of House Swan, and his bannerman arrived on the scene to clear out the crowds and allow the prince through, but it took some time before they were able to get moving again.

Golden Haired Boy

See Also : William Lovie III.

Bella Swan10

Bella Swan was a shell of herself when William arrived on The Journey

"His beauty was painful, but it was the way he allowed everyone to touch his armor, and never once did I sence that he hated this or wanted these people to just leave him alone."
-Bella Swan

As she scaled the stairs of the tower of Trelly she looked out of the tower and finally saw the reason for all the commotion, and in that moment she was overcome. While she would never admit it to anyone even to this day during that moment she felt a pull towards the golden haired boy that she had never felt in her entire life. Her mind wanted with everything in her to return to her father's side where this knight was obviously heading to but instead her mind won the battle and simply stared lovestruck at the beautiful golden knight. After five minutes the group had barely moved due to the crowd sheer size and Bella remained in the same spot as she had been. Her only movement came when Alice approached from behind her and she fell startled by her friends arrival. Falling down before getting back up the two watched the group finnally make it out of the crowd after the Forks gaurd, along with the House Swan honor gaurd moved in and created a barrier so that the prince could move through the thousands now lining the streets.

Bella Swan16

Chance Encounter

"Looking back the fear I used to have was just so palpibable. It was as if I would litterly die if I went to see this man that people were calling the most perfect thing they had ever seen. I should have been at his feet praying like the rest of them, but my fear kept me back. Considering how it ended I can't say I regret not going."
-Bella Swan

Bella escaped the questioning and badgering of Alice that she go to see the prince, and instead made her way to the blacksmith of her father's loyal banner house House Black to basicalyl hide out. She entered the balcksmith and admittedly spent the next few hours simply walking amongst the seemingly endless stable that surrounded the overall blacksmith. She was about to return home when she heard a commotion from the front of the blacksmith, and when she came out to see what it was she saw that the prince was in the next room talking to Arthur Black the brother of the House Black patriarch.

Bella swan breaking dawn by harra009-d2zbmca
"Seeing him like that was such a shocking thing, that I felt immobilized in awe. I had wanted to run away, and hide in a hole so deep that noone would ever find me. I had wanted to do anything to get away, but I couldn't move. The moment his eyes met mine, all the remainder of my resistence just flowed away"
-Bella Swan

As the two continued talking Bella found herself transixed on the prince infront of her. She was so nervous that she wanted to run away and hide in the stables for the rest of her life, but before her cowerdess could allow her to do this she was spotted by Arthur who brought her precense to the prince of Lucerne.When the two locked eyes Bella had to hold onto a railing to keep herself from falling, and while William had a lot of experiance with women he couldn't bare to not touch this girl in a way he couldn't understand. William thanked Arthur and Arthur quickly removed himself to the pain of Bella whose head was filled with crazy thoughts of love, and marriage. The two talked for hours and came to know eachother rather well, with both telling eachother things they hadn't told anyone elce before. This closeness was interupted by the fact that it was well past midnight and so he had to return to the tavern or Jasper was going to explode from worry. William walked Bella back to Swan Keep before the two parted but made plans to meet the next day at the tavern.

Alice Lovie7

The Tavern Meeting

"So much happened in that small run down tavern, that whenever I return to Forks I feel like I have to return there. Had we of stayed at a different tavern I'm sure that eventually I would have found my sister again, but it would have been longer. It would have meant one more minute away from my sister, and that was too much."
-William Lovie III.

As the Lucernians arrived in Forks Alice joined her friend Rosalie Hale in her persuit of seeing the incoming group, but as they attempted to leave the tavern the owner slapped Alice in the face and forced her and Rosalie to return and not allowing them to see the group as they arrived. This physical abuse wasn't uncommon so Alice just moved about her business, and acted as if nothing had happened. Alice though felt a sort of connection to something in that group even though she had only seen the brief outlines while looking out the window, and that was more painful to her then any slap she would recieve. Sad about not seeing what was the news of the town she and Rosalie did their best to accept this and went about their work for the rest of the day as positvely as they possibly could. During the day they were shocked when the group entered their tavern and took up seats in the corner.

Jasper Hale5
"When I saw the gleaming armor of the prince's men I couldn't help but stand in awe of these men. So much was spoken of Lucerne, and since I had never been there I was left to my imaginations. They just seemed so polished, and downright perfect."
-Alice Lovie

After at first being overwhelmed by attention by the tavern dwellers they were spared further harassment when Rosalie yelled throughout the tavern that they were going to close if they didn't leave the Lucernians alone. Alice spent the rest of the night watching as the group of Lucernians spent time in the corner, and she made the arrangements when a man named Carlisle Cullen introduced himself and basically said that the group needed logdings for the night and they would prefer if they could simply take all the rooms in the tavern. As Alice moved about the business of moving their things to their rooms she came to be helped by a silent young man who introduced himself as Jasper Hale. As the two shook hands on Jasper's insistance they both felt a shock as if something inside them was kismat, and that they recegnized the feeling. They went about their work, but following the hand shake no more words were shared between the two. As Jasper returned to the table he returned to conversation with Emmett, and Edward where he revealed that he felt a connection with the young barmaid. Emmett was far to lost in his lust over the beautiful blond to pay attention to Jasper but Edward was completely listening and had never seen his friend with so much certainty in his eyes since before he had left. As they continued to talk Emmett simply got up from the table without a word and walked over to the counter where once their he begin talking to the blonde barmaid. Edward and Jasper were shocked that the extremely shy Emmett had been capable of something so obvious, and once again a member of the group stepped out of his comfort zone and did something they were not used to doing.

William Returns

Alice Lovie21
"Bella said that she was best friends with two of the girls that worked at the tavern, and when I asked how she a noble got to be friends with barmaids she just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Her nervousness in that moment just made me love her all the more."
-William Lovie III.

The flirting between Rosalie and Emmet, and the conversation between Jasper, and Edward ended the moment the front entrance to the tavern opened and walking through the doors was William Lovie, and on his arm was Bella Swan. When Alice watched her normally dower friend walk in smiling while holding the arm of what she could only assume was the most handsome man in the kingdom she couldn't help but do a double take on the two. Rosalie was beyond happy to see the sadness that usually was on her friends face removed and replaced by one of pure ellation, and knew that this boy better be good to her or else. For the boys this was nothing new as Jasper and William had girls on their arms all the time, but the way he held her hand was something they hand't seen before as usually it was a more physical connection that William was after. The tavern was at this point basically at full copasity so it was difficult for William, and Bella to see where the group was. As he looked around the tavern for his friends so that they could meet Bella his eyes scanned a tiny brunette girl standing behind the table and for a moment he was completely lost in thought.

Alice Lovie Small1
"I didn't know what it was but when I caught a look at her it was a moment I cannot explain. I felt a sence of longing that I didn't know existed but it wasn't in a sexual way it was something elce. It was as if this was someone I hadn't seen in a long time and now I was getting a chance to see her again."
- William Lovie

Seeing Alice awoke something in William, and at first Bella watched him as he looked at Alice, and she felt nervous that she wasn't good enough but as if he felt her nervousness he tightened his grip on her hand and looked down at her smiling. The smile he gave her wiped away the fear she had, and brought her back to the happiness that she was feeling the moment before. Across the room at the bar Alice nearly dropped the jug of liquid that she was holding and stumbled her way back into the store room to calm herself down. At first she was horrified that she might be attracted to her best friends date, and thus she decided to hide herself away in the storeroom. As William held Bella's hand and walked towards his friends who he had finally spotted he spied the blonde sitting on Emmett's lap and smiled at his friend who appeared to be smitten. He locked eyes with Edward who gave him a knowing smile, and for the first time in a long time he returned Edwards smile, as he believed Edward was happy for him.

The Storeroom Meetings

Alice Lovie Large6
"I sat alone in the storeroom hiding in the corner behind a box. I wanted with everything in me to go back out there and talk to the boy that had sent electricity through my arm just through a touch. I wanted to know more about who he was, and whether he could ever like a girl like me. But the only real though that flew through my mind, was speaking and seeing the prince again."
-Alice Lovie

As the group talked and spent time together Rosalie, and Bella both wondered where Alice had gone too, and Jasper said that she was probably still busy like before. Bella got up from the table and went to see where she might be, and like always her noble stance meant that she was able to walk into the back where she found Alice sitting in the corner of the store room. Bella walked up to her, and sat down beside her and tried to find out what was wrong. Alice lied to Bella and told her she was nervous about seeing Jasper again because she thought she was having strong feelings for him and what was the point of getting involved since she was nothing but a barmaid. Bella looked her in the face and said she was so much more then that, and the group out there would never look at her as just a barmaid. She knew Bella was right but she wasn't ready to see the prince again so she told Bella to ask Jasper if he would come see her in the back room. Alice would hug Bella and tell her she loved her before Bella left to tell Jasper.

Bella Swan Large4
"I didn't want Jasper to leave and think I was unhappy or didn't like him, so I thought the only way to see him without involving the prince was to get him to come to me. I'm guessing this would be the first time he chased a girl into a storeroom in his life."
-Alice Lovie

Bella would return to the table, and say that Alice was in the back room because the tavern owner had forced her back there so not to bother the customers, and that she wanted to apoligize to Jasper in person. Jasper would immediatly go to the back to see her, and he found her now standing against the wall waiting for him. The two would talk, and eventually they would kiss against the wall before things got more heated, and they would make love. As Jasper and Alice were in the storeroom the group outside continued having a great time, but in the back of William's mind he continued to think of the brunette barmaid that he had seen at the front, but like Alice threw herself into Jasper, William threw himself more and more into Bella. The two continued to talk lovingly and when Rosalie, and Emmett left to go to her room William decided the time was right to take Bella home, and he said goodbye to Edward and left a goodbye for Jasper before holding Bella's hand and leaving with her.


Alice Lovie Large3
"I had found my escape in Jasper's arms but even he wasn't enough to keep the constant thoughts of the prince out of my mind. I wanted nothing more then to just escape with him, but even after making love I still found myself thinking of him. I knew I had to go out and see him, and thus I took Jasper's hand and followed him out to the table."
-Alice Lovie

As Alice and Jasper finished they talked about things, and Alice frankly asked him where he saw this going, and Jasper who was trying to be a good guy after everything he had done in the past told her that he would like to see her again. Alice was skeptical because he lived in a different city, and was a completely different kind of person in terms of importance but looking into his eyes she believed him. This didn't take away from the fact that Alice couldn't get the prince out of her head, and thus when Jasper extended his hand to take her back outside she took his hand and prepared to once again see the prince. When they entered the hall again she noticed the table was barren except for Edward who sat alone at the table drinking his water. When they arrived they learned that William had left with Bella, and Emmett had left with Rosalie, and with this Edward said that he too was going to bed, and said goodnight. Alice in that moment knew she didn't want to be alone, and thus she asked Jasper to stay with her, and he immediatly agreed.

Emmett and Rosalie

See Also :Conversations between Rosalie and Emmett

Her beauty knocked me back for a moment. I was normally very shy to the point that the guys used to make fun of me for it, but looking at her I felt a sence of calm that I had never felt before.
Emmett McCarty

During the Journey Rosalie Hale was still working at the Tavern and she would be working their with her best friend Alice (of whome was silently Alice Lovie) and together they would watch as their other best friend Bella Swan would become enamored by the prince of Lucene. While this was going on, Rosalie found herself the target of the advances of one of the princes friends who introduced himself as Emmett McCarty. The got along very well as Emmett seemed truly interested in her in a way that was different then the other men that nearly constantly wanted access to her body but when it came to something emotional it was clear that they wanted nothing of her. As she resisted his advances at first she came to become confused by why he kept trying to learn more about her, and the reason why he would smile whenever she gave the tiniest hint of a smile. For whatever reason she felt a tinge of trust towards the man in front of her, and this led her to at the end of the night inviting him up to her room in the upper floor of the tavern. When they arrived in her room Rosalie was once again shocked when Emmett appeared to be completely struck by nerves so in a shocking moment for Emmett she slammed the door to her room shut and begin to cry.

"I didn't understand why he didn't just throw me down and have his way with me. Every man I had ever met I had pushed back away because I knew what they wanted and that had scared me half to death. But looking into his eyes I saw a kind of love that I hadn't known existed in this world, and that scared me even more."
-Rosalie Hale

Rosalie cried and grabbed his shoulders begging him to tell her why he was being nice to her. Did he want her body, or did he have more nefarious things in mind. She told him of all the other men who had tried, and how Emmett was the first man that she had truly allowed to see her, and thus she wanted to know what he wanted from her. As she continued to demand anwsers he couldn't find the words to explain anything so he just pulled her into his body for a hug. She pushed against him at first but slowly she gave into his hug, and eventually he laid her down on the bed and they lay together until she eventually fell asleep.

Leven in Stormwind

Leven Martell Red
I trusted William with my life, and it was the only reason that I would have ever travelled so far from anything I knew. His belief in me pushed me forward, and drove me to be better then I could ever have been without him.
Leven Martell

Leven alongside her sisters and Ellia Snow would join with a group of twelve Martell men at arms of whom was sent to join them on their trip to Stormwind. The group would arrive in Lole, and from there they travelled by boat to Stormwind. Arriving in Lannisport south of Stormwind they made the journey north to the city of Stormwind where there arrival was expected by House Starke who met Leven Martell and her group with Robb Starke of whom would be sent as the envoy for the house since Brandon, and Eddard Starke had travelled to the south in order to meet the Lannisters and try and get them to join with William Lovie III. and thus assist the young prince. Robb immediatly became the source of much interest for Leven`s sister Obella of whom would watch him very closely and he would do the same as he alongside his father`s vassals led them throughout Stormwind. Getting Leven a room in the Starke estate in Stormwind she and her sisters would get a good sleep in before their busy day the next day. Leven and her sisters would wake the next day and meet with Robb Starke again of whom told them that Eddard had promised the entire support of House Starke to the efforts of William Lovie.

Leven Martell Stormwind

Leven would meet with Eddard Starke one the second day, and would be assured of his undying loyalty to William Lovie III.

Carlisle had told me to expect stiff resistence to the idea of going behind the kings back. He hadn`t told me they hated the king without pause.
Leven Martell

On the second day of their stay in Stormwind it would be Eddard and Brandon Starke that arrived back in Stormwind. Eddard would meet with Leven alone, as it was made clear in letters from William that she was a completely trusted member of his forces. Eddard thus spoke openly to her in a way that they were unable to do in letters, and really let her know about the things that James Lovie had done and the level of hatred the people had for him.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"I wish nothing but the best for your friend, and the prince of the land in Lord William but his father isn't capable of leading anymore."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"I am suggesting Milady that prince William when he done in Forks should come to Stormwind and we shall do everything we can as a people to remove his father and place him on the throne." Picturing William on the throne was something I had done more times then I would ever admit to throughout my life, but hearing it out of the mouth of one of the most powerful men in Lucerne was something that I scarsley believed I had just heard.

"You understand I'v know the King for my entire life."

"I know you have seen him your entire life, but my lady what do you truly know of this man." I thought about it and I had eaten dinner down the table from him hundreds of times, and what little had spoken while kind to me had always been for the ears of William. It was no secret that he wasn't a great man, but to suggest he was a tyrant as Eddard had wasn't something I understood.

"I'm not his blood, and he places the ideals of his family...prince William above all things." The honorable Eddard Starke could barely control himself at my near mistaken use of family over William. Sadly noone even his most direhard supporter would call Bill a family man. He was devoted to Will, but to his family...I dont think so.

"I'm sorry milady but when you are forced to exclude the entirety of his family outside of the prince he is not a family oriented man. I know the king well from when we were children, and the man I knew I can say is gone. He used to dote on his sister Catherine you know." He looked at me clearly wanting that to sink in. I had heard him yelling at Willliam's aunt but I had never seen any sort of time between them that would have indicated anything more then hate." For years she was everything to Bill. Then he met Lisa Tyrell and everything in his life just got even brighter."

"He loved her back then?" The fact that it was shocking that Bill loved his wife was something that struck me as odd. I had never thought of it before today, and that as well struck me as strange. 

"He loved Lisa Tyrell like there was not another soul in the world. I was there at that tournament when he made her the Queen of Love and Beauty and I watched the two fall in love as they stared at eachother. It was pure love. But milady...lady Martell when he returned from Lyons he was changed."

"Changed how?" I knew the Battle of Lyons well. Thousands upon thousands of Lucernians had gone to war, and but a slimmer had returned. The destruction of the human alliance at the battle was legendary, but I had never heard William's father mention it once, so hearing Eddard say it was a defining moment in his life was shocking to me. 

"Things no longer made him laugh. Everything was dark and twisted through his eyes. He pushed aside everything that had mattered to him including Lady Tyrell." He looked out the window as if remembering some distant event that pained him.

"Are you alright Lord Starke?"

"I'm fine milady just coming to terms with the fact that my old friend is gone was a painful thing to do, and its no easier now."

"You mean you came to this conclusion long ago?"

"Yes back during the days leading up to the Plague he was lost in madness and shouting during a meeting of the Lords and I realized it."

"The Plague my Lord?" As he went to speak a knock on the door brought our attention there and left the question hanging. 

"You may enter." The door opened immediatly after and I saw Robb open the door. Behind him walking away was another Starke man I remember as Brandon Starke II. while accompanying him was my sister Obella of whom was most likely leaving Robbs side for the first time since we had arrived.

"Father there is a party of Lannisters entering the city who wish to meet as well with Lady Martell." Eddard nearly burst from his seat before coming around to my side of the table and grabbing my cloak from the hanger on the wall. 

"I am sorry Milady but we must cut our conversation short and meet with the Lannisters." He helped me up, and despite never needing the help I knew the reasons behind it, and I took his arm and pulled myself from the chair where he would place the cloak over my shoulders.

"I thought you believed it didn't go well speaking with Lord Tywin?"

"I guess the minds of people like the Lannisters are difficult to read for simple soldiers like me." He laughed as he said it before leading me out the door following behind Robb who led us through the winding hallways and out into the courtyard.

"Where are we to meet the Lannisters Ser Robb?"

"Meetings with the Lannisters are held in the High Keep." As he said High Keep I remembered from yesterday as we had made our way to the third teir of the city, and how high up it was. I wondered why two groups such as House Lannister, and House Starke would have ever thought it was a good idea to meet in a place so easily formed for throwing people off ledges in anger. Laughing to myself brought the attention of Robb of whom looked back and smiled to himself as if knowing I was laughing at some joke I told myself.

Walking along we were joined at the gate to the third tier by a young man dressed all in red armor, and a large Lion Emblem on his chest. It wasn't difficult to know he was a Lannister but Robb walked up to him and clasped his hand in what to me looked like friendship. The man smiled at Robb briefly exchanging words before the two laughed. The laughter of the two ended when me and Eddard reached them, and behind the young Lannister was approached by an older Lannister man with a massive Blond beard. 

"Lord Eddard Starke it has been a long time since I have seen you."

"It has Ser Stafford. What brings you and your nephew to the gates to meet us?" So the young man was the nephew of Ser Stafford Lannister. Thinking back to my class time that could mean it was Lucion, Lancel, or Tyrek Lannister. I doubted Lucion as he was known as Lame Lannister for his ugly appearance and slow brain, but Lancel or Tyrek were both possiblities.

Stafford Lannister stepped forwards staring at me before speaking "To meet with the beautful Lady Martell is more then enough reason to come here Lord Starke." He gave me a strange look as he said it, and I felt my arms instinctibly pull my cloak around me a little further. It was cold so the act would be seen as such, but it was meant for more then keeping the fall snow off me.

"From our last talks it didn't seem your brother was willing to make the trip."

"You must have mistaken. We left a few hours after you did, and we are more then happy to meet a representative of the true King of Lucerne in William Lovie third of his name." Well that was shocking, but if he had wanted to let it sink in he didn't wait long before he nearly immediatly turned around summoning the younger Lannister with a look to follow behind him and led us towards High Keep.

Leven Martell Cover5
The Arrival of several Lannisters was shocking for everyone around, as Eddard had said the conversations hadn't indicated they would come. Something was changing in the air when the Starke's were willing to abandon the king, and the Lannisters were willing to do anything.
Leven Martell

As Leven talked with Eddard they were interupted by Robb Starke entering to alert his father that several Lannisters had arrived in the city to meet with Leven. Eddard would lead Leven, and her sister to the Lannisters who waited in the main keep where it was said Tywin, Stafford, and Tyrek Lannister had come. Tywin would join Eddard and Leven in meeting, and Tywin appeared to Leven to be nothing like the man she had heard legends of back in Lucerne as this man in front of her discussed wanting to assist the prince, and wanting to elimate the tyranny that his father had brought on the land. Eddard and Tywin would argue breifly over an event they called the Plague, but she knew nothing about it, so she made a note to find out about it later. Tywin did suggest that he wished to meet with the prince, as Eddard had and Leven knew her time in Stormwind was over and her time for returning to William was upon her.

Trouble on the Road

Robyn Snow

Sent by Lord Martell Robyn Snow assisted Elia Snow in gaurding the Martell sisters.

You had a different feeling about the land after you heard the words of the honorable Eddard Starke. This was a man who you just knew from hearing him that he spilled out honor, and yet he was telling his horrible tales you just didn`t want to be true.
Leven Martell

With the loyalty of House Starke assured and Eddard promicing to do his best for the rest of eastern Lucerne she would return to Lannistane and back to the boats which would take her directly to Forks. Leven and Dorea were onboard the boat when they left their sleeping sister Obella and went to the top deck. When they got to the top deck it was completely pitch black out, and the only light was the single flame burning beside the captian helming the wheel. Leven would approach the captain and find him with a knife in his neck and bleeding out all over the deck. Reaching for her sword she barely got it out before a dagger narrely missed her head and slammed into the pole behind her. Sliding to the deck she was forced to defend herself as a red masked man charged at her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dorea fighting against another man, and she could hear the sound of commotion as the rest of the boat clearly awoke from the fighting. Losing her fight to the red masked man she would finally kill him after he tripped on one of the bodies strewn about the deck, and she would slice his head from his body before he fell into the river (The attacker would later turn out to be Franzal Nighting after Rachel Nighting revealed one of her brothers had been killed by Leven and this was the only instance that makes sence). The crew then broke through the locked door keeping them below and the other man would jump into the river to escape, while the crew moved on and was able to reach Forks without anymore trouble.

William and Bella

Hillsbrad Meeting

The Meeting of the Western Lords
My father made sure I knew three things going into that meeting. Firstly I was to be as rude to the Greymane`s as I could. Secondly I was to try and talk to the Brents and get a dialogue going between our two houses. Finally I was to make it extremely clear that we would under no circumstances assist William. Well at least I talked to Franklin Brent.

Hillsbrad Meeting

Demi Snow9
My father made sure I knew three things going into that meeting. Firstly I was to be as rude to the Greymane`s as I could. Secondly I was to try and talk to the Brents and get a dialogue going between our two houses. Finally I was to make it extremely clear that we would under no circumstances assist William. Well at least I talked to Franklin Brent.
Demi Snow

With William Lovie III. leaving Lucerne for the event that would become later known as The Journey the rest of the Kingdom became increasingly positive about his actions, but also throughout the Valley of Lucerne there was significant discussion on what to do as the previous time someone had moved against Bill Lovie it had resulted in The Plague. In the city of Hillsbrad the Arch Lord in House Greymane would call an assembly of all of his vassals of which included every major house in western Hillsbrad without exception and without ability for the houses to decline invitation. Arriving in Hillsbrad the meetings began with Genn Greymane talking of the continued consequences of them allowing the current King to wield unending power, and that their only chance of survival was to find this William Lovie III. and help him achieve victory. Vincent Godfrey would openly support King Bill Lovie and said as a warning to all those around that the last time anyone tried to resist him they were destroyed in The Plague. Franklin Brent would stand on the other side openly speaking of supporting William , and these two would continue to argue for minutes as other lords stepped in siding with their respective lords, and this continued for some time. As the arguing continued it was Franklin Brent III. that would arrive and brought his prison Tobin Aven into the meeting and with the support tilting against William at this time his testimony would be of great importance. Tobin Aven that would testify as to what he had been ordered to do and this greatly changed the mood of the meeting, and allowed Demi Snow to stand up and state that her family was one hundred percent behind William and was going to send forces to assist him immediately, and this information shocked the other houses as everyone had assumed that they were not going to do anything like they always did. Still without her Lord father`s support she would during the meeting commit to sending one hundred men immediately with the larger force being sent by the Greymane`s and after this promise there was little that her father could do to turn against it. As a part of the meeting it was Tobin Aven that was imprisoned within Greymane Estate and would be held there while he awaited trial from William Lovie III. as due to the information he had it was deemed that only William could decide his fate.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

Entering the hall early allowed me time to think about what I planned to do. I had come to the understanding sometime during the trip here that there was no way I could ever return to the Crowley Estates, or Crowley Hold or else I was dead. My brother would eventually get his wish and be left alone without my father, and when that happened his madness would be unleashed. Andrew entered shortly after I did, and I felt terrible as he smiled at me so enthusiastically. I loved him, surely I did, but today my main purpose for him was manipulation, and that made me feel lower then ever.

Slowly the other lords entered the hall. The lithe Gregor Voner entered flanked by several of his vassals including his son Duncan of whom always had the same emotioneless look of his father, and as they entered they squatted on the seat to my right. Gregor Voner had always been friendly with our house, and my father always told me to be as nice to him as possible as he hated the Godfreys. Apparently when Gregor was young his little sister had been raped and murdered, and the only person that appeared to be guilty was Groevin Godfrey and he too escaped justice after winning and killing Gregor`s older brother Aron in a duel. The Godfrey`s had after this exiled Groevin, but this was followed by insults from the Godfrey`s which basically have created a distinct hatred between the two houses.

"Lady Hill how is your father?"

"My father is well Lord Voner. He sends you his regards, and apologizes that his sickness leaves him unable to come to the meeting."

"Your father is one of few men I can count on my hands who stood beside me when I demanded the damn Godfey's pay for what they did." His hand clenched into a fist and I saw him exchange glances with his son before continuing. "I apologize Lady Hill for my outburst."

"Nothing to apoligize for Lord Godfrey." Seeing the hate was still strong I knew I would just need to spark the flames a little bit to keep him on my side. "What Groevin Godfrey did to your family was a crime of the greatest magnitude. My family remains behind you in that feeling."

"Thank you for the words Lady Hill." He moved closer to me whispering in my ear. "Just know Demi that your position will be our position." He pulled back a bit looking at me in the eyes. "I assume that your father sent you with the authority to negotiate for the family?" It was said as if it wasn't a question but I knew that it was. Either way the question was in the open and I could see that Lord Brennard Fladen, and Cayle Benden were listening in now wanting to hear the response. The two men were my fathers closest banner man and I felt stupid for not noticing their arrival, as they must have sat down to my left while I was talking to Gregor. "My father has given me permission to negotiate for House Crowley today Lord Voner" A smile crossed his face, and I looked towards Brennard, and Cayle and watched them bow their heads at me as well realizing that I was for all intensive purposes their Lord at the table.

"Well then, as I said we stand beside your family and whatever decision you have come here with we will join you."

"House Fladen stands with you as well Milady."

"House Bended as well Demi." I heard Duncan huff at Cayle not calling me a more proper name, but all this did was elisit a smile from Cayle. I wouldn't blame Duncan for being annoyed with the language, but he couldn't know how close Cayle and I had gotten over the years. It wasn't often that you found a lord of similar age to myself, and for this reason above many of the others he was someone I had always gravitated towards.

When Leyton Mountain entered being escorted by his heir Baelor and his frightening looking daughter Malora. I had heard that she and Leyton spent nearly all of their days locked away in their hightower, and from the looks of her she hadn`t seen the outside world very much of late.

Franklin Brent entered flanked by his little wife Karyl Reyne of whom held onto him as if he was the last thing in ths world. Franklin brought in tow with him Benjemin, and Dennis Ordos of which I along with everyone else in the room found beyond hilarious. Dennis had long been the Lord of House Ordos, but the wealth possessed by House Brent always meant that the kind of diplomatic insults that might doom another vassal were simply ignored for fear of what House Brent might do.

The final Lords to enter were Laehera Rholler, Vincent Godfrey, and Kieth Darkwood of whom waited at the door and when the four Greymane gaurds walked in holding the door I knew we were in for Genn Greymane. Held to his feet by Liam Greymane the Elderly Lord of Hillsbrad was seated at the Arch Lord table and when he raised his hand to speak the meeting would begin. ``My Lords...``Liam whispered to him briefly, and he continued.``My Lords, and Ladies I thank you all for arriving so promptly.`` The ever present grovelling begin with Kieth Darkwood of whom bowed his head from the table and thanked Genn for his hospitality of which when Genn did not anwser or look it was clear he hadn`t heard and so Liam said the your welcomes necessary. 

Genn appeared to enter some kind of trance, and when this happened Liam moved himself away from his father as if to avert people`s eyes and begin speaking`` My honored Lords and Ladies we are here today to speak of the direction that the lands of Hillsbrad shall move in when it comes to the issue of William Lovie III. I, alongside my family have come to the conclusion that we shall support the young prince in his endeavors. I do not come here commanding the support of our vassals, instead I ask that we all make a decision and let it be known that all were heard.`` Liam sat back down beside his father of whom he put his hand onto the top of his fathers hand before raising his other hand to direct others to speak.

Vincent Godfrey spoke first. ``I may offer but one small issue. While I do not disagree that what we have heard of this young prince is at least more promising then his father, I do wish to point out that others have attempted to move against Bill and they now sit in shallow graves.``

``That is no reason not to support William. We all must die at some point, so why not die supporting the rightful king.`` Franklin spoke with a conviction and a admiration that was promising when it came to my hope that the Greymane`s would get much support.

``The fanaticism of youth is something that brings about its own host of dangers young Brent.`` Osbert Konie the vassal of Godfrey spoke in support of his liege. It was interesting to see the Kronies sitting with Vincent Godfrey while the Godfrey`s other vassal in the Voner`s was on the other side of the table. Clearly the long history of conflict between the two houses was alive and well.

Franklin made the right choice when he ignored the attempted goading by Osbert. ``I come with the words of my father and thus all of House Brent behind me that we shall support the crown prince William Lovie III. Any who do not also follow the prince I beg to ask you one question. How can you accept a king that murders your family? Just a few short years ago he murdered hundreds in targeted assassinations. Our Liege Lord lost many members of his family for doing nothing more then what everyone at this table should be jumping at doing.`` Franklin`s words were met by smacks on the table of support by many of the Lords at the table.

``You speak as if you understand the world so greatly child. You have been alive for less summers then anyone at this table and yet you speak for all of us now.``

``I speak for my liege Lord Genn Greymane, who has led us wisely and justly for years and was forced to endure the deaths of so much of his family for just asking questions.`` He looked around the table at each person before continuing. ``Lord Godfrey I think you forget to much that you are the vassal of House Greymane.``

"I do not forget my oaths at all. It is the fact that I do not forget my oaths that gives me pause disobeying the commands of the King of the Valley. You say the King is insane, and perhaps you are right, but does that give you the right to turn away from him?"

Support for The Journey
William Lovie III. Bill Lovie Only Verbal Support

With the support of House Crowley the movement of some of the houses would change as all the Crowley loyalists quickly jumped on board with this plan as most had wanted to do this but didn't due to their belief that Vincent Godfrey would never have supported this.

I realized that I wasn`t going to be able to return home to my father after what I had done, so I had to make another choice. As the meeting broke up I went immediatly to Andrew Garfield and stayed near him. He would protect me from all the dangerous things.
Demi Snow

Demi Snow following the ending of the meeting would take to staying near Andrew Garfield of whom accompanied her back to her families estate. Spending some time there getting the one hundred men she had promiced she would leave shortly after and return with Andrew to the assembling party outside of the eastern gate. By this point hours later her father learned of what she had done, and left the Crowley castle hours west of Hillsbrad and attempted to return to Hillsbrad. Demi realizing that her father was going to do something like that left with the hundred men of House Crowley ahead of the main Hillsbrad force heading for Forks.

Demi Hill Marries
Demi Snow Wide
I love my father. He was a brilliant, and just man. He was a man that would suport, and love me when it came to almost anything that I did. So did I feel bad when I betrayed him. Of course I did. But I had to live in this world. If I stayed in Hillsbrad with my brother and my father, I was going to die. There wasn`t anything he could do to stop that.
Demi Snow

Following the arrival of the Hillsbrad force in Forks Demi Snow would continue with the next step of her plan when she handed a letter of forged consent of marriage to Andrew`s father Harron Garfield of whom knew that his son desperately wanted to marry Demi, and knew that the match was perfect for his house so he jumped at the opportunity. Realizing that she couldn`t return unmarried or else her father would put an end to her scheming she persuaded Andrew and his father to have the ceremony in Forks so that she could truly be a part of their family during The Journey. Following her persuasion the marriage happened with the large Dragon Temple of Forks and Demi Snow became Demi Garfield and was now protected so she believed from the actions of her brother Dexter.

Travelling to Stormwind

Rosten Crisis

The Rosten Crisis
I did what the king commanded me to do. I die now a loyal soldier for the king.

Rosten Bandit War

Main Article : Bandit War of Rosten

Aphasiel Venom Cover
The Italians were the problem you know. I killed them though. Don't worry, there gone now.
Mikael Therkildsen

The Rosten Bandit War would first begin with the events of the Rosten Crisis when the Circle of Magi intervened in the Grand Province to turn it into the kind of maelstrom of violence and chaos that they believed would allow them to gain more influence over the area. Hanzal Herbus would be sent to Rosten during the events of the Banditry Wars of Lucerne as James Lovie wanted Rosten to go up in flames as to make it more difficult for aid to be sent to any future attempt to relieve Tree Hill, and Hanzal Herbus would be accompanied by a troop of fifty men from the Circle of Magi and bags of coins for what he would come to spark in the form of the Bandit War of Rosten. Hanzal Herbus would enter the court of his brother Dominic Herbus who was a Landsgrave of Rosten and entering his brothers court accompanied by Circle of Magi men he was able to gain immediate recognition despite never having spent any time with his brother, and delivering letters from the king it was Dominic that was forced to obey the commands of Hanzal and his soldiers.

Fall of Jogelinn

Aphasial Venom would lead the forces of House Venom during the events of the Rosten Crisis when she moved against the town of Jogelinn alongside her husband and the forces of House Therkildsen and after they took control of the town from House Cresces the two houses took two very different paths with the forces of House Therkildsen under the direction of Mikael commiting atrocities on the Italian/Christian population of the town and this only stopped when Aphasiel ordered her forces to resist this causing street battles throughout the town which House Therkildsen retreated from due to Mikael's love for Aphasiel.

The Journey

See Also : The Journey

Accia Potenza Cover Front Amazing1
We have lost this province Hedrik. They control more ground then we do. This is not the easy task the rumors have told you it is.
Kavan Elric

As the army of Lucerne mobilizes for the Journey it is William that commands them to break up and do many things of which are of great importance, and of these tasks he wants completed he sends Hedrik Clegane III. southward to deal with the devolving situation in the Grand Province of Rosten. Hedrik Clegane moves his forces alongside the forces of House Swift led by Timone Swift, and his son William Swift, and leading a force of several hundred Swift men they are joined by the Dragonoph Priestess Taylor Swift as they make their way southward towards the town of Castle James where the forces of House Elric have been fighting a running battle against a bandit force which has grown out of control in the grand province. Arriving at Castle James they meet with the leadership of House James in the form of Ulrich, and Taylor James of whom has gathered several hundred troops to join with their army as they prepare to retake control of Kautila. Discussing the situation with Ulrich James they learn that the situation is far larger then originally known as this is not one force they are fighting but instead they are fighting against two rebellious houses in the form of House Verilim, and House Herbus who have taken control of large swathes of the Grand Province while alongside this there has also been the rise of three large bandit forces who have also taken control of large swathes of the grand province and to the shock of Hedrik he learns that these forces are all working together in coordinated moves against House Elric's control of the grand province.

The Sisterhood
Aphasiel Venom Cover Front Amazing
I'm here to protect these people. Say what you will Grand Lord but the truth is that we had major problems happening here. I do not reject that you wanted to help, but the simple truth is you failed in that attempt.
Aphasiel Venom

Gathering together his forces Hedrik leads them against the Sisterhood of Venom first of whom have captured the town of Jogelinn and are using it as the center of their small little fiefdom. While travelling from Kautila towards the lands of the Sisterhood they are met on the road by several hundred House Elric men led by Kaven Elric, and his son Alke Elric of whom are to join Hedrik in the movement to retake the grand province. Entering the lands of the Sisterhood of Venom they meet no resistance as their army marches up the road but travelling through the village of Ojelurun they find a christian church burned to the ground and meet the first member of the Sisterhood of Venom when they find a heavily armored female priest standing in the center of the village. Meeting with the girl they discover she is Oriphiel Venom the sister of Aphasiel Venom the leader of the Sisterhood of Venom and she had come to the village to meet the army of Hedrik and bring them to Jogelinn where Aphasiel wants to meet with them in peace. Following Oriphiel its Hedrik that discusses the situation with her learning that the Sisterhood of Venom had originally been known as the Army of Aerene but had broken apart after a disagreement between the two leaders of the army in the form of Aphasiel and Mikael Therkildsen over the direction of the army. Arriving at Jogelinn their forces are met at the edge of the town by the army of Venom who is nearly two thousand strong and to avoid a fight Hedrik meets under a white flag with Aphasiel alongside Kaven Elric, and Ulrich James. Meeting with Aphasiel it becomes clear that she simply wants to protect the people of the area of Jogelinn against the increasingly lawless nature of the Grand Province of Rosten and Kaven Elric agrees that if she would swear herself and her forces to his service then he would name her the Landsgard of Jogelinn, and while she accepts she heavily implies that she will be acting as little more then a figurehead as she sees the land as a theocracy.

The Pure of Aerene

See Also : Skirmish at Castle Marimus

Taylor Swift Cover Amazing
I did what the king commanded me to do. I die now a loyal soldier for the king.
Mikael Therkildsen

With the forces of the Sisterhood of Venom added to their ranks they make there way towards the Pure of Aerene of whom are the group that broke away from the original Army of Aerene and have now been responsible for committing religious genocide against eastern Rosten. Arriving at the edge of the Pure of Aerene controlled lands they find the roads edge lined with crucified bodies and then marching along the road through these bodies they are met by the sight of a naked man with his eyes cut out and speaking with the man they learn he is Allectius Marinus the Landsgard of the area and he was left there to tell them to turn around and leave the forces of Mikael Therkildsen to their work. The army is forced to stop its march towards Castle Marinus after they discover that the bridge allowing them crossing to the city has been destroyed leaving the large army no real ability to cross in heavy numbers. Hedrik decides to split the army taking the Sisterhood of Venom forces and several hundred of his own men while the majority of the army is taken command by Kaven Elric and will make there way towards the Black Moon Brotherhood's lands. Swimming across the river Hedrik reaches the other side and taking command of the force they make there way towards Castle Marinus but passing through the country side they find burned out farms and dead bodies litter the land as the forces of the Pure of Aerene have devolved. Arriving at Castle Marinus they find the forces of the Pure of Aerene have marshaled outside the castle and despite attempts by Hedrik to meet under a white Flag the forces of the Pure of Aerene fire on the soldier Hedrik sends with the White Flag and this forces Hedrik to move into battle formations. The battle erupts into chaos, and as the lines charge at each other Hedrik is struck by an arrow to the chest, and then as he gets up is struck again in the arm, and in shock he passes out. Waking up the battle is still raging, and he sees Aphasiel and Mikael fighting and seeing Mikael is winning the fight Hedrik pushes through the pain and joins their fight where despite his injuries he is able to defeat Mikael and before passing out again he executes an unapologetic Mikael. The death of Mikael breaks the Pure of Aerene who begin surrendering on mass and the surrender is accepted by Aphasiel who wants the bloodshed to end, and with Hedrik out of commission she is able to control the loyalist forces. Meinolf Ostriger would take command of the Lole forces following Hedrik being horribly injured at the Skirmish at Castle Marinus, but despite being far above Aphosiel in terms of title it was Aphosiel who dominated the meetings following Hedrik's injury.

Arrival of Edward Cullen

Moving westward they learn that the situation in Rosten remains tenuous despite the fact that Hedrik Clegane III. was able to supress much of the rebels, but one remaining force led by a powerful magi has blocked their entrance into southern Rosten. With this in mind Edward departs the main group and gathers to him his people including Hilary Swift, and Gemma Cullen and then the three travel by portal to Rosten where they will assist in dealing with the magi alongside a gathering number of magi who are being sent there to assist with taking down the magi there. Arriving at Castle Elric he meets with a fellow Magi in the form of Josephine Aberbach of whom leads several Magi herself and together they join with Konstantin Gaimen who led a force of some eight hundred as they made there way towards Herbus where the last sighting of the Dark Magi was. In order to get to Herbus they are forced to cross the River Schwegler at Castle Schwegler where a large bridge is the only real means of crossing without taking a large detour eastward. Arriving at Castle Schwegler they are met on the bridge by Lord Fredrik Schwegler and his son Wilhelm Schwegler and with both sides aware of what entering the castle means they make arrangements with Fredrik requesting the marriage of his son Wilhelm to Ottilia Hofbauer one of the Magi with Josephine. Gaining the crossing as well as being joined by three hundred Schwegler troops led by Wilhelm they move southward towards Herbus, and the mood is good as there is no more blocking them from reaching Herbus.

Battle of Herbus

Meeting with High Forest

The Meeting with High Forest
It had been many years since I had seen my father with this kind of drive. Whatever the prince had said to him had really moved him. It made me think back to better times. It made me feel hopeful myself.

Meeting with High Forest

Aragorn Elessar
I tried not to let my men and son know that it had been decades since I had seen Malfurion and we were basically entering a forest that our only relationship with was that we dropped off rare earth for them, and they dropped off massive numbers of wood for us. In the end my experiance with Malfurion was a mystery to me. Did it mean anything to him the talks we had. You just never knew whether we`d be greated by a handshake or an arrow.
Tari-Aragorn Elessar II.

Following the promising meetings that Tari-Aragorn Elessar II. had with William Lovie III. he truly believed that he was dealing with someone that would be able to be trusted, and in his heart was willing to move forward with both feet in. Aragorn understood that the forces available to him were not going to be enough to take the Orcs on one on one, and when he had discussed the troops that would be available to William in this first battle he knew that they would need more solders and thus he decided to go to his silent ally in High Forest. It had been decades since he had spoken to Malfurion, and almost that long since he`d had any reports about them so for all he knew they could all be completely different from the Elves he had met when he was younger. Either way though he took a small cohort of his Palace Guard alongside his son Tur-Eldarion Elessar of whom had often talked of the mystery of the Elves, and when he walked in on Aragorn talking to Belatar Araglas, Gildor Astirian, and Er-Gandalf Ghilir about going to see the Elves there was no way that Eldarion was not going with his father. Leaving from Minus Tirith by boat for the north they landed in the port of Tel-Alania where to their surprise they would be met by Tur-Ildarion Elessar of whom arrived wanting to join his father and brother in their time in High Forest. Once everyone was gathered together, they moved quickly by horse for the forest of High Forest and the Elves that other then Aragorn Elessar when he was a young boy none had seen. As they reached the outskirts of the forest Aragorn understood that their arrival would have been detected by the Elves so they waited on the outskirts for many hours before they were finally approached by Shandis Stormrage and a large group of Sentinels.

Talking to Malfurion

See Also : Malfurion Stormrage

Walking into a forest where all you have heard of leads to death. Talking to an Ent of whome you`ve heard of in legend eats children who misbehave. All of this and yet most of me believed that there was little hope they actually would join us in the fight.
Tari-Aragorn Elessar II.

The Sentinels under Shandris Stormrage were polite in speaking with the Gondorians but Shandris was dismissive when it came to discussing the matter of Aragorn entering the forest and speaking with her father Malfurion. As Shandris prepared to leave them, and thus blocking any attempt to meet with Malfurion it was Gandalf that stepped forward. Using his Magi he showed Shandis visions of what was happening at Minus Ithil and following this with a very negative outline of the situation it was Shandris that agreed to bring her father. Shandis would leave and her rangers would remain without much movement, and basically only the Sentinel Huntress Lylandris, who arrived an hour into their meeting with a company of some fifty hunters actually made any conversation with them with the rest in a sort of watchful patrol of the force of Aragorn. During the night before they all went to sleep waiting for Malfurion's arrival Ildarion would spend some time talking to Elistari Ravencrest of whom arrived late in the night with her husband and father in law and the two got along laughing together. The following day Ildarion was awoken by Gandalf of whom told him that the forest was herr, and stepping out of the tent they were all present when Malfurion Stormrage stepped out of the forest and into the camp, and with his arrival all the men assembled were shocked outside of Aragorn who had already met the great Druid.

He had the same purple skin of the other Sindari Elves surrounding us, but unlike the others who stood a foot taller then me, this great Druid was something beyond that. He must have been three feet taller then me, and if you counted the massive antlers on his head he looked more like a giant then anything comprehensible to my eyes. He walked in a way that seemed to never have him touch the ground, but at the same time it looked almost ghost like. Hidden behind him was a smaller but still giant female Sindari Elf of whom I knew to be Tyrande Stormrage due to Elistari telling me she would be coming. These two were Elves but at the same time they were just something else entirely.
Tur-Ildarion Elessar

Malfurion was a Druid of the Sindar Elves and thus stood around eight feet tall with large antlers, and a general feeling that gave you both dread, and confidence. Arriving holding the hand of Tyrande Whisperwood he would stop only briefly to kiss Tyrande before moving towards Aragorn and without any words Malfurion bid Aragorn to take a walk with him, and while Ildarion, and Eldarion were against him going alone he dismissed their fears and agreed, but as he walked he watched with silent fear as Malfurion walked into the forest. Aragorn knew he had no choice and thus begin to follow him into the forest when he was stopped once more by Eldarion of whom didn`t want anything to happen to his father. Aragorn assured him that he and Malfurion were friends and that nothing was going to happen. Despite these assurances Ildarion would be taken aside by Elistari Ravencrest and she would take him secretly into the forest to watch what happened with his father. As Aragorn walked into the forest trying to follow the path of Malfurion of whom seemed to move as a ghost through the forest, and when he finally did catch up to him he came into a clearing where he saw Malfurion standing beside a tree but as he got closer he realized he was talking to the tree, and then when he spoke his first word he fell to the ground in fear and surprise when the tree got up and moved in his direction. As he waited for death the tree stopped and picked up Aragorn with its massive limbs and introduced himself as Coeddil the keeper of the grove of the ancients. The three would talk for a time and come to an agreement that High Forest would come to the assistance of Gondor and Lucerne and attempt to relieve the city of Minus Ithil. It was also agreed that following the conflict if the prince of Lucerne seemed worthy then it would be time to re-open relationships with the Lucernians if Gondor, and High Forest wanted to survive.

The First Battle

Third Battle of Minus Tirith
Tomorrow is the moment we stand as free men of Europe and say in one loud voice the truth that we have always known. We will scream out our truth, and when were done the Dark Lord himself will know that the men of Europe will not stand for evil anymore. Tomorrow we strike. Tomorrow he will know pain.

The Third Battle of Minus Ithil

Main Article : The Third Battle of Minus Ithil

Bella Swan Cover3
My father had relented despite his strong vocal anger towards what I wanted to do, and with his resistance no longer present the few forces of Lucerne that were not involved in some way begin to come out of the word works. I don`t forget loyalty though, and those houses that only came after the choice was gone are not the ones who I trust in the same way as those who joined me when it was still in doubt.
William Lovie III.

With Aragorn`s success in gathering the forces of the Sindar Elves of High Forest he would send word to William Lovie III. of whom had succeed in gaining his father`s permission to lead the forces of Lucerne into Gondor and drive away the Mordor Orcs so that they could then relieve Tree Hill. In terms of the Sindar Elves of High Forest they would travel by boat from High Forest to Osgiliath where they would land north of the port city and meet with the overall forces in the area just north of the Battle site itself. The Orcs for there part had recently sent a smaller force through through the Morgul Pass of which had been moving southward towards the fortress of Narvine of which they would as usual most likely raid the already barren farmland north of Narvine and then retreat when they were opposed. William Lovie III. would lead the Lucernian army alongside his main commanders in Lucerne in the form of Charlie Swan, Renault Scarlet, Jack Shepard alongside many others of whom the main ones they would be meeting east of Stormwind in the Rhunian province.

Army Leadership Other Noteables Strength
House Shephard Jack Shephard
House Swan Charlie Swan
House Mountain Vaelor Mountain
House Tyrell Garlan Tyrell
House Lannister Jamie Lannister
House Starke Eddard Starke
House Greymane Liam Greymane
House Scarlet Alexandros Scarlet II.
House Highmore Draco Highmore
House Highport Natalie Highport
House Ordos Dennis Ordos
House Hale Orton Merryjones
House Clegane Hedrik Clegane III.
Lords of Tree Hill

Eddard Starke led the eastern forces alongside the Lannisters of whom were behind the attack surprisingly even before the acceptance of Bill Lovie and these two massive forces would send most of their forces to Lamedon but the leadership remained at Stormwind where it would meet the main army as it came through. The western forces of Lucerne led by the Greymane would lead their forces as well eastward with their army being the furthest behind but using ships from Highgarden, and Fogtown the armies were moved eastward towards Lamedon. The Gondor forces would begin to marshal under the command of Aragorn Elessar III. and while the vast majority traveled to Osgiliath to prepare a smaller force traveled to Lamedon where they would meet William Lovie III. once his army had gathered and was preparing to cross into Gondor.

This is all about faith young prince. On one hand I see the future of my Kingdom ending unless something is done about the monsters at my door. On the other hand despite everything you`ve done I have heard that your father was once honorable and just. You decide the fate of Kingdoms and Men with the decisions you will make in the coming days so make sure you are better then your father has been.
Aragorn Elessar II.

Aragorn Elessar II. would watch with silent fright as the nearly sixty thousand Lucernian troops would mass themselves on the west side of Lamdeon, and it was only upon the arrival of the flags of House Lovie signalling the arrival of William Lovie III. that Aragorn crossed the bridges of Lamedon and met with the Lucernian leadership. William Lovie III. would be awaiting him alongside nearly his entire leadership of whom had arrayed themselves as much as possible inside a massive tent that had been brought for this very occasion, but knowing the importance of this conversation noone outside of William was to speak and it was in this way that Aragorn entered the tent of the Lucernian King and the two would speak one last time before going to war.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

``My prince the King has entered the camp and will be here momentarily.``

``That is good. Thank you Ser Percy.``Despite my fears Hayden Percy was one of, if not the most loyal man I knew and he deserved to be treated with respect.

I could hear them through the tent, and it made me sick. I could remember the days when it was me that made him feel that way, and I hated her for it. Sometimes I thought to myself in moments like this how different my life would be if I had gotten pregnant during one of the hundreds of times we were together, but for whatever reason the gods didn't want that for me. I would be in that tent right now holding him close, and knowing with every fiber of my being that I was loved. I was noble born, and on the same level as Bella, and yet she had so easily eclipsed me in so little time that it just didn't seem fair.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and immediately grabbed for my sword before laughter slowed me and Emmett's head appeared from beneath the helmet as he pulled up the helmet. "I didn't mean to startle you Levia." A fool wouldn't have believed him as he continued to laugh and I struck him in the chest right beneath his breast plate, causing him to stop laughing. As he stopped laughing the sounds of Bella from within the tent grew momentarily louder, and I couldn't stop myself from looking at the tent for a second before answering.

"You didn't startle me." I felt his hand go back to my shoulder as I stared at the tent, and as I looked back to him I saw the understanding in his eyes, but also I could feel pity and that was something I didn't want. "It's fine Emmett." His eyes didn't believe me for a second, but I didn't have time to deal with this right now. "I'm going to catch some sleep make sure he doesn't stay up too late we have to be ready for the morning." I said it more harshly then Emmett deserved, and as I walked away from him leaving him with nothing more then a nod of my head I felt terrible.

Emmett just wasn't a person you should ever be rude too. Born of commoner blood it was his kindness that had pulled him into our group, and it was that same kindness that had led him to becoming the gentlemen he was now. I would have to make a point to bring him something as an apology after the battle, but I couldn't think on that now I just needed to get away from that tent that I wanted to be in more then anything.

I found myself searching hopelessly for Obella when I overhear a Starke man talking about how Robb Starke is with her. Going to the Starke part of the camp I see her sitting with him outside their tent rubbing the hair of that giant wolf of his, and as I watch them I feel happy for my sister. She deserves that kind of happiness, and I know that Robb Starke will treat her well. I turn around and walk to my own tent, and as I move through the seemingly endless ranks of tents, and men that we have gathered I feel a sense of dread wash over me.

I have never been in a battle and yet here I am walking through camp thinking on Will, and hoping for a good life for my sister, and yet I ignore the fact that tomorrow we wade into the unknown with nothing more then a hope. I'm glad that me and Jasper will be by Will's side tomorrow, as I don't know how I could handle the fear of not knowing what was happening with him throughout the entirety of the battle.

I reach my tent and open the flap revealing my sleeping sister Dorea within, and I smile as she jumps up holding a small dagger. "There is no threat from this direction dear sister." She put her dagger away with a smile before sitting up in the bed.

"You can never be too safe. Uncle told me once that when your surrounded by enough men you need always keep a dagger near you lest you find yourself pierced by things other then steel." She laughed as she said it, but I saw how hard she had clenched that dagger, and I knew her well enough to know that she was afraid. I didn't blame her for fear, for I was afraid too.

"Oh my god Dorea when did Oberyn tell you that?" I didn't need to even think on which uncle would tell her such a disgusting thing.

"It matters not for Oberyn always speaks the truth of such things." She smiled at me once more before laying back down, and pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. I moved to take off my armor and piece by piece put it on the stand. Each piece of armor had been intricately crafted, and designed for the every whim I had when I was thinking of my armor, and yet looking at the armor now I wondered whether I had ever really thought I would be in a situation where I would need it. "Levia?" Looking to the sound of Dorea she looked so small under the blanket, and I went to her now clothed for sleep and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Whats wrong Dorea?" She shrugged at me, and the way she did it reminded me of how truly young she was. Less then sixteen name days and here she was standing on the edge of the world sleeping one more time before we entered a battle with strange monsters. "There is nothing wrong with being afraid. I would be scared for your mental health if you weren't afraid."

"I'm not scared to fight tomorrow." I tilted my head at her, and she pushed me playfully. "I'm not I swear...its just."

"Just what sister?"

"I just wonder about something Melessa Vaith said when I was leaving."

"What did she say to you?"

"She didn't say it too me, but I know it was actually about me." I nodded at her to continue. "She was talking about Elize Scorpian. She was saying how no man would ever want to marry Elize because she was constantly armored, and that men hated that." The moment she said it I felt terrible for her. Here she was on the eve of battle not afraid of dying, of which I'm sure she was, but she was more worried about her marriage possibilities if she did fight.

"Let me tell you a story Dorea." She grabbed my hand and I rubbed her hand with my thumb as I begin. I knew the story wouldn't hold up to close examination, but as I watched her eyes close and open I knew her sleepy mind wouldn't put it together. "Once there was a prince of a great kingdom, and this prince was beloved by all that he met. He had ladies fawning over him at every turn, and yet one day the tough lady of another land came to court, and he looked at her with a smile that melted her heart. This lady thought as Melessa did. She believed that her love for swords, armor, and horses would turn him away. But the prince smiled at her, and each day he saw her he smiled again. One day the lady would be walking with her horse by the stables when the prince appeared in all his beauty and splender, and once again he smiled at her. The lady was lost in his eyes, and the smile he gave her melted her heart away. The prince told her she was a beautiful girl, and took her hand walking alongside her and the horse." I looked down as I felt her move her head onto my lap, and I watched her fall chest move up and down, and felt such peace watching my sister sleep. I don't know why but I felt the need to keep telling my side of the story. I didn't want to wake her so I begin whispering it to her, and perhaps it was selfish but I wanted to hear it for myself. "From that day forward the two shared a secret smile between them, and whenever he smiled at her she knew in her heart that he loved her. It didn't matter that they didn't marry, and it didn't matter that he was promised to others because she knew she was loved."

After speaking together it was Aragorn that would lead the Lucernian army across the bridges of Lamedon and the Lucernian marched eastward towards Osgiliath and the eventual battle that everyone had been waiting for. The now combining forces of Gondor, and Lucerne would meet at Osgiliath with their two forces gaining immense numbers after aligning together, and this led to a serious escalation in belief on specifically the side of the Gondorians of whom had been spending years watching the Orcs overwhelm them. With both forces combining plus the eventual assistance of the Sindar Elves they had almost ninety thousand human troops and nearly ten thousand Elven troops of which would be opposed on the other side by the main orcish army of more then one hundred thousand.

The Attack
Mordor Orc Commander
I was shocked that they didn't even check their flanks. I was shocked because all I knew of Orcs was that they wiped us out at Leon, and at Tree Hill. Were those Orcs somehow more intelligent then the idiots we met on those fields?
William Lovie III.

The two armies crossed the river and made their way to the hills west of the location of the Orcish Army, and from there pieces of the army begin to separate and move to their positions with heavy cavalry moving into the south, and north while the forces of Cair Andros, and Dal Imnil met them south east of Pelagir in the forests that the Sindar Elves had hidden themselves in adding another five thousand troops to the alliance. With one night before the assault the Shadow Council would meet and spent time together, and throughout the night they were joined by other young nobles that William had befriended, and this was the way they spent the day before the assault. During the night the armies would move into a closer position to the Orcs with the Gondor Army arraying itself directly before the Mordor Orcs in an attempt to get their full attention while the Lucernians and Sindar Elves would hide themselves as close as possible and once battle was met they would charge. At this point the besieged forces of Gondor inside Minas Ithil still had no idea that relief was coming and it had been decided that they would not make any attempts to alert the defenders as it was possible the Orcs might intercept the attempt and then everything would change dramatically for the plans of the attack. By this point the Magi Commander of the Lucernian forces in the form of Edward Cullen would group together with the Gondorian Istari and would discover to their great happiness that Ren the Unclean the Nazgul commander of the Orcish armies was not present on the battlefield. Despite the the fact that Ren the Unclean was not present the Kingdom of Orthanac was present with a force some five thousand troops and led by the Magi Sa-Uluos Thelvhian of whom also had some five other Magi with him and thus realizing they would be facing a significant Magi threat Edward Cullen would gather the Magi in the Lucernian army and alongside the Gondorian Istari would prepare a plan to attack the Orthanac forces and crush the Orthanac Magi swiftly.

I was shocked that they didn't even check their flanks. I was shocked because all I knew of Orcs was that they wiped us out at Leon, and at Tree Hill. Were those Orcs somehow more intelligent then the idiots we met on those fields?
William Lovie III.
With the forces in place the armies of Gondor, Lucerne, and High Forest moved into their positions in their corresponding areas, and prepared for light to signal what they hoped was a blind charge by the forces of Mordor into the Gondor army. The day would break and at this point as the Gondorians had moved into the open of the field west of the Orcs they were noticed quickly, and it didn`t take more then a few minutes before the Orcs did exactly what was believed they would do. The Orc commander Urgreek Madd ordered his forces to charge the Gondor soldiers and in this way the entire Mordor army except the few thousand archers that moved in behind the charging Orcs.
Battle of MInus Ithil - Battle - Maps
The Orcs that were sieging the city itself would remain mostly still there but there was a sizable amount that broke from the siege upon seeing the larger army fighting and were now moving away from their position outside Minus Ithil, and towards the Gondorians, which meant the plan was going perfectly. The Gondor archers opened up on the orcs but the numbers were immense, and the Orcs kept coming and coming. When the orcs finally reached the lines, the Gondor soldiers used delaying tactics and simply held the Orcs in place. Aragorn and his leadership would fight like men possessed in the center and Aragorn himself during the early moments of the Battle would kill two of Urgreek`s sons of whom had both wanted to sway their father by killing the King of Gondor but found him out of their league. Also during the initial assault Ildarion would be struck by an arrow, and despite this fact he would remain in the battle and for the rest of the battle had an arrow sticking out of his right shoulder. While the moment the Orcs had moved against Gondor the Lucernians, and Sindar armies had begun slowly moving it was the moment the orcs engaged with the army of Gondor the Lucernians and Sindar launched their full out attacks.
The Ambush
The Battle of Minus Ithil

The Lucernian Cavalry preparing to ambush the Orcish forces. The Lucernian forces were decided into two main parts attacking from both the north, and south and hitting all over the rear, and flanks of the completely exposed Orcish army.

After they charged it was a simple ticking of the clock before we massacred them. Though they didn't know it yet the Orcs were dead the moment they entered that field without looking. It was almost disappointing to see these creatures of tales, and nightmares be so foolish.
Jamie Lannister

With the Orcs embroiled in combat with the Gondorians they were completely focused in front of them and missed the Lucerne army, and they definitely missed the High Forest trees as they charged out as well. The first signs the Orcs had that things were changing was when the cries of battle appeared behind their lines, and the Lucernian cavalry along with the Ents of High Forest slammed into their rear, while accurate archery fell into the core of the Orcs. During this initial assault Jamie Lannister and the Lannister cavalry would overrun the center of the Pitghost Tribe and during this overrunning of the Pitghost Tribe their overlord Ghorgauth, and all his warchiefs would be killed leading to a complete route of the Pitghost tribe who fled eastward. Moving past the Pitghost tribe the camped army was cut down in their hundreds during the initial assault the forces of Gondor as well would switch themselves and become more aggressive as they realized the trap was on thus the Orcs felt pressure from all sides which only increased the desperation of the Battle. William Lovie III. alongside his Shadow Council and many other noble young men were in the thick of the main cavalry charge and William himself got into a fight with a large Troll of whom had killed several others around him including Lord Osgood Elbertson, and Davin Percy II. and fighting against the Troll he was pushed back and nearly killed by the Troll before his personal guards would mass around him and murder the giant Troll.

Battle of Minus Ithil - Aragon

Ugreek did not have a lot of strategy to himself but he did clearly understand that the battle was turning into a massacre and would make a straight line for the command flag of the Gondorians trying to end the battle in one fight.

I was pulling my sword out of the last Orc to fall to my blade when I felt the air around me calm, and then the subsequent slash towards my head had me flying backwards to avoid it. When I turned around I saw what could have been an Orc, or could have been a giant staring at me. In the end it mattered not what it was, because it had to die.
Aragorn Elessar II.
As the Orcs realized they had become caught in a trap Ugreek Madd would meet with overlord Ugled of whom with his warchief Ghaddish rallied their elite troops and followed Ugreek Madd as he looked along the battle line for the commander of the opposing force hoping to end his enemy and route the army in one fell swoop. Ugreek would become distacted by the arrival of several Sindari Elven wareagles and thus Ugled led his Nightshred elite guard alone towards the Sindari lines abandoning Ugreek. Fighting his way through the Sindari lines Ugled would come to face to face with Taflarion Stormrage of whom accompanied by the Treekin Ashthorn would resist this charge and after a brief duel between the group Ashthorn would crush Ugled and with Ugled dead Ghaddish would retreat from the field of battle alongside the remainder of his forces. Located near the front lines Ugreek would see Aragorn Elessar the king of Gondor slashing and killing all along the line, and would smile before making his way towards the King. Ugreek had been alive for many many years and as an Orc this meant that he had grown to impressive size and his power was something beyond which most had ever faced. The two would come face to face, and despite Aragorn's superior skill he was pushed back and fell to the ground seemingly defeated. As the men around him watched their King seemingly defeated the entire battle line just stopped, as the men and Orcs watched the titanic fight between
Battle of Minus Ithil - Aragon1

Aragorn would be nearly killed by Ugreek but the battle would end with Aragorn Elessar II. Killing Ugreek and cutting the head off the Orcish army

these two amazing fighters.
Like every Orc in history his downfall was his arrogance, and stupidity. Had he of kept the advantage up instead of laughing and hollaring he would have killed the King of Gondor and most likely routed the entire force in one fell swoop.
Aragorn Elessar II.

But as Ugreek reached him and raised his mace, Aragorn suddenly lunged up and stabbed the Orc through the chest before swiping across and nearly cleaving him in two. Ugreek coughed out blood before falling backwards dead. Aragorn looked around at his men who seemed to be still shaken, and without another second thought he screamed out a battle cry and flew back into the Orc lines followed by the rest of his force behind him. The Orcs for their part were now broken as a force, and all along the line begin to realize they were defeated. A renewed cavalry charge led by Jamie Lannister alongside the Reynes would finally smash the only surviving leader in the fourth and only surviving child of Ugreek leaving the army completely leaderless.

I had told Arwyn I would come home. I had promiced her in all truth. The real truth was that in my heart I thought it would go wrong. I thought perhaps the Lucernians would betray us, or perhaps the Orcs were tipped off like at Lyons. It didn`t matter what actually caused our defeat I just truly believed we would lose, and yet here I stood on the field of battle and all the eye could see was the corpses of dead Orcs.
Aragorn Elessar II.

With the Orcs realizing they were surrounded and Aragorn having killed the Orcs leader the nature of Orcs led them to a full scale retreat. The defeat was hopeless as they were utterly surrounded, and as they ran they were cut down in their thousands by the vengeful attackers, and those that managed to break the line were taken down by the accurate fire of the Sindar Elven archers. The few hundreds of Orcs that managed to escape the main battle found themselves cut down by the Lucernian and Gondorian cavalry of whom had attacked the besieging Orcish army and had been preparing to assault the remaining Orcs.

This was the moment where my great gambit would either be revealed as genius, or madness. Would Gondor now honor there part of the arrangement and join with High Forest and our own forces to destroy the Orcs that had overrun Tree Hill. If they made an excsue
William Lovie III.

Nearly fifty thousand Orcs were destroyed in the battle with the loss of just under fifteen hundred in the Gondor Army, and less then five hundred in the Lucernian Army meaning the battle was far more then just a victory. The Battle cemented the alliance between the three nations and in this way led to the continuation of the Journey which would not lead the alliance towards the Lucernian city of Tree Hill where they would lead their army in the liberating battle of the Second Battle of Tree Hill.

Commemorating the Losses
I did not know your father as well as I should have Varian. The Orcs have taken so much from us, but it is the loss of these great people that darkens our hearts the most. We shall have our vengeance against these monsters. We shall have our vengeance for every conversation that goes unspoken because of these beasts. Our vengeance will brighten the sky. Our vengeance is coming.
William Lovie III.

Embassy in Gondor

Nicoli Machiavelli would be sent alongside the army of William Lovie III. during the events of the Journey by James Lovie II. of whom wanted Nicoli to make sure that his son was not tricked by anyone and as Nicoli's involvement was a contingency of William being allowed to leave Nicoli was given a long leash during the events of the Journey including following the events at Minus Ithil he was tasked by William to organize the construction of an embassy in the Gondorian capital and then to meet him at Tree Hill.

Return to Tree Hill

Second Battle of Tree Hill
Today my brothers we right a terrible wrong in the history of this kingdom. We all know what happened here, and there isn't a thing that we could do to take it back. We may not be able to change what happened, but right here and right now united together we can make sure the people of Tree Hill are finally given the rescue they have long deserved. Today don't fight for vengeance. Don't fight for revenge. Fight to save the lives of the innocent. Fight so that a betrayed city may finally awaken.

Second Battle of Tree Hill

Main Article : Second Battle of Tree Hill

Second Battle of Tree Hill - Arrival

The armies of the alliance would land around all sides of Tree Hill intent on retaking the lost city.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

As the Lucernian/Gondorian/High Forest alliance destroyed the Orcs that had held the Gondor siege of Minas Ithil for many years immediate plan became the movement of portions of this army towards the besieged city of Tree Hill. Jurden over the decade of the siege had become obsessed with maintaining his own power, and had basically become uninterested in actually ending the siege through conventional means. Alongside this he also had a growing belief that the humans were completely useless and for all of these reasons Jurden Hardaxe made no effort to double his scouts or anything that might have assisted him in stopping the coming ambush. And if all of this added up wasn't enough he was also still being whispered to by Morrigan who was telling him that the crisis was the other Orcs in the area. Following the gathering of the forces of the alliance in the area they would organize themselves into seven main armies. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th armies would travel towards the port of Klausburg. Landing at Klausburg they would meet with the local leadership there and made their decisions on the direction of there forces. The 1st, 3rd and Fourth would move up the Oakheart River and land near Castle Prennig where they would move from there towards Tree Hill. The 7th army would be sent up the Bresklo River where it would land at the ruins of Glendt Hold. The seventh army would be joined in this campaign by forces mobilized from House Brentfurd as well as House Winklebock. The 2nd army would land at Vinterbold Hold north of Tree Hill and joined by forces from the area they would prepare to move to Castle Interbold and then to the north side of Tree Hill. The 5th army led by the Westerlands Arch Lord would land at Castle Hackenholt where they would move against Tree Hill from the west. The final army in the 6th army would be formed from the southern vassals of the Stormlands and led by House Crane they would move themselves to the city of Leiblinshire where they would attack towards Tree Hill form the south.

Army Name Leaders of Army Prominent Noble Families Size of Forces
First Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Second Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Third Army
  • 28,600 Light Infantry
  • 7,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 6,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Fourth Army
  • 8,600 Men at arms
  • 1200 Knights
Fifth Army
  • 43,000 Light Infantry
  • 8,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 12,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Sixth Army
  • 17,000 Light Infantry
  • 500 Knights
Seventh Army
  • 27,000 Light Infantry
  • 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

The arrival of the vast armies of William Lovie III. would have major effects on those forces already around the Stormlands. The first major effect was following the news of victory at Minus Ithil. House Guntbold who had been named the Arch Lord of the Stormlands following the collapse of Tree Hill realized that with the goals of William becoming clear they were going to have to pick a side in the coming conflict. It was Lothar Guntbold that would push his nephew Edric Guntbold who was at the time the Arch Lord of the Stormlands to see the error of the side they had picked and to call a council of House Guntbold. Following this call it was Lothar that left Guntbold Hold to return to Lucerne and be at the side of his friend James Lovie II. The council would be attended by all members of House Guntbold except for Winfred Guntbold, and his wife Ophellia who remained at Klausburg but sent their son Winfred Guntbold II. to act in his stead. At this meeting it was decided that House Guntbold would change sides to William Lovie III. and would send both Winfred Guntbold II. and Athilda Guntbold to William Lovie III. to open this dialogue. The pair would take a ship from Guntbold Hold and travel along the rivers of the Valley of Lucerne where they would eventually stop at Vindale Hold which they knew would be the eventual crossing point of the armies of William in their move back west. When the fleet of William arrived Vindale Hold it was Athilda and Winfred that would meet with the leadership of the army revealing details of the area.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

The night was spent with Athilda meeting with William, and members of the Shadow Council and it was during this meeting that Edward Cullen discovered her Magi abilities and confronted her on why she did not reveal this before meeting with the prince. Telling them her fear of reprisals she was forgiven by the group and continued to tell them about the situation in the Stormlands. Athilda would let the group know that the Guntbolds were willing to assist William despite what was a top-down command from King James Lovie II. to not assist his army in the movement against Tree Hill, but she wanted assurances that the Guntbolds would not be punished following the campaign. Needing more forces, and not wanting resistance from human forces as they moved against Tree Hill it was William that made the decision to agree to this arrangement. With this agreement in place, it was Winfred Guntbold II. that would travel back to Guntbold Hold with the Guntbold ship to tell the Guntbold leadership about the agreement. Athilda would remain behind in part as a hostage of sorts but her good impression on the Shadow Council had led to her joining them as an advisor of sorts.

Clearing the South
Three kingdoms working together for the common good. It was inspiring to finally have a king I could believe in. For my entire life I have followed a king who while he may have been good once, I don't think I even remember that. From this moment forward son I will die to protect William Lovie III.
Eddard Starke
Clearing the West
Clearing the North
Clearing the East
Retaking the Capital
Leven Martell10

Leven Martell arrived on the field only a day before the battle would happen with a large force of House Martell and her father's writing of support.

The closer we got to night the more I came to understand that the world would be much different after I liberated Tree Hill. Without a single doubt in my mind I now understood that my father had done this. My father was responsible for all of the wrongs in Lucerne, and once this happened there would be no more quests to keep me from the simple fact that he had to die. My father had to die for what had happened here.
William Lovie III.

Waiting for the night to come William would be able to watch for the first and last time the Orcs setting off their massive drums and horns in order to force the defenders to be unable to sleep during the night and thus exhausted during the day. Hearing this many among the attacking army grew even more angry at the fact that the defenders had been forced to endure this for all this time without anyone helping them. William would spend the night with Leven, Jasper, Emmett, and Edward as the Shadow Council as they were not openly to each other calling themselves spent a few last hours with each other before they all knew everything was going to change. Finding themselves greeted throughout the night by every lord who not wanted to speak to William they couldn't help but see how different things had become for the naive group. During one of these meetings he would talk with Charles Swan who by this point he was beginning to view as a father of sorts, and discussing with him his relationship with Isabella he would bring up the idea of a betrothal. Charles was happy about this and agreed on the spot, and following this agreement it was Charles and William that would meet together with many of the remaining nobles and this betrothal was brought up during many of these meetings thus spreading word of its agreement. The Orcs by this point had no contact with their scouts, and yet they still remained completely unaware. Morrigan would at this point make her final step towards sealing the fate of Jurden Hardaxe when she would convince Jurden to host a large party for his Orcs which made them all drunk and even less prepared.

The Massacre
William Lovie111
I hope they felt in their final moments all the pain of those who they had so cowardly killed years before, and tormented for years since. I hope they face an eternity of pain an anguish for what they have done.
Charlie Swan

As the night neared the Orcs would begin their party and the loud noise would alert the alliance that this was underway, and also awake most of the defenders of Tree Hill of whom were prepared for what many believed was the final attack. The party continued, and the alliance moved itself completely into position against the now scout less Orcish force, and pushed in many places all the way against the wall with the entire Orcish force within the city itself or dead outside. The night came and the army would move on their predetermined signal of which moved everything forward. The infiltration of House Scarlet into the under tunnels of the city begin as Saiden Scarlet led a large force of hundreds into the tunnels in the goal of reaching the estate of House James and once the attack was underway they would spring upon the already ambushed Orcs. From the west the forces of House Greymane, and House Ordos would move themselves through the broken shattered western gate and encountered hundreds of Orcs in differing stages of drunkenness and the fighting wouldn't spark any concerns from the Orcs as it was all believed still to be a part of the party. Seeing the ambush was underway it was at this moment that Morrigan finally ended the charade and came upon Jurden while he was standing in his residence.

Sometimes Brooke you play the long game. You see if you lie to someone for so long he eventually believes that it is truth. For how could anyone keep up a lie for as long as you do. Once they no longer believe you lie, they believe everything that you say. You can whisper the most dangerous of things to them, and they will drink everything you give. Then finally when the moment is complete you may spring. Spring the final trap on the fool who allowed himself to die.
Download (7)
Its one thing Leven to win this battle. Once we win this battle, because I believe we will. Once that happens the time to return home is upon us. You know what we will find in Lucerne. You know what victory here means. It means the death of my father.
William Lovie III.

The battle would end with the complete destruction of the Orc army and the liberation of Tree Hill. When the armies of Lucerne and Gondor entered the remains of Tree Hill, they found the sad remnants of a once truly mighty city. Food, aid and supplies were rushed to the city, but before the true rebuild could begin Andrew Lovie would take the reigns of the King of Lucerne following a duel with his father.

Return to Lucerne

Rise of the King William Lovie III.
Father it is time. You must come with us. This is the only way the Kingdom can ever truly heal.

Removing the Old King

See Also : William Lovie III's Takeover of Lucerne

Jonas Flynt - New
It was a sad sight to see the father that had never loved me or gotten to know anything about me fallen so far. He was broken to the point that there was barely anything remaining that resembled humanity.
Alice Lovie

On the days following the liberation of Tree Hill news begin to filter into the city that William Lovie III. was on his way to Lucerne and was planning on removing his father from power. While during this time James Lovie made no effort to control the city watch so that they would defend the city, his young son Tristan Lovie did attempt to stop his entry. The liberation of Tree Hill was the moment that Tristan Lovie understood that William would return to Lucerne and attempt to remove his father, and most likely kill him as by this point there was no scenario where William couldn't have known the truth of what happened at Tree Hill. This wasn't something Tristan could allow so he begin ordering the guards of the city to prepare the defenses of the city in order to make sure that William had no way of entering the city. He mainly was giving these orders to Tavin Flynt of whom had always retained the belief that he was loyal to House Lovie first and then the Kingdom thus he made the choice to stand beside Tristan Lovie, and the King James Lovie. This decision was met with rumblings throughout the city watch as most wanted William to be victorious but Tavin had a lot of control over the top echelon of the City Watch, and most believed he had the support of his brother Janos Flynt of whom was the most influential member of the city watch. As William Lovie III. moved back towards Lucerne following the victory at Tree HIll it would be Janos Flynt that was in a position that was only a step beneath his brother Tavin Flynt of whom was running the city watch as the commander.

This is what I have trained you all these years to do.
As everything was happening it was Dovah Vlarenix, and Lornax that would make the decision to use their long hidden devise known as the Circlet of Aerene to weaken Vhloraz's hold over James just long enough that James could gain complete control and stop Vhloraz from doing anything to harm William or slow what they wanted to happen. Using Anna Kendrick to communicate with James Lovie II. they would convince James to have Michelle Trachtenburg recalled for the purpose of abusing her for what James was tricked into believing was the sin of attempting to assassinate James (of which was a pure lie). With Vhloraz at this point having near complete control over the body of James the demon was more then happy at the chance to abuse someone without James resisting and thus commanded that Michelle be brought to him immediately. While Michelle Trachtenberg was traveling to the Sky Towers she would be given the Circlet by Taylor Swift who was convinced by Vlarenix that this would protect the boy in her visions and thus not knowing what she was truly doing, it was Taylor that took part in this. Entering the Fade Taylor would travel to the carriage carrying Michelle to the Sky Tower and slip the Circlet into the pocket of Michelle before whispering to her in the Fade which led to her waken body taking the circlet and putting it on her wrist.
Taylor Swift Wide Amazing1
Michelle arrived at the Cloud Towers unknown to her mother Catherine and taken to the room of James she was terrified but found some peace given to her by what she thought was the Dovah Aerene but was in fact just Taylor who had followed her in an attempt to find out what she was actually being ordered to do by Vlarenix. Having given Vloraz control it was James that would take out all of his anger on the poor depressed young girl but as the assault begin the Circlet made its work done and created a block around James which while in no way permanent allowed James clarity and the ability to block out Vloraz for a time. Without the threat of Vhloraz or the other demons it was Lornax that went to him under the guise of Lisa Tyrell and told him what was happening as much as she could. Realizing what he needed to do he apologized as best he could to Michelle who didn't understand anything that was being said but listened when her uncle sent her to Whitehaven Castle and told her not to say a word of what she had seen her to anyone. James would also hand over control of the Circle of Magi to Kieth Schwartz and during this time James made it clear that he was not to have any members of the circle stay in Lucerne that might listen to the words of Tristan. With this command in mind it was Kieth that left behind Khadgar, and Medivh who he knew to be not loyal to James and then commanded that the remaining members of the Circle of Magi retreat to the safety of Orleans.
Wedding of Bella, and William

Main Article : Wedding of Bella Swan and William Lovie III.

Bella Swan Large8
You lied during your vows brother. What changed that made you lie?
Alice Lovie

While William was unknowingly to Alice engaging in a sexual relationship with Brooke Scott in Tree Hill it would be Alice that was pushing forward with plans for the wedding of William Lovie III. and her best friend Bella Swan. William would depart Tree Hill planning to go to Forks and reveal the truth to Bella but after he arrived at Forks he was met first by his sister, and Alice would be so excited that despite not wanting to marry Bella anymore he is unable to disappoint his sister of whom loves Bella deeply. Unwilling to hurt Alice William decides to goes through with the wedding despite everything in him wanting Brooke more. Attempting to find a way to not betray his promice to Brooke its William that attempts to delay the wedding, and while at first this is successful and the army of Lucerne prepares to leave for the capital. This delay is thwarted when Bella reveals that she is pregnant, and this basically forces William to marry her in order to keep from having a bastard. Thus due to the pregnancy Alice is able to delay the departure of William in order to have the wedding before he arrives in Lucerne, and thus join House Swan and House Lovie together before he leaves for Lucerne. During the wedding itself Alice watches him lie during the Vow to protect and love her for the rest of his days and following this while everyone else is screaming in excitement Alice is in a fog of which is noticed by Edward Cullen of whom holds her hand and walks with her out of the ceremony as they follow William and Bella who now married are heading towards the wedding feast. Following the ceremony she walks out and sees Lanna Lannister talking with Jasper Hale of whom is gently rubbing her arm, and following this she looks for Dylan Steinmare of whom she finds and takes him away from the party and kisses him. As they become more heated she pulls away leaving him behind, and returning to the party where she takes her seat beside William of whom holds her hand as several prominent members of the Kingdom of Lucerne say nice things about the married couple.

Tristan's Failed Attempt
Cersei Lannister Cover Amazing3
I had the commanders in my ear. I had the men on my side. I thought I knew who my brother was. I guess that was the only part of the equation that I had wrong.
Janos Flynt

Following the wedding of Bella Swan, and William Lovie III. the situation deteriorated even further as they were only a few weeks away from Lucerne but had a truly massive army with the entire Grand State of Forks behind him following the marriage. While James was absent from the leadership of his loyalists it was Tristan that continued to take the lead and while he had the support of some members of Jame's council the majority of the Circle of Magi had fled to Orleans leaving only Khadgar Morgrave, and Fredrik Gurse as Circle members in the city. House Jestife, and House Nighting remained with some strength in the city but even they saw the writing on the wall and begin shuffling their troops and people through the Hale Gate and out of Lucerne leaving the loyalists increasingly isolated inside the city. The only other power player in the city that seemed willing to listen to Tristen was Cersei Lannister and in an attempt to gain her support he would travel to the Fortress of Einhelmer. Upon reaching the fortress he saw the walls were lined with troops, and although he was let inside the walls there was some serious question as to whether they were going to fire on his party as they approached the walls. Meeting with Cersei Lannister, Bendrin Reyne, and Birgitt Mander Tristan is shocked when Cersei barely lets him speak before she rejects his call for assistance and then has her guards remove him from the fortress with a demand that he never return. Following Tristan being embarrassed at the Lannister enclave he leaves accompanied by a group of his personal men from his Order of Saint Tristan and as Ezio watched him he was screaming in anger at what happened in the Lannister enclave. Ezio would follow him and discover that he was heading towards the Fortress of Schnabel where he planned to enter Lucerne Proper and then he planned to begin killing several prominent nobles he knew were William loyalists. Ezio was able to get to these people first as he was able to use the Fortress of Theiner but each of the people he searched for appeared to have already been warned and had traveled to the numerous William aligned areas of the city. As Tristan finds those he searched for already hidden he realizes the situation and travels to the Cloud Tower to meet with his father and try to find out what he should do.

I'm so sorry Khadgar. I didn't realize how far I...
Fredrik Gurse

With Tristan Lovie taking the lead on the attempt to resist William he would gather to him the few remaining loyalists including Fredrik, and Polina Gurse. Fredrik, and Polina Gurse would be commanded by Tristan Lovie to gain control of the Fortress of Theiner which in the case that William was able to get through the main gatehouse they would be able to hold him off while Tristan believed his fathers allies would come to support them. With loyalists not remaining in the city in any real number it was Polina, and Fredrik that were able to gather only a few dozen men for their attempt to take the Fortress of Theiner, but Polina planned to have their Magi turn the tide. It was as they prepared to assault the fortress that Khadgar was warned of what was happening by Ezio and hearing about what his adopted son Fredrik was planning the two rushed to the fortress where they warned Lord Marwin Theiner about what was coming for him. Marwin raised his forces bringing nearly two hundred men at arms into the fortress to supplmenet the hundred already inside the walls, and with his son Florian Theiner in command of the main gate, and his daughter Lena Theiner a Magi sensitive they believed they were well prepared for the coming assault. Polina, and Fredrik arrived at the fortress and discovered that the defenders had been warned and upon seeing a fully garrisoned wall, and Marwin screaming at them from the walls it was most of the men with Polina and Fredrik that laid down their weapons and surrendered. Polina for her part did not surrender instead she begin firing Magi missiles at the gate while Fredrik used magi to shield her from the arrows and spears that were thrown at them, while their troops ran. As this happened Khadgar, and Lena would have Florian open the gate and the two would then go outside and after a brief conversation they engaged in a four way duel where Fredrik was mortally wounded and Polina used Magi to portal herself away. Khadgar would hold Fredrik as he died, and the two who had been so close for so long were able to say goodbye as Fredrik finally understood how far he had fallen.

I'm so sorry Khadgar. I didn't realize how far I...
Fredrik Gurse

Following the fight at the Fortress of Theiner it was Ezio that made his way to the Fortress of Schnabel where Tristan was gathering what little forces he had at due to the loyalty of Lord Adalbert Schnabel to James Lovie II. Entering the fortress using the stream of soldiers already entering he was able to find Alfred's heir Alfred who was being kept locked in his room due to his loyalty to William. Ezio would release Alfred who then gathered to him the leadership of the house that was not supportive of what Adalbert was doing and with Ezio's assistance they were able to take Adalbert into custody keeping him locked in his room while Alfred took control of the fortress.

Janos Flynt
I had the commanders in my ear. I had the men on my side. I thought I knew who my brother was. I guess that was the only part of the equation that I had wrong.
Janos Flynt

Meanwhile while this was happening the City Watch was becoming the main remaining battleground. Janos Flynt had by now gained the support of the vast majority of the city watch when he approached his brother with the idea of doing what was right and allowing William Lovie into the city. Janos was shocked when Tavin revealed that he was going to remain loyal to James Lovie II. and would command that the defenses resist any attempt by William to enter Lucerne. The two brothers would argue back and forth for the next week and a half with Tavin unwilling to budge and Janos becoming increasingly desperate to stop what his brother was planning. As William was several days away from Lucerne Janos Flynt would approach his brother and attempt one last time to talk him out of his decision, but despite pleading with his brother and being accompanied by the entire leadership of the city watch outside of Tavin he was unmoved. Tavin following this rejection discussed how he was preparing under the orders of Tristan to not only bar entrance but to first allow William into the tunnel where they would kill him and anyone else in the tunnel at the time. Hearing this was too much for Janos of whom begged his brother to not be insane and think of the entire Kingdom but Tavin refused him and enraged that his brother had seemingly turned on him he called on men of his guard to arrest Janos for treason, and when he did this Janos realized that there wasn't going to be any convincing him, so before he was put under arrest from the guards he unsheathed his sword and slashed his brother across the neck killing him almost instantly. At the death of Tavin the guards stood down and basically switched loyalties almost immediately, and as Janos had been the second most powerful within the City Watch he was able to cover up the death of Tavin for a time while he moved on to making sure the Watch followed his commands.

I had the commanders in my ear. I had the men on my side. I thought I knew who my brother was. I guess that was the only part of the equation that I had wrong.
Janos Flynt

While Janos had gained control of the City Watch it was Cersei Lannister that moved from the Fortress of Einhelmer with a large force and took control of the several areas in Lucerne Proper that were resistant to William and held them under her control awaiting the arrival of William. Following this Janos would go throughout the various city watch commanders and make sure everyone was with him, and when he was sure they were he gave the command for William to be allowed into the city. William would enter through the vast gates of Lucerne alongside his force, and Tristan Lovie would watch from the first gate as his brother approached a position he believed was blocked to him. Tristan ran to the city watch command and demanded to see Tavin, but found information that Tavin had been murdered and Janos was now in charge of the city watch. Realizing he had failed to resist the entry of William Lovie he fled to the Sky Towers again forced to use the Fortress of Schnabel as the Fortress of Theiner was now under the control of William loyalists outright. Reaching the Fortress of Schnabel he found that Lord Adalbert Schnabel had been removed in favor of his heir Alfred Schnabel in what was clearly a move made due to Adalbert being pro-Tristan. For a moment there was nearly a fight but not wanting to make a move without the command of William it was Alfred that allowed Tristan inside without bloodshed, and a now very isolated Tristan moved to the Cloud Tower. Arriving at the Cloud Towers he found half the garrison was gone and only the Praetorian Guard remained at full strength and they were under the command of James and thus could not be used by Tristan. Tristan at this point placed the Order of Saint Tristan under the command of Florian Brickner and commanded that Florian attempt to get them out of the city so that they would not all die in what Tristan believed was going to be his death, with this marking one of the first moments of Tristan's life where he showed care for anything other then himself.

Entering the Sky Tower
AliCE lOVIE Black and White
I knew William my whole life, and I had known Tristan Lovie my whole life. Both of them were who they were, and the problem for Tristan was that he was a terrible human being. The time for honor was later, I needed to protect William.
Barrett Ahren

The prince would continue making his way through the city of Lucerne, and as he did this William would gather thousands of supporters to his army marching like a massive horde towards the Sky Towers where the hundred strong garrison would prepare for their coming. Those loyalists for William who had went to the different strong points while Tristan was searching for them would come out in numbers as well joining him as he travelled through Lucerne Hold and towards the Fortress of Theiner. Reaching the Fortress of Theiner William discovered the first visible signs of the fighting that had spread across the city during the weeks preceding his arrival and meeting with the Theiner leadership he learned what had happened. Moving from there they made a direct line towards the Cloud Tower where Tristan Lovie gave the House Lovie forces the command to stop him at all costs but by this point no one was listening to him, and the order wasn't accepted by the head of the House Lovie Cloud Tower guards in Barrett Ahren. Tristan discovered that they too were unwilling to stop the prince from coming, and begged his father to tell him how they were going to get out of this but his father just sat at his desk waiting for William to enter the room. As they waited the two would have a final visitor in the form of Bill Thalmer of whom arrived with two stones and gave the stones to James before taking out a third and disappearing into nothing, and at this Tristan attempted to discover what they were but before he could they heard the sounds of the elevator as William arrived on the floor. When William entered the room he did so flanked by Leven, Alice, Hedrik, Franklin, Edward, Jasper, and Emmett and they found his father sitting at his desk writing on papers, while Tristan stood in the corner of the room looking very uncomfortable. William would accuse James of treason and make him very much aware that he was now the King in everything but name, to which James Lovie stood up and responded with the following.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

My brother held for a moment holding the door, and as he stood their transfixed on the door handle I put my hand to his arm. Feeling my hand on his he looked back and smiled back at me before pulling the door open to reveal the contents of the room I had never been allowed to enter in my entire life. My father sat behind a massive desk, while the pathetic image of my brother Tristan leaning in the corner of the room looking like a small child. Tristan looked like the same pathetic boy he had been on the last day I had seen him, and it pained me to remember now all he had done. On a scale of evil he was up there with the worst monsters, and yet somehow when you looked at him now he looked so small.

William entered the room flanked to his left by Jasper, and Hedrik, while on his right Edward, and Emmett moved forward. I stood transfixed staring into the room until finally Franklin gently grabbed my arm and led me into the room to stand behind William. If he noticed that I had entered he didn`t make any signs of caring he just stared at William. Tristan on the other hand saw me and a twisted smirk moved across his face to the point that I moved closer to William looking for the protection that he offered me.

``My victorious son returns with his brave Lords. I rejoice at your great victory at Tree Hill son.`` My father was anything if not a brilliant manipulate of men, but even that seemed foolish. My brother`s victory left him in a position of little hope, and yet when you looked at his face he did look genuinely proud to see his son.

``The time for your lies is long past its end. I have learned the truth about what you have done father, and the time has come to pay for crimes.``

``So you come as a guardian of the realm then.`` He rose from the desk and moved in front of it to sit gently on the front. Seeing him closer he wore the armor of his father James, and even his madness you could see the royal look he carried.

``I`ve come for justice for the thousands of people you have either killed or terrorized. I come to avenge the wrongs you have done to this Kingdom. I come make you pay for everything you`ve ever done.``

``And yet your point is sullied by bringing that bastard girl.``

``You will never speak of her again do you hear me.`` William stepped forward and I grabbed at his cloak to keep him close while Jasper and the others also stepped forward to protect their prince. I actually couldn`t believe it still hurt me to hear the disdain in his voice towards me, but it still hurt my heart to be so unloved by my father. A tear fell down my cheek and I grabbed again at his cloak and he turned as if realizing I was crying. Gently wiping his hand on my face he smiled at me conveying the love he held for me, and how much he was capable of I felt safer.

``That will be your undoing my son.`` The words from my father turned William back towards him, and as pathetic as it was I moved closer behind him nearly hugging his back.

``What do you blather on about now.``

``Your love for that girl is going to be the one thing your enemies will use to their advantage. Don`t you understand that I sent her away because she was weakening you.`` He spoke as if it was the most honorable act he could have ever done, and yet the sheer scope of what he had was beyond grasping.

``Use whatever excuses you want but this ends here. Your time here is at an end murderer.`` The moment William said murderer it was as if James had been struck with the most painful strike in the history of mankind. Falling back onto his desk he looked back with a horrified look on his face.

"I’ve seen horrors. Horrors that you’ve seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me...It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies…" It was the sad ramblings of a man with nothing left, but as the tears flowed from my father`s face I felt a tinge of empathy for the sadness that must have driven this once great man to fall so far as to hate his children, and turn the Kingdom into a hellish place.

``The time for your talking is over. Jasper, Hedrik please take my father into custody and Tristan it is...`` Before he could finish my father broke out into hysterical crying and fell to his knees before William. Moving that close to William Jasper grabbed a hold of him almost immediately and shielded William.

"There they were in a pile, a pile of arms, and I remember, I...I...I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized like I was shot, like I was shot with a diamond, a diamond arrow right through my forehead. And I thought, ‘My God, the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than me because they could stand it. These were not monsters. These were orcs — trained warriors. These orcs who fought with their hearts who have families, who have children, who are filled with lust for battle – that they had the strength, the strength to do that. If I had ten divisions of those Orcs, then our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill – without feeling, without passion, without judgment – without judgment. Because it’s judgment that defeats us." After that madness filled rant Bill recoiled from Jaspers grasp and ran behind the desk.

``There`s nowhere to go...its over father.``You could tell this was breaking William as he watched the man that had been his father for his entire life fall apart. This wasn`t like it was for me or Tristan as father had never loved or cared for us in any real way, this was true pain. For his entire life his father had loved and cared for him, and now was the final moment of his time with him, and I felt his pain wash over me.

``The day may come son, when this is at an end. I see my end in the stars son, but know that while it is my blood that lays the final blow, it will not be you. You will be far far away when I finally get the judgement that you wish of me.``He stopped for a moment and looked briefly at Tristan, and then William before stopping at me. ``I`m sorry that my plan failed in the end. I`m sorry that every time I looked at you I couldn`t find any feeling but resentment. He always loved you in a way that he never did me, and I...I just...I just hated you for it. I see now that you were never my daughter in the end. I see now that you William were the only child I was ever meant to love...and I failed even that.``

``It's time father. Take him away...``As he finished James took a blue stone out of his pocket, and with another look at his children he clasped the blue stone and disappeared into nothing. Too shocked to say anything we were knocked out of our shock by Tristan stepping forward holding a green stone. Tristan stared at William laughing and as William lunged forward at him Tristan too clasped the stone, and disappeared into nothing.

It was a sad sight to see the father that had never loved me or gotten to know anything about me fallen so far. He was broken to the point that there was barely anything remaining that resembled humanity.
Alice Lovie

Bill went on a series of rants and William rejected this logic, and prepared to arrest James and place him in jail, when all of a sudden Bill broke out into historical crying. After breaking down and crying for nearly a minute James finally begin blabbering about different things of which none appeared to make sense until finally James begin discussing the Battle of Lyons. James told William of how there were piles upon piles of bodies, and he knew that the Orcs were greater then he was. With that speech done James took out of his pocket a blue stone, and told William that the day he might bring justice against him would come at some point but it wasn't today as today he was going to leave to the safety that the stone provided. In a single moment James disappeared and teleported to the location the stone sent the user. With James gone it was just William and Tristan and the two stood transfixed at each other, and then as suddenly as a man shot with an arrow dies, Tristan went to his pocket and pulled out a green stone and then disappeared into nothing.

Coronation of William Lovie III.

Main Article : Coronation of William Lovie III.

This is the moment I have been waiting for since your father came back from France. I always knew that you were the one to save us. This is your time now William.
Catherine Bell