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Hercuso Vashenesh
Hercuso Vashenesh Cover
Cash Consteins
Dripping Blood Divider1
Story Involvement
POV Role {{{POV Involvement}}}
Story Role Major Role
Vampire Details
Bloodline Vash Consteins Bloodline
Maker Stefon Vashenesh
Progeny Daughter
Generation Placeholder
Morality Chaotic Evil
Personal Details
Origins Lahmia
Status {{{Status}}}

Hurcuso Vashenesh is the brother of Vashenesh and a Count in the Vash Constein Bloodline. Born in Lahmia he has followed his lover Queen Neferata to the new vampire kingdom of Weerhousen, due to his overriding obsessive love for her.Hurcuso is the mate of Queen Neferata, and because of this he and his brother have grown to become almost visious enemies, as Hurcuso knows that Vashenesh secretly loved Queen Neferata. In this role he has become involved in a very public feud with Vashenesh that has come to a point now where the two cannot be in the same room without a fight breaking out.

Hercuso as a young man was involved heavily in both a friendship and romance with the soon to be Queen of Lahmia in Neferata, and this relationship as a child would change everything about him. Queen Neferata would become involved with Nagash during her early years as the Queen, and from him she turned many members of the aristocrats into a new creature called a Vampire. Hercuso and his brother were some of the first that were turned due to their loyalty and how loved they were by the Queen. As she lost her way due to the interferance of Nagash she was supported heavily by Hercuso, and his brother Vashensh but this didn't help things and eventually Lahmia fell and the Lahmian elite that surived as Vampires were forced to retreat out of Lahmia and follow their Queen to Europe.


Early History


In Lahmia he spent most of his time in the company of fellow aristocrat Queen Neferata, and his older brother Vashenesh. The three were basically inseperable and it was clear to everyone but the three that Hurcuso loved Queen Neferata, but Queen Neferata loved Vashenesh, and Vashenesh was too stubborn to admit he loved Queen Neferata.

Rise of the Vampire Queen

Main Article : Vampire, Nagash

Rise of the Vampire Queen
We are the true gods of this world. We need to show the world what the gods of this world are capable of. Today we stop. Today we take ourselves a new home.
Angelica Neferata Large
Ruling over Lahmia was the thing I had wanted to do since I was a young girl. I had dreamed nightly of the feel of the crown, and the power that would flow through the tip of my tougne. The loss of Vashenesh drove a wedge between the thing I had wanted since I was a little girl, and the thing I had needed since the first I saw his face.
Angelica Neferata

Vashenesh and the now Queen Neferata were both left with broken hearts by the news that Hercuso was to be her husband, but both of them buried it, and Queen Neferata and Hurcuso had a child together, and in public appeared very in love. While for Hurcuso this was real, for Angelica this was a painful separation from her true love Stefon Vashenesh. As Queen Neferata was at first very present in the rule of the land, but as it continued her first years were defined by her involvement in the behind scenes politics that were very prevalent among the aristocrats that appeared at the top of the leadership in Lahmia. This switch had a lot to do with the involvement of Hercuso of whom was a more morally bankrupt individual then Angelica remembered him being, but because of their previous relationship she trusted that he was a good person and took his words to heart.

The Coming of Nagash

See Also : Nagash

I hadn't been happy for those first four years, and thus at first I thought I was losing my mind. When I got people to look at him, he laughed at me because as I realized for some reason he couldn't be seen by anyone despite me. It would be years before this thing that talked to me every night would ever show itself to another human being.
Angelica Neferata

Only four years into her reign as Queen of Neferata she was approached by a man who called himself Nagash. Each night this man would appear in her room, and each time she called the guard he would disappear. Even when she begged Vashenesh to protect her she could never escape him. Vashenesh stayed in her room standing stoicly against a wall despite her begging him to sleep beside her so she could finally rest. During his time in standing guard she continued to see Nagash of whom simply walked beside him, and when she pointed at Nagash Vashenesh couldn't see him. When Vashenesh couldn't see him she became distraught and attempted to force herself sexually onto her former lover, but he was too honorable to be taken in such a way and thus rejected her attempts to sleep with him. Following this attempt Vashenesh would refuse to stay with her again. She tried this several more times in a failed attempt to get someone elce to see the man including one attempt when she had ten guards attempt to surround Nagash but he simply walked clean through them, and despite the fact that they felt something they had saw nothing.

When Vashenesh couldn't see him either, a part of me just gave up. I could never kill myself over this monster, but I could definitely give up on living. It was from that moment forward that I accepted everything in my life was no longer bound by the honor that I had spoken so highly of during my time with Vashenesh.
Angelica Neferata
Eventually she stopped calling the guard as she realized the hopelessness of her problem, and instead she listened to his words. Over two years Nagash whispered to her of her beauty and how she was the daughter of a god. These compliments eventually led to Nagash seeking for her to gather materials for him. He told her these materials would create a potion that would allow her to remain beautiful forever, and never lose her power.She gathered the materials for him and for years he gave her potions that kept her looking beautiful.
Angelica Neferata Gif8
Eventually as all evil men do, Nagash wanted more from her, and more importantly then just this he wanted her to do something for him. When she questioned what he wanted Nagash would make it know that he demanded she entice Jesus into coming to Lahmia and too kill him in a betrayal that would shake the foundations of the continent. He would give her time to think of this, and in this time she would go to her council and discuss the possibilities of war with Nehekhara and what would possibly happen if the two nations did go to war, and her Councillors showed her information on the scale of the war machine in Nehekhara and it became very clear how unable Lahmia was to actually fight against the Empire of Nehekhara. Following this discovery Nagash would return days later demanding and answer and it was at this point when she absolutely refused his request stating it would destroy her Kingdom, and with her denial he told her that she would lose the most valuable thing to her if she didn't agree.
First Death of Stefon Vashenesh
His death wasn't something I could accept. I could do a lot of truly terrible things in order to keep him happy, but I could not allow Vashenesh to fall. Stefan was mine. Stefan was the only thing that mattered.
Angelica Neferata

Angelica would ponder what this was over the night, and she didn't even think it was Stefon as she spent the night with him, but she considered many different things all of monetary or physical value. Not only did she not think it was Stefon she believed truly that Nagash was also somewhat frightened of her in her new state. Nagash was quick to prove his point when the very next day Nagash killed Vashenesh, and brought his dead body to Angelica's feet. When Angelica saw Vashenesh dead she wept and held him before she was interrupted by Nagash's laughter. She ignored his laughter and begged him to bring Vashenesh back to her. She pleaded with the liche for him to do anything to bring back Stefon to her, and she was in that moment more afraid then she had ever been in her entire life. Nagash saw his opening and agreed to resurrect Vashenesh if Angelica would do what he asked in regards to Jesus.  Nagash would understand better then anyone that in that moment he could have gotten her to do whatever he wanted, as her devotion, and fanatical love for Stefon was something that couldn't be separated from the fact that she was going down a one way road.

Angelica Neferata Gif7

Angelica could not accept the loss of Stefon no matter what the cost was, and it was this inability to accept that would force her to listen to the madness filled commands of Nagash and eventually change the course of human history.

A dark cloud on the world. I would end anything that stood in my way. I did not understand the notion of what made her so sad. I offered her immortality, and in return I demanded loyalty. This loyalty did not come with strings, or options. It was simply blind loyalty that I demanded. She could question. She could argue. But she could only do this in her own mind. I would not accept this sort of denial. So when she begin to show signs that she was going to back out of that arrangement she needed to understand the consequences of what she was suggesting.
Angelica Neferata

With Vashenesh under threat Angelica immediately accepted the offer, and waited patiently for Nagash to save him, but minutes passed and he simply stood there. During this time she was fed images in her mind by Nagash of the violent and brutal fate that awaited Stefon as she watched him dying over and over again. This caused her debilitating pain, and she fell to the floor and held him close crying hysterically. As this happened Nagash understood very clearly that he had broken the Queen, and he only needed to push her into becoming a vampire so that his plans were complete. As she regained her ability to stand she begin screaming at him that he wasn't doing anything, and in that moment he told her that the only way to save him was for Nagash to turn her into the nonliving, and then for her to then turn him as well. So desperate was Angelica that she accepted this to, and in this moment doomed herself to Vampirism.

The First Vampire

Main Article : Vampire

Angelica Neferata Gif5

Angelica lost all control during the early days of her Vamparism, and she would be ashamed of herself until eventually she was able to turn off her humanity in a way.

She was the first of her kind. She could not have know the consequences of the choice she made. She would be both made into a god, and a demon all in the same moment. A girl that had been frightened of blood found herself obsessed with it. It consumed her mind. Her body. Her soul. Everything was blood now.
Stefon Vashenesh

Angelica Neferata was the very first vampire of the world, and was created simply by the Magi of Nagash of whom wanted her to become something dark and twisted so that at worst she would corrupt the lands of Lahmia of whom stood as a guardian to the humans of Nehekhara unknowingly. Giving Angelica the Elixer of Life as he called it he would have her kept alone for nearly two weeks in her room as she changed into the first vampire the world would ever know, and the progenitor of the entire species. The only thing that remained in her room was the dead body of Vashenesh of whom Nagash cast a spell upon which merged him into the Veil forcing him to not go into the Fade and be unable to be resurrected. Her transformation would end, and she had gained fangs, and the unstoppable desire for human blood of which the only thing nearby was Stefon of whom Nagash convinced her the only way to heal him was to take the blood from him, and in her blood lust and unstoppable desire to have him live she would bite him draining his blood turning Stefon into the second Vampire. Keeping his promise to Angelica for a time Nagash would disappear from sight in the hope that she would lose control and feed on humans thus corrupting her forever with the knowledge of how good blood was for her, but instead she would seek out Stefon of whom had been turned into a Vampire but was resisting his urges and had come to sleeping by her door waiting for her to come out of whatever had kept her away from him and the rest of her people.

Angelica Neferata Wide
I couldn't understand why she so continuously was willing to throw me away. What did he have that I did not?
Hercuso Vashenesh

Seeking his brother out and not him would lead Hercuso to become finally done with his older brother and he would leave the palace ground and head north to the fortress of Alexandria where he would be unknowingly watched by Nagash. While travelling Hercuso would be approached by Nagash of whom convinced Hercuso that Angelica was truly in love with him but had been abused by Stefon and the only way to save her was to do a ritual with Nagash of which would bring her back to him. Doing the ritual was nothing more then a spell which made Hercuso's blood more appetizing to Angelica and thus when he returned to the palace and went to see her she would be unable to resist the call of his blood and broke out of her containment and attempted to turn him into a Vampire making the third Vampire of the world and destroying her ability to stop. As she attempted to bite him she was stopped by Stefon of whom took his brother from the room hiding within the dungeon beneath the palace, and as he finally stopped running Hercuso stole a knife from Stefon stabbing Stefon, but due to being a Vampire the damage was nearly nothing, and realizing that Hercuso had come second in this way as well he would slit his wrists. Watching his brother die in front of him Stefon bit him causing Stefon great blood lust, but also turning Hercuso into the third Vampire in the world through the blood kiss of Stefon.

Turning Katia
Katia Beckinlate9
At the time I didn`t know what she meant as she explained what had happened. I mean your sister who for most of her life has been nothing but straight edge comes to you and tells you she`s consorting with Undead Monsters and has been turned into a immortal creature your going to have some suspicion. But as she talked something in her eyes made me understand that everything was correct that she was staying, and it was in that moment I fell to my knees and begged her to make me like her. Even as she bit into my neck my whole body moved as if it was hers for the taking.
Katia Beckinlate

Katia`s sister Angelica Neferata would approach her during this time and begin telling her about her meetings with Nagash and the fact that she was now an immortal creature that she was calling herself a Vampire which was in their language meaning ``the immortal one`` and as she talked of this her sister Katia sat without moving not truly believing what she was hearing. As Angelica realized that she was resisting her call to become like her, she concentrated on the eyes of Katia and did what felt necessary in what would later become known as glammering. She was able to glammer Katia into agreeing with her, and this would lead to her turning her sister into a Vampire making Katia the second Vampire of the world.

Rise of the Bloodlines

It was at the beginning that I knew I would need to define who my leaders were. Due to my current affliction it wasn`t hard to bind people to my will, but the truth was those original Vampires were the most powerful they would ever be. My true Vampire Lords were only the first.
Angelica Neferata

Following turning her sister Katia into a Vampire Angelica would begin to plan with her sister - of whom became following this transormation extremely devout to Angelica - how they could completely gain dominence over the court of Lahmia, and they would devise a plan where Angelica would turn certain members of the court into Vampires and from there create powerful commanders for herself which they would call the Bloodlines.

Name Bloodline
Ushoran Strigi Vampire bloodline
Harakhate Neherak House of Neherak Bloodline
Corvusia Blood Court of Lahmia Bloodline
Kamilah Napata Category:Blood Court of Nubia Bloodline
Vashenesh Vash Consteins Bloodline
Godrick Sanguin Bloodline
Abhorash Blood Dragons
W'soran Nechrarch Bloodline
Philopater Ptolemy III. Ptolemy Bloodline
Corelia Naatesne House of Naatesne
Narmer Merneith House of Merneith

As the number of her so called Bloodline Dukes increased she was forced to stop following Narmer, and Cerelia two of her dukes massacring entire villages in western Lahmia due to their blood lust, and following the execution of these two she would command more control over who was changed into Vampires and attempted with much failure to control the killings of the people by the growing Vampire nobility. Also during this time Katia would begin expanding her own forces turning half a dozen members of the servent class of House Neferata and it was in these turnings that Angelica would come to find several dire hard loyalists in the turning of Orithyia of Neferata, Baerius of Neferata, and Persis of Neferata all of whom swore themselves to Angelica forming an inner guard for her.

Katia, and Abhorash
I trusted you and you turned me into a monster. How am I to ever defend the noble when I am a shell of anything. I am the very monster I was meant to save the people from.

Katia and Abhorash

Katia Beckinlate
He was all muscles and loyalty but beyond that their lay a beauty in his eyes that I couldn`t help but fall deep into. I loved my husband with all my heart, but this man struck a chord inside me that I couldn`t unstring no matter what I tried. In the end I doubt I actually wanted to back then.
Katia Beckinlate

When Katia Beckinlate arrived in the fortress of Abhorash she was told that he had gone east to meet with the leaders of the Empire of Nehekhara so that he could attempt to make them back off and that he would be back later. With this knowledge she made her way to the highest tower in the fortress and surveyed the lands east of the fortress. She looked down at the fortress and its she could see over the walls as she surveyed the fortress she saw the force of three hundred thousand defending the fortress and then out in the desert a force of some two million Empire of Nehekhara solders stood at the ready to destroy them and it was in that moment she understood just how real the threat was. When Abhorash arrived back in the fortress she was waiting in his quarters and she hid on a side love seat while he rushed inside and quickly got undressed. She came out of hiding when he was completely naked and proceeded to join him in conversation about the future. It became clear that Abhorash harbored feelings for her and that this was the reason she had been sent as opposed to anyone else, and as she and he stood their talking she became enamored by his personality and something in his eyes.

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The two would eventually make love, and the next day the same thing would happen and they would only stop when his guards finally made their precense known to tell him that he had said he was leaving for Lahmia City. When he told Katia why he was going and what he believed she was shocked to hear this coming from him as she thought their secret had been kept very well, and in that moment she proceeded to apologize to him and begged him to forgive her for what she had become. He held her close and begged her to tell him what she meant and she did so the only way she knew how by showing him her fangs.

Katia Beckinlate8

No turning Back

He was the first person I had ever feared showing myself to in this way. Before him being a Vampire was nothing more then a glorious reward of life, but when I waited for his response to me being one I feared the consequences. I loved him in that moment. I loved everything about him in that moment and I couldn`t have gone on if he hated me for what I had become.
Katia Beckinlate

The moment he saw her fangs a part of him begin fighting with himself over the feelings that were erupting in his soul. Abhorash was a very honorable person and had converted to Christianity and had gained a lot of respect for Jesus of whom had taught him of the dangers of darkness in any form. He stared at her for some time not showing any emotion, and he only made his choice when a bloody tear went down her cheek, and he realized that she was still the same person he had loved since he was a child, and that she had been changed into something that he didn`t have to like but he did understand. He wanted with everything inside him to simply reach out his hand and smooth her hair away from her face, but a part of him still resisted her, and for the moments after her tears he would battle himself before finally accepting that he loved her no matter what she was, and he couldn't blame her for anything that she had happen to her.

     Katia Beckinlate Gif3

When he smiled at her and moved forward giving her a kiss they would proceed to make love again like he had always wanted to with her, but had until this moment never thought would happen. The two would be together in that moment for the first and last time as they both had wanted to be, and neither ever wanted to leave the other. Unfortunately the Vampires in Lahmia had realized this was going to happen and thus when they finished Hercuso would enter the tent and attack Abhorash in his weakened state. He would resist the attacks of the weaker Hercuso, and a struggle ensued where Katia Beckinlate tried with everything in her to save Abhorash from being turned but Hercuso threw her away and proceeded to turn Abhorash into a Vampire.

Death of Jesus
Angelica you call us gods, but in truth my beloved you betrayed the only true god any of us will ever meet. No matter how much evil we do we will never turn ourselves into anything more then the monster that turned us into this.

The Death of Jesus

See Also : Jesus

I demand that you do what I say. I do not care the cost. You know the cost if you do not heed my command, and thus you will do every single thing I tell you or you know exactly how this ends.

With the rise of the Vampires in the Kingdom of Lahmia and as their excesses got worse and more impossible to hide the legend of what they were begin to escape the walls of Lahmia and into the Empire of Neheharka where the Sultan Jesus Christ would take this information very seriously. Jesus was a great believe in intelligence of your enemies, and in this way he dispatched spies to the nation of Lahmia in order to see if what he was hearing were true, or whether they were just fables. After time went by the spies returned to him with information, and what they discovered in Lahmia was beyond horrifying to him as it appeared to the spies that the aristocracy of Lahmia were Vampires, and preying on their people like demons. With this knowledge and the fact that Jesus was completely unwilling to allow such demonic presence to exist he would begin by order his armies to be raised and under the command of his generals he would begin harassing the Lahmian front to discover the strength of these Vampire armies. In each battle the Lahmians were victorious but not because they used Vampires but because of the most brilliant military commander anyone had ever seen in the form of the Vampire Lord Abhorash. This Lahmian commander named Abhorash was using his army of 250,000 and defeating armies twice and sometimes more then that of his size, and it was in this that Jesus would take an even further look into the Kingdom of Lahmia but more importantly the General Abhorash.

I demand that you do what I say. I do not care the cost. You know the cost if you do not heed my command, and thus you will do every single thing I tell you or you know exactly how this ends.

With Queeen Neferata now completely on the side of listening to whatever Nagash wanted her to do, she ordered her messengers to send a communication to Jesus that she wished to meet with him near the mountains of Cache, where she would like to discuss the ending of the conflict between the two of their kingdoms. Jesus was given the truce of kings which was basically the most honor bound thing you could offer another king, and it meant that no harm would come to you while on the other persons land. As Jesus left Nehekhara and entered Lahmia his commanders and advisers advised him strenuously to take a much stronger force, and to have the massive reserves he had called in to assist him in case something happened. In the end he trusted that honor would be upheld, but he also believed himself the son of God, and in this way no harm could come to someone who was doing to the work of God. Above this as well he was accompanied by two of his apostles in Judas, and Thomas of which Thomas was fanatically devout in his belief that Jesus was the son of God and thus he took no great worry about any risk to Jesus. Judas though had become bitter about the fact that he felt Jesus had betrayed him by not repaying the debt he believed he was owed. This fact meant that despite the fact that he agreed with the advisers and that he thought they should bring more men he did not voice these concerns and instead allowed his master to continue down the path.

I believe in you Judas. Let not the weakness of man trouble your soul. Everything makes mistakes, but the joy of the world is that we may repent. We may turn away from darkness. All can be forgiven.

As Jesus entered the outskirts of the fortress of Cache, he became confused as to where the Lahmians were, and his commanders begged him to pull back, and for nearly a day he remained impassive about whether to pull back, and he felt no danger so he had his force rest for the night and the next day they would press inside the fortress and find out the truth, or turn back depending on what he felt. Silently Jesus was waiting to see what Judas would do as he had felt the hatred that Judas felt towards him but he had honestly begin to believe that he was the son of God and thus he believed that he would be protected from harm even if Judas led him into the massive army of Undead that surrounded them. Jesus spent the night sitting in his tent with Thomas meditating beside him, and he waited hours for Judas to decide on what would happen, and when finally Judas made the decision Jesus was saddened by the betrayal but believed that Judas would repent and believe in him if he proved to Judas how truly powerful he was.

Last Stand
Death of Jesus4
It is still not too late Judas. Remember that all can be forgiven.

As the army woke the next day Jesus ordered them into the fortress and the incoming army of Undead that he senses. The army once they entered the fortress finally noticed the Undead all around them and they discovered that they were now surrounded by what appeared to be a million plus enemy soldiers. But this was no ordinary army this was the army of Nagash, and he alongside his million plus skeleton army charged the roughly 50,000 Nehekhara army. The battle didn't last long with the forces of Nagash absolutely destroying the army before it eventually surrounded the elite guard of Jesus, and the son of God himself. As Jesus's guard was whittled down man by man, he himself used his immense power to destroy thousands of the attackers each spell he cast. Jesus, Thomas, and Judas formed a triangle where in they all fought together and were basically unbeatable. This went on for hours as they fought shoulder to shoulder until Jesus felt Judas move away and watched with pained eyes as Judas teleported himself away from the battle leaving Jesus and Thomas with their triangle broken. As Thomas finally was felled by the ravening horde Jesus himself watched as the skeletons stopped coming forward and made a massive entrance path for something.

I curse your creations the Vampires to never again move against humans in the way they have. From this day forward they will be cursed to never be free to enter the homes of the just, and true among humanity. From this point forward they will be cursed to a slow death from the words of the righteous. Let these monsters never find peace among the living. Let these monsters always feel a need to move. Let your children never know peace. I curse the Vampires. I curse these monsters.

Jesus watched as the enigmatic figure of Nagash walked down the pathway. When he reached the end Nagash would stop and Jesus realizing in this moment that he was going to die would deliver his final revenge when he would curse the Vampires who were Nagash`s true punishment on the world, and following his chanting of the curse Nagash would step forward and the two would begin their final battle. On a normal occasion the two were equally matched, but with Jesus having just fought for hours he was exhausted, and the world lost its second Man God when Jesus failed to deflect a killing spell and fell to the ground dead.

Destruction of Lahmia
I made a terrible mistake Stefon...I led us into the gates of the very hell I was trying to avoid, and now look at our home. We played in the gardens and we lived the lives of normal people, and I destroyed all of that. What can I do now. Tell me what I can do now to make this right. I do not want this to end like this. I cannot accept that I did all of this evil and there wont be some kind of happy ending for us. We were supposed to live forever. It wasn`t supposed to end this way.

Destruction of Lahmia

Main Article : Fall of Lahmia

Funeral of Jesus
It was said that the moment after Jesus died so powerful was he in Magi that everyone who had enough connection litterly fell to the ground in pain upon his death. Those with slight Magi were said to have had headaches for days. It was a moment that caused so much pain that even those who didn't know him felt it.
Angelica Neferata

When Jesus died, the reverberations from his death combined with the death of Thomas shortly before that led to a nearly mythical Magi shock wave spreading throughout the planet. Those with Magi abilities were literately pained by this wave, and the level of their pain increased with the Magi ability. It was in the Empire of Nehekhara that Peter was meeting with the members of the government when he fell to the ground in pain. Surrounded by the men they helped him up, and he announced to everyone what had happened. Within days every single Apostle would arrive at El-Kalabad on the border and it was there that they mobilized and bashed aside the few Lahmian forces that stopped them from trying to get to Cathe. Retrieving the broken headless body of Jesus they returned to Damascus where they had a great funeral for the Son of God Jesus Christ. The Funeral lasted for nearly a month, and the different Apostles took the death completely differently. Led by Peter the majority would be overcome with grief and anger and would raise a massive army that they would lead back to El-Kalabad in preparation to gain revenge against Nagash and Queen Neferata. While this was true of many there were also apostles that took no part in the conflict and chose a different path.

Andrew: The Apostle Andrew would remain in Bagdhad where he would construct a massive Temple. This Temple became known as the Dome of Tears as it was said that Andrew cried the entire time that he was building the Temple. From that point on he left the Temple only once when Peter came to Bagdhad and when he did it was only to briefly speak with him before he left him and returned to the Temple interior.
John the Elder: John the Elder would remain in the fortress of El-Kalabad following the death of Jesus. He would enter the Church of the Annunciation one day after the funeral of Jesus and would remain their from that day forward. His survival is not known but John the Minor has entered the temple almost every day he is in the city and much food is sent into the temple by the people in the hope they can feed their Apostle.
John the Minor: John the Minor would remain with John the Elder in the fortress of El-Kalabad following the death of Jesus. John the Minor would cloth himself in black Garb and would spend his time roaming the deserts around El-Kalabad while also acting as the leader of the city while John the Elder remained in the Church of the Annunciation. John the Minor would on many occasions lead the armies of El'Kalabad into battle against rebels of the area as well as once every ten years John the Minor has taken an army to Cathe where he prays alongside Peter and other apostles who also visit the spot.
Philip: At the time of the death of Jesus it was Philip that was remaining in the position left by Jesus as the bodygaurd of Jesus's mother Mary, and following the news that Jesus was dead Mary would jump into a well killing herself in her sadness. Philip would banish everyone from the area and would construct a wall around the area where he would remain at the well of Mary. Philip remains watching along the walls where he is said to scream at all hours about his pain.

The massive army of the Empire of Nehekhara arrived at El-Kalabad and it was as they entered the ruins of Cathe for the second time that they were met with resistance from Nagash and the Lahmian army.

Discovering the Truth
"I had an immediate understanding that what I had done was terrible beyond words. It was perhaps the last moment that I could truly step back and understand the difference between right and wrong, and for the last time in my immortal life I had felt guilt."
-Angelica Neferata

The Apostles of Jesus were not the only ones to quickly discover the death of Jesus, as the Magi of Lahmia quickly told Angelica Neferata and the assembled government of Lahmia that Jesus was dead and Nagash was now on route to the northern ports making his escape. Angelica was quickly advised by her main commander in Abhorash that if the army of Nehekhara came for aggression there wasn't a thing they could do to stop them. In this way and realizing the mistake she had made, Angelica would send messengers to Al-Haikk stating their non-involvement in the death of Jesus and that they had been tricked by Nagash. These messengers never made it to Al-Haikk but were caught by the massive army now assembled at Cathe. If the apostles got this message they did not accept it, and Angelica watched as they entered Cathe and gathered the body of their savior and then left again where her spies told her that they had a massive funeral. Harakhate be commanded by Angelica Neferata to flee Lahmia following the lack of response from the forces of Nehekhara as she wanted to make sure there would be somewhere for the Vampires to go if the worst came to pass, and in this way he traveled to Greece where he alongside his bloodline took control of an island of the coast of southern Greece. It was following the departure of Harakhate and as they waited for the army of Nehekhara that Nagash would return to the capital.

The Return of Nagash
"The pathetic Liche returned to Lahmia with his tail between his legs."

Nagash would be sent word from Sauron that he should retreat as Sauron's spies in Nehekhara told him that the apostles remained alive and were leading the armies in the name of revenge against Nagash and the Lahmians. Nagash would try and escape through the ports of the northern coast, but each ship that he tried to board would nearly immediately collapse due to sabotage, or suicide of the crew members. He and his loyal commander Larloch attempted to undue the spells but discovered a power more endless then anything they knew about, and gave up. Realizing that some Magi beyond his power was binding him to Lahmia he believed the only way to escape was to defeat the armies of Nehekhara and then make his escape. Returning to Lahmia City he would meet with Angelica Neferata of whom he would gather with to meet the forces of Nehekhara in battle.

Battle of Cathe

For such a devastating conflict their were only really two battles in the entire conflict and the first was a massacre known as the Battle of Cathe. For years the army of Lahmia had held off attack after attack using the immense skill of Aborhorash but now the army of Nehekhara was led by Peter the Apostle and every other assembled Apostle also involved. Numbering nearly three million plus the Apostles and thousands of Angels the army of Nehekhara quickly smashed into the forces of Lahmia and Nagash of whom even with Nagash's demonic army only numbered 400 thousand. The Battle left nearly the entire Lahmian, and Nagash army destroyed and hundreds of the vampire aristocrats were killed in the battle, but Abohorash, W`soran, Nagash and many other Vampire Lords retreated back to Lahmia City.

Battle of Numas
Fall of the Capital
You saw the power of the angels as they destroyed Nagash. If Nagash could die then what chance did we have, and it was for that reason alone that I fled with the rest of them.
Hercuso Vashenesh

Wsoran aided by summoning legions of undead, animating the slain soldiers of the Sultan of Nehekhara`s own army and turning them against their still living companions. Legends say that Nagash assisted W`soran. Eventually however, the Nehekharans was victorious and the vampires who survived fled north. The Temple of Blood and the Great Library with all its arcane knowledge went up in flame. Some of the Necrachs, Wsoran's vampire children, refused to abandon the library and were burned. W`soran himself took as many books and scrolls as he could carry and made a run for it.

Fleeing Lahmia
I made a terrible mistake Stefon...I led us into the gates of the very hell I was trying to avoid, and now look at our home. We played in the gardens and we lived the lives of normal people, and I destroyed all of that. What can I do now. Tell me what I can do now to make this right. I do not want this to end like this. I cannot accept that I did all of this evil and there wont be some kind of happy ending for us. We were supposed to live forever. It wasn`t supposed to end this way.
Angelica Neferata

With the War with Nehekhara lost, Queen Angelica Neferata gathered the survivors of her court to her in the small Lahmian estate village of Glova where they very silently licked their wounds and prepared to decide the next steps. As the days went by and the members of her court that had survived managed to reach the estate she decided that they would head north towards the obscure port of Hashin, which she hoped would not have been taken by the Nehekhara forces. The Vampires made their way north, and moved very carefully through the rear echelon of the Nehekhara forces that were mopping up the survivors of the war. During this time their power meant that they were able to move quite easily without any real trouble in only two months. When they arrived at the town they found they were lucky and it had in fact been disregard by the Nehekhara armies in their rush for the capital of lahmia.

Turning Tormund
I'm sorry Tormund. I cannot watch another person slip away today.

Tormund and his family that flee from the city of Khito after the Mayor of the city returns having lost a battle east of the town and warns them that the Nehekharians are coming with blood on their mind. Tormund and his family travel with a large group northward attempting to reach what everyone believes is the safe harbor of the fortress of Memphis. Arriving at the outskirts of Memphis they discover the city is on fire and the group decides to make the decision to cross to the western side of the Nile and then go north again. Reaching the rivers edge the group is discovered by Nehekhara soldiers who massacre the group leaving a fatally wounded Tormund to drag himself to a small boat by the rivers edge. Elasus Fox and Meghanna retreat from the ruins of Numas traveling westward towards the Nile where they hope to take a boat northward. Arriving eventually at the town of Tlumas where they find the city already on fire forcing them to travel around the city heading northward. Passing through ruined town after town they eventually reach the town of Memphis which is also on fire but they believe they can find a boat there. Finding several massacre sites they eventually find a boat, but as they go to push the boat they notice a badly injured young man, and watching him die Meghanna makes the decision to turn him into a Vampire.

Vampire Court in Greece

Main Article : Greek-Mycenean War

Vampires on the Run
It was an entirely different world, and it took me a long time to get used to the fact that I couldn't just openly expect the people to follow me. The lands of Greece were pleasant enough, but I really just wanted to see Vashenesh smile again, and I was willing to try anything in order to make that happen.
Angelica Neferata Hot
It was an entirely different world, and it took me a long time to get used to the fact that I couldn't just openly expect the people to follow me. The lands of Greece were pleasant enough, but I really just wanted to see Vashenesh smile again, and I was willing to try anything in order to make that happen.
Angelica Neferata

Led by Ushoran Neferata the Vampire Court made there way northward and while they traveled a distraught Angelica was basically living in the coffin that W'soran had created for the recently resurrected Stefon Vashenesh. With Angelica basically out of the leadership picture it was Ushoran, and Hercuso that took control of the Vampire Court leading them towards Hashin where they planned on retreating out of Lahmia from. With her forces managing to reach the small port of Hashin they captured the fleet present there and corralled the survivors northward towards the island of Crete where they had active relations with the Mycenean Empire. When the group landed in the Cretan city of Knossos they numbered several hundred Vampires, as well as thousands of Lahmian footmen, and knights and in this way they were a rather powerful group. Making an alliance with King Nicius Atraedai of the Mycenaean Empire the Vampire Court would at first attempt to devise a plan where in they could raise an army and take back Lahmia, of which Angelica was noticeably silent on this plan. As Abhorash planned to retake Lahmia news came into the Greek plains that the Empire of Nehekhara had sacked the capital of Lahmia and was garrisoning the entirety of the kingdom. Alongside just the garrison was the fact that several of the Apostles of Jesus had made there way into the land and were preaching of the demon hood that was the Vampires and realizing that this meant the population would soon be lost to them it was Angelica that made the decision to forget Lahmia.

All of you saw what we faced back in Lahmia. Jesus's vengeance was complete. We are a spent force in our homeland. It's time now to look forward.
Angelica Neferata

Angelica was emotionally wrapped up in attempting to heal Stefon of the spiritual damage that had been done to him, and thus was unable to really use her leadership at this point, and thus others who were becoming more interested in blood and violence begin to take over. Without a guiding leadership for returning to Lahmia the vampires followed the lead of their queen when they accepted that the Kingdom of Lahmia was lost to them for now. While the Vampire Court of Lahmia was staying in Crete planning their next moves it would be the anger that many felt over their defeat in Lahmia and being forced to live in a foreign land that would lead to much of the court including Angelica Neferata to start losing themselves in the blood lust they felt. As this violence escalated and Godrick and the other sensible Vampires of the Lahmia court saw no other options it would be Godrick that left the court in disgust for their behavior and traveled northward where he stayed for some time on the island of Minthios. Also leaving during this time was Vincent Godfrey who had fallen under the influence of Godrick and having never really recovered from what happened at the Battle of Cache he left with his friend. Anai Heretee would during the time of the Vampire Court staying in Greece would fall in love with the young Greek Prince Fadil Heretee of whom unwilling to move on without him would turn him into a vampire but put the blame on one of her progeny of whom she then betrayed and killed playing herself as the savior of Fadil.

Massacre of Korinth

Main Article : Massacre of Korinth

Meghanna, Tormund, and Elasus are following Hercuso at the request of Stefon when he leaves the island of Crete and travels by boat accompanied by some of his personal guards, and the three latch on the boat stowing away in the bottom level covered in fish guts to hide their smell. Arriving on Kinthros they watch as Hercuso and his men meet with Hasani Merneith and they watch as the two discuss a meeting that is being held at the capital of the island in Kinthros. Timandra travels to the city of Kinthros where Duke Dimitris Panides attempts to stage a meeting of the different dukes on Kinthros for what he wants to be a mutual pact to defend each other in the case the Vampires begin targeting their island again for violence. Following the group they are horrified when the group meets up with another Vampire group led by Kamilah Napata and then the three groups enter the city killing guards as they go. With only the three of them they are unable to stop the Vampires as they massacre the leaders of the city and then kill hundreds before finally fleeing the city when day gets close and they worry reinforcements may be near. Timandra attempts to leave the meeting but finds the doors blocked and several Vampires enter the meeting killing everyone inside, but Timandra is not killed instead she is raped and left for dead locked inside a closet bleeding out. Entering the keep of the city they find dozens dead including all the prominent leaders but also smell a live girl who turns out to be duchess [[Timandra Thaneas]] and when she begs for vengeance its Meghanna that turns her into a Vampire to offer her a chance at vengeance.


We cannot change our nature. Perhaps we could lessen its impact.
Abhorash Ahtef
Angelica Neferata Gif6
As this was happening it would several of the Vampire Lords that would resist the destructive nature of their new condition and led by Abhorash Ahtef II. they would begin invading the relatively weak dutchies of Arcadia, Argolis, and Attica where they gathered hundreds of slaves for use in satisfying the Vampires lust for blood. As this continued the Vampires found peace on Crete through this slave raiding, and for many decades there was relative peace on the island of Crete with the government under King Atreus Atraedai II. having being turned into a Vampire the royal family of Crete was solidly behind them. With this golden period moving forward it was Atreus and Abhorash that led an invasion of Argolis where they conquered much of the eastern Dutchy including the town of Archangelos. Archangelos became the sight of a large immigration of the more violent members of the Vampire Court who enjoyed the closer proximity of free slaves in Archangelos. This movement would unknowingly cause a problem when Angelica, and Hercuso massacred a small church in the Massacre of Relvia's Church which they believed was of little consequence but was in fact the home of the Titan Relvia who had made it her home for many years preaching to the people. Relvia was not present at the church at the time and thus would remain unaware of what had happened for some time allowing the Vampires to continue their descent into violence on the Greek mainland for many more years.

Gospel of Godrik

This is the end of peace. This decision by our brothers and sisters has left us in a never ending spin towards death. We either leave now and find true peace, or we die here.
Godrick Neferata

It was on the island of Minthios that Godrick Neferata and his assembled loyalists would hear of the invasion of Argolis and the subsequent violence of the Vampires in these new lands and look on this with horror. For Godrick this was the end. He now saw no future for the Vampire Court in Greece that didn't lead to them being killed by the increasingly angry population they were ruling over. Realizing this but also understanding that he couldn't leave Greece without first getting permission from Queen Angelica he would make the journey back to Crete to see her. Returning to Crete he and his companions found the Vampire Court at Knossos had become just what they had feared it would when they had left so many years prior. Filled with the excess of the Vampire's bloodlust it was a place of nightmare for the moralistic Godrick, and thus he rushed through the streets towards the palace. Godrick, Romanos, and Vincent would meet with Angelica who at the time was without the bad influence of Hercuso who was at the time off island it was Angelica that would hear them out. Godrick would argue that he and and his supporters would be of best use to her attempting to find a new spot for the Vampires to go in the case that things went badly in Greece. At first Angelica would be uncovinsed but the arrival of Stefon would push her to say yes to them. To make sure that they were able to leave without issue the decision was made to spread the rumor that the three had been killed, and thus only Stefon, and Angelica would know where they were actually going. Following this it was Godrick, Vincent, and Romanos that left through a tunnel in the palace thus leaving the rest of the Vampire court unaware of their true mission.

Vengeance of Relvia

Relvia Cover Amazing
We spent a long time in Greece, and during this time I drifted farther away from the morality that I had once known as I accepted the words of Hercuso that we were now gods. He made me believe that human lives were completely useless and were ours to do with what we wanted. I didn't realize that every life I took in the brutal manner I did drover my love farther away from me. I didn't realize that he was disappointed in me or I would have stopped immediately.
Angelica Neferata

The vampires decades of free reign over Crete, and southern Greece would come to an end the moment Relvia returned to her church and discovered the destruction and death. Searching out what had happened it didn't take long for her to discover that it was the Vampires that had commited this act, and wandering the lands of Greece she discovered a land in terror of them. She visited the Dukes of Arcadea, Argolis, and Attica discovering they were all very hateful towards the Vampires but also were terrified of resisting them following the devastation done to eastern Argolis.

The Founding of Weerhousen

Main Article : Weerhousen

The Founding of Weerhousen
We are the true gods of this world. We need to show the world what the gods of this world are capable of. Today we stop. Today we take ourselves a new home.
Queen Neferata 2
If I kept going there was no question he would die. I needed to make him a home, and at the same time I knew it was time for Lahmia to be reborn.
Angelica Neferata

With their new home chosen the Lahmians begin to look at expanding outside their own fortress of Lahmia City where they had made their home base and out into the regions around the city. This expansion was ordered by Queen Neferata of whome while being the figure head of the expansion was delegating the tasks of the actual operation to her Dukes of which Abhorash, and Ushoran would take the lead in this way. The two devised a plan where in Ushoran would use diplomacy and skilled civil management in order to annex different areas that were in the area, and while this was going on Abhorash was preparing the military of the Lahmians in order to militarily defeat the humans if they resisted. In the area there were only two major forces of resistence in the form of the Dutchy of Krieger, and the Confederacy of Gregior of which the Dutchy of Krieger was rumored to be quite powerful and led by an effective leader in House Krieger. While Ushoran moved towards the Confederacy of Gregior he sent Vashenesh and Hercuso to the Dutchy of Krieger where he hoped they could get them to submit easily and avoid any bloodshed. He would also send Fadil Heratee to the realm of Ravensburg where he would be ordered to meet with the leadership of that region in House Constein.

Confederacy of Gregior

Main Article : House Gregior

The Confederacy of Gregior was built around its powerful House Gregior of whome controlled a large tract of a region east of Lahmian City, and they also had a vassal Kingdom in the city state of Crailsheim which provided them with economic, and manpower to fuel their growing realm. When Ushoran arrived in the Kingdom he was quick to buy off sell swords, and other people with swaying loyalty and from these people he learned of whom the power brokers were in the realm of which every person seemed to direct him towards House Gregior and its charismatic heir Breven Gregior. Ushoran was very impressed when he met Breven and he realized very quickly that he could save thousands of lives if he were to convince Breven to simply take his people and join with the growing Kingdom of Weerhousen. Ushoran used the only tool he had at his disposal after his bribary was rejected when he threatened to kill the entirety of House Gregior if he was not listened to. Breven called his bluff and Ushoran reluctantly heeded the words of W'Soran who told him he would make Breven understand that they meant business when they were discussing matter. W'Soran would absolutely annihilate nearly half of House Gregior after he and several of his Nechrarch Vampires used Magi to warp in demons to attack and kill members of House Gregior. Following this event the two would meet again and Breven realized what he was dealing with and he allowed the annexation of the Confederacy into the Kingdom of Weerhousen.


My Queen let me prove my worth to you at Ravensburg. Let me go on my own there and I shall prove to you that Lord Aborhash, and Lord Ushoran`s way of thinking is one that can work. Give me this honor and I will not fail you my Queen.
Angelica Neferata

Ravensburg was the area that Fadil Heretee was sent to in order to pacify and bring the city state of Ravensburg into the fold. He discovered upon arriving in the region that it was very poor, but its most pressing issue was dealing with the constant raids and invasions from the Trolloc dominated forests to the south. Fadil spent nearly two months building up support amongst the populated southern towns, and villages and his growing army prepared itself to invade the Trollocs. The next time the Trollocs invaded into Ravensburg land the army of Fadil was prepared and waiting for them, and the Trollocs were massacred on such a level that the people of Ravensburg begin to clamor for him to enter a control position within the council of Ravensburg. As he and his army made their way north towards Ravensburg they were opposed by a large force led by the towns leaders who feared his influence. The two armies would maneuver themselves for some time while Fadil waited for his reinforcements to arrive in the form of Soren from the Blood Dragons of whom arrived a week later and made his way to the city of Ravensburg which was now undefended and took control of the town under the banner of Fadil's army. With their city in their enemies hand and the people now obsessively in love with Fadil the army of the town begin to desert in massive numbers until three days after the fall of Ravensburg the army was a skeleton force and Fadil would surround the remainder with his force. No quarter would be offered these men and the remainder were massacred and their holdings and wealth distributed to those houses, and individuals that had not joined them and left Ravensburg.

Dutchy of Krieger

Main Article : House Krieger

Your brother has his own way of doing Vash. He will get the job done but I have no doubt that this Dutchy of Krieger will have far less people in it once he has finished with it.
Angelica Neferata

House Krieger was always going to be the section of Weerhousen that gave them the most trouble as it had a solid, and powerful army that was led by the effective and honorable House Krieger. The conversion of this land would begin when Vashenesh, and Hercuso crossed the border with many of their Vampire Bloodline and made their way to the capital of Krieger. When they arrived on the outskirts they were way lade by the town guard of whom said they could not enter and that a series of tents would be set up so that the council of Krieger could meet with them. Vashenesh accepted this and prepared to lead his men to the area they were told to wait, when all of a sudden Hercuso became agitated about this supposed insult and raised his weapon at the guard commander.

The Trolloc War
These beasts are the only things standing between us and our destiny. I will not allow some creatures barely above cattle to slow the progress my people have made, and because of that I want them ruined. Leave no trace of them. Destroy their homes. Destroy their people. Destroy the very memory of them.

War with the Trolloc

See Also : Krax


With the Vampires staking claim to regions in Weerhousen it was only a matter of time until they upset the massive Trolloc population of the area. As the vampires extended their influence, the Duke W'soran begin massacuring villages and settlements of Trolloc in his constant search for subjects. This got to such a point that the Trolloc of the region begin marshalling under a particularly powerful Trolloc named Krax. Krax beggining raiding local human villages and towns of W'soran, but this was the wrong area to try and insite retribution from since W'soran cared little if anything for the region. As the attacks continued the Trolloc begin spreading to other regions, and attacked a village controlled by the Duke Abhorash. This would be the moment where the attacks of Krax would finally meet resistence as the forces of Abhorash marsheled themselves to destroy the attacking Trollocs.

Battle of Hornish Village

Seeing his servants under attack and a chance for war, the brilliant Abhorash marshaled his army and moved to the village. When he arrived at the village, he found only a small attack force, and was at first disappointed by the little force arrayed against him. As he approached closer though his force was quickly surrounded by the total Trolloc force. Abhorash's army was surrounded by a Trolloc force that outnumbered his by 4-1, but this only egged him on and he pulled his forces in and prepared to withstand the coming attack.

Abhorash was correct and the Trolloc did simply charge the Blood Dragon force.

The Ambush

Main Article : The Battle of Gurt

The war with the Trolloc of Weerhousen appeared to be going without a hitch, and it wasn't until a massive army of Trollocs ambushed Queen Neferata that they realized they were in a very hostile land. While travelling from Lahmia City to Krieger the convoy was ambushed by a large force of Trolloc. The convoy was moving with Queen Neferata, Vashenesh, Hurcuso, and a number of Vash Consteins vampires, so they were almost cocky in their arrogance. The vampires had traveled throughout Europe in the shadows and had been doing whatever they wanted, and this had blinded them to fact that they could be killed. Ushoran said it best later on.

"The Queen had taken us throughout Europe, and in those hundreds of years we had killed mountains of people, and stolen an endless amount of things. All this had been done in the shadows. In the secretive way of our lives, the Queen and the rest of them forgot that we could be killed."


Vashenesh fought by the side of the Queen, and he held the carriage for more then twenty minutes against nearly two hundred Trolloc, as the convoy was slowly wiped out he became more and more surrounded until finally during the end the Trollocs were slashing him on the back as he couldn't get around to fight all of them. Finally a large Trolloc came in and was able to defeat the severely weakened Vashenesh and kill him with a brutal slash across the neck which left him nearly decapitated. The Battle itself would end with the deaths of every vampire and human gaurd in the convoy except for the Queen and Hurcuso. When the Queen saw her beloved Vashenesh lying dead in front of her surrounded by dozens of Trolloc that were trying to kill her, she wept tears of blood. It is a very notable thing that in a battle that involved her husband, and much of her retinue she spent the entire post battle holding the body of Vashenesh and didn't even go looking for her husband Hercuso who had somewhat fled the battle in order to survive.

It was only out of luck that W'Soran arrived and was able to resurect Vashenesh that saved him from death, and Queen Neferata from madness.

First Weerhousen-Alcase War
Why do you come here human. Do you believe so strongly in your dragon gods that you dare come into the lair of a people who have lived longer then you could possibly imagine. Come inside human. Come inside and meet your maker.

First Weerhousen-Alcase War

Main Article : First Weerhousen-Alcase War

Rise of the Kingdom of Bretonia

Main Article : Frankish Crusade

The Rise of France
France was a battleground between more then just the Franks and Trolloc. The Dwarves instigated the whole thing wanting to help the humans. The Elves sent forces into the fray to support the humans. Even the Vampires of Weerhousen joined the fray on the side of the humans. Then there was the gods. Chaos sent forces under Flemeth's dark men to stop the humans. When that turned out to be not enough Chaos sent the Vampires leading to Vampire on Vampire fighting. As it spread out of control the only Noble Titan willing to do anything in Odin sent his daughters to help. It was called the Frankish Crusade, but in truth it was a world war.
France was this strange place. Humans and Trolloc in equal number, but they were both defined by one major weakeness. The Trolloc, and the humans were leaderless, and savage in comparison to the rest of the continent. I believed we could change that.
Karlun Goldbeard II.

The region of France had been the site of the major racial conflict in the form of the War of Vengeance and following this conflict the entire region of France had become dominated by the Trolloc and isolated elements of other order but the Trollocs were basically the dominant power. This changed when the Empire of Matron begin to attempt to uplift the Frankish of the region in an attempt to create a buffer between themselves and the ravaging tribes of Trolloc infesting the land. This experiment begin with the simple goal of expanding the human presence by giving equipment and in the proper places financing to Frankish tribes so that they would expand into regions dominated by the Trollocs. In this way the Dwarves sent caravans throughout the human controlled parts of France and found tribal leaders that they believed had competent leadership and a foundation of popularity that would allow them to expand quickly. The Dwarves would come to empower many houses but the following were the most important and in the end the only houses to matter much during the rise of the Frankish in France.

House Eisenburg

Lisiana Cover4
It was a peaceful life here. My world moved and swayed like the wind. I knew there were monsters in the forest, but something about the way my father led us made me feel safe. I could have lived forever in that forest with the monsters all around me if only my father could have known about the monsters in the closet.
Lisiana Eisenburg

The Dwarves would send out dozens of scouting parties into France which they had been isolated with for many years, and these groups looked for different powers among the Franks, and it would be House Eisenburg that would be one of the first of a series of tribes that was met by the Dwarves. In this case the Dwarves arrived at Paris with a force of some fifty Dwarves led by Johanan Craghand of whom was a relatively young Dwarf but believed in the Dwarven cause with everything he had and was also notably an extremely devout Christian joining the increasingly numerous Dwarven-Christian naming system. Arriving at Paris his lieutenants would believe that there was little chances of success as their proximity to the vast Orleans region which was a stronghold of the Trollocs and was causing serious problems for House Naeniss who was far larger. House Eisenburg though was controlled and led by a brilliant leader named Charlemagne of whom was perhaps the most intelligent of the leaders rising at this point, and it was this leadership that would be the one thing that gave the Dwarven commander hope for their victory. Johanan Craghand would knight many warriors of the Eisenburg region, and also the Dwarven Christian Priest Zachary of Mathias would preach the word of Jesus, and his words struck a cord with Charlemagne of whom would command his men to listen to these words and convert to Christianity. Alongside these knighting ceremonies and the mass conversion of the region to Christianity they would also would give them promises of resources and it was in this giving of resources that the brilliant Charlemagne would find his true hope equiping his most loyal soldiers in armor, and equipping them with the best weapons he could get Johanan to get for him. During the start of his rise Charlemagne would come to rely on his children to a great extent with all of his children taking heavy roles in the movement of House Eisenburg including most prominently Lisiana Eisenburg, and Pepin Eisenburg.

House Liolen

Jansten Liolen
When we and the Elves were done fighting France was nothing but a ruin. A ruin that got filled in with the monsters of our nightmares. It was our duty to make right what we had done
Karlun Goldbeard II.

In this search the first and most prominent house was House Liolen of whom was located north of Karak Matron, and south of Corone Hold. Led by Jamten Liolen the house was already quite powerful in the region and they had a large force with which to expand themselves outwards. House Liolen expanded well in their region and they in turn begin asking for more and more equipment for their expansion to the point that they had to go to the Dwarf Hold of Corone which they were told about through a series of Dwarven scouts. This would be the site of the first betrayal the Dwarves of Karak Ankor would suffer when the Humans of Liolen decided that the power of Corone was too much for them to ignore and they decided to sack the Hold and take the land for themselves. They talked to the Dwarves of Corone and got them to agree to a massive supply run and said that they themselves would pick up the goods and when the Dwarves went out to meet with them the Dwarves were ambushed and killed to the last. With the Dwarves dead the humans put on their clothing and equipment and used these disguises to get inside the Dwarven defenses and as part of the humans infiltrated in this way the other part moved aggressively against the Dwarves who were shocked by this attack and put up little resistance. As the Dwarves begin to mount a defense they found their Thane slain and most of their commands killed as the infiltrating humans burned them from the inside. What few Dwarves managed to escape fled north to the small Dwarven port of Hekbrund where they boarded ships and fled westward towards Best where they would be safer.

House Aslan

Marian Aslan
When we and the Elves were done fighting France was nothing but a ruin. A ruin that got filled in with the monsters of our nightmares. It was our duty to make right what we had done
Karlun Goldbeard II.

House Aslan controlled one of the few major towns of the human controlled region in Reims of which had nearly a fifty thousand people of which were all dominated by House Aslan. This alone meant that House Aslan was someone who was in great demand by the Dwarves and they were provided heavily with supplies and weapons which the Dwarves hoped would allow them to expand southward into the heart of the Trolloc controlled provinces. House Aslan would be noticed by Charlagamne when his scouts begin to expand into villages north of his territories and so he sent his oldest son on a dangerous mission to visit Reims in the hopes that his son could barter an agreement between the two growing nations. This trip would become famous as his son Pepin travelled with a few of his closest men through hundreds of miles of Trolloc dominated landscape and by the time they reached Reims there were only a handful of the numerous force that had left but he arrived to see the splender of Reims and knew that his father was right in sending him. He and his force were greeted on the doorsteps of the city by Marian Aslan the heir to House Aslan and a wise young man for his age. The two would discuss things and over the course of several weeks of talking became shockingly close to the point that Marian begin to listen to the words of Pepin when it came to the alliance he wanted between the two forces.

France Rise of Humans Expansion

House Naeniss

House Naeniss was much in the same as House Aslan in that they too were a house that once the Dwarven scouts approached the region and asked for leaders they were all pushed towards the village controlled by House Naeniss. When they got close the forces of House Naeniss nearly attacked the Dwarves as they were extremely barbaric in comparison to much of the other tribes of the Franks that were nearby and the Dwarves quickly learned that House Naeniss was in fact Burgundian and the major Burgundian House in the region. House Naeniss attempted to expand but found their movement and attacks thwarted by a massive number of Trollocs in the region and thus they stalemated in their advance into the lands of the Trolloc. House Naeniss in this stalemate would be greeted by the second of Charlamagne's children in the form of Charlamagne III. or as he was called Charles the lesser as he was deemed by many to be the weakest of Charle's children, but during his time in the realm of Naeniss he would change this image completely. He would first arrive in Naeniss on the invite of Petter Naeniss the Lord of Naeniss and this had been after a series of offers has finally been accepted in order to facilitate the meeting. When he arrived he was laughed at by many in the higher rankings but his tenacity soon grew on Petter who took him with him when he led his force against a massive horde of Trollocs. During the battle Petter would lose two sons and his daughter would nearly die but she would be saved by the intervention of Chalie of whome after the battle was given to Petter's daughter as a reward and because she had fallen for him during this act. His marriage to Petria made him the heir to House Naeitriss a fact that didn't sit well with many in Naetriss but was perfect for House Eisenburg.

"It would be folly, I think, to write a word concerning Charles' birth and infancy, or even his boyhood, for nothing has ever been written on the subject, and there is no one alive now who can give information on it. Accordingly, I determined to pass that by as unknown, and to proceed at once to treat of his character, his deed, and such other facts of his life as are worth telling and setting forth, and shall first give an account of his deed at home and abroad, then of his character and pursuits, and lastly of his administration and death, omitting nothing worth knowing or necessary to know."

-Tanlian Eisenburg

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Charlamagne would take the supplies and finances that had been given to him and use them to massively expand his personal army which he would then use to take control over the region around him to the point that he controlled a land and population similar to the other four houses. On top of this he would use his children to attempt to broker arrangements with the other leaders, of which was a plan that brought great rewards to his relationships in all regards except for with House Liolen of whome refused to even respond to his ravens. This became an even greater concern when news filtered to the humans through the Dwarves that the Kingdom of Liolen had sacked Corone and was brutally massacring entire villaged of humans as it expanded westward, and to make matters even worse they had ambushed and killed a force of the Kingdom of Aslan which was on gaurd in the rear of the lines. All of this was a huge distraction that could have been avoided as the Trollocs of the Orleans regions were attacking all along the human borders in an increasingly coordinated fashion that wasn't something anyone had seen them capable of before.
Vampires near Paris
Sonja Dammak
You were caught in the middle of this boy. You fought well here, and for that I honor you with a choice. Die here and now in the knowledge that you fought well and honored your family. Or. Live forever as a knight of my lord. Fight forever. Honor your family forever

It would be at this time as the Dwarves were sending out their forces that the Vampires of Weerhousen would become intertwined in the Frankish Crusade as the Dwarven involvmenet became discovered by elements of Chaos. These Chaos elements in the form of Flemeth, and Velevia Silivia would command their servents to move into the region of France in order to work against the forces of

Corruption of Lisiana Eisenburg
Lisiana Cover7
Nothing you do will ever change what they think of me father. You are the greatest man I know, and what you must do is far more important then losing everything protecting me from a truth we can no longer escape. Know that I love you father. Know that everything I have ever done has been to uplift this family. Know that in the place I go now I am in a far better place. I love you father. Long live House Eisenburg. Long live the Franks.
Lisiana Eisenburg
The Frankish Crusade was expanding and with the Trollocs continuing to lose ground Flemeth would intervene even further then just sending her daughters as foot soldiers, and in this increased role she sent the Dark Men to corupt the family that everyone believed would be responsible for the most damage against the Trollocs in the form of House Eisenburg. The major problem became that Odin had anticipated this and sent his daughters Helgi, and Durova Kirur in order to support Roswita of whom had been doing her best but would not be able to defend the inner family of House Eisenburg.
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. Flemeth's agent in the form of Fuh-Theirin, and Elessar that she was in fact a witch who was using her powers to control the minds of the people in the region, and that this was the reason her House was gaining so much power. This sent shockwaves through the tribes of the region, and forced the House to go on the defensive against such attacks. But no matter what they did the rumors just got worse and worse until eventually their were people openely gossiping about her in her home town. There was now beggining to be talk about removing House Eisenburg and this was the final straw for Lisiana.

Conflict with Vashenesh

Family Members


Queen Neferata

Queen Neferata

See Also : Queen Neferata

Hercuso and Queen Neferata were from a very early age attracted to eachother. The two spent many years during their time in Lahmia engaged in a sexual relationship, but during this time the love that Hercuso professed to Neferata was never respricated due to her love for Vashenesh.

When Queen Neferata left Lahmia with her followers she and Hercuso found themselves thrust into a mating relationship after Vashenesh chose to not continue the drama between the three anymore.



See Also : Vashenesh
