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House Hirsh NEW

Johan Snow is the bastard son of Jared Hirsh, and a peasent girl he raped and tortured before killing her following the birth of Johan, but still making Johan a bastard member of House Hirsh

Johan Snow was born the bastard child of Jared Hirsh and the daughter of a farmer under the lordship of House Hirsh, and despite the girl only being twelve Jared Hirsh raped her all the same leading to her becoming pregnant and upon learning of this he killed the farmer and bringing Johan's mother to the estate of House Hirsh where she gave birth to the baby and following this he had her murdered and hid the identity of Johan. Growing up he believed he was the son of a dead servent of House Hirsh and thus he grew up being a servent to the family of House Hirsh and this continued until he was fourteen when Jared Hirsh revealed that Johan was his son and sent him to Lucerne where he would become a member of the Circle of Magi as a young squire. As a member of the Circle of Magi he grew close to Khadgar of whom he looked at as a father of sorts but he would be paired with Kieth Schwartz of whom tried hard to turn him down a dark path but was never able to truly suceed. Following Eleonore Scarlet joining William at the council meeting it was James Lovie II. that would command Kieth Schwartz to kidnap Eleonore and take her out of the city where he was to kill her and bury her body so that no one ever found her, and in this it was Kieth that kidnapped Eleonore but while taking meeting with Johan Snow outside of Lucerne they discovered she was pregnant from her time with William and she was taken to Orleans instead of being killed.


Early History[]

Johan Snow was born the bastard child of Jared Hirsh and the daughter of a farmer under the lordship of House Hirsh, and despite the girl only being twelve Jared Hirsh raped her all the same leading to her becoming pregnant and upon learning of this he killed the farmer and bringing Johan's mother to the estate of House Hirsh where she gave birth to the baby and following this he had her murdered and hid the identity of Johan.

Discovering Truth[]

Growing up he believed he was the son of a dead servent of House Hirsh and thus he grew up being a servent to the family of House Hirsh and this continued until he was fourteen when Jared Hirsh revealed that Johan was his son and sent him to Lucerne where he would become a member of the Circle of Magi as a young squire.

Circle of Magi[]

As a member of the Circle of Magi he grew close to Khadgar of whom he looked at as a father of sorts but he would be paired with Kieth Schwartz of whom tried hard to turn him down a dark path but was never able to truly suceed.

The End of Alice Lovie[]

The End of Alice Lovie
There is an ache in my heart father, and I don't know how to fix this pain. Tell me what is wrong. Tell me why I feel like I've lost everything. Tell me what is wrong with me. Tell me the truth.
Amber Heard8
From the moment I had met him, despite his constant socially proper behaviors. Despite the fact that he had done nothing that might have aroused any kind of suspicion, I felt uneasy around him. The way anyone feels I suppose when surrounded by a predator. The way anyone feels around the man responsible for so much evil.
Amber Heard II.

The beginning of the end of Alice came in the aftermath of the Duel on the Steps, and with this confrontation it was James that had made the decision to rid himself of Alice Lovie. Initially the thought was to simply kill her but as this planning begin it was the Dovah Lornax, and Vlarenix that learned of this plan through their agent Anna Kendrick and knowing the importance of her to William they would intervene. Lornax would appear to James in the appearance of Lisa Tyrell and the struggling James would be convinced by Lornax to not kill Alice but instead simply remove her from the memory of people. Despite Vhloraz attempting to push James to kill Alice he would use what power he had left to resist this and with Vhloraz still in a somewhat weakened position he allowed James this slight victory and did not push back. It became the idea of Kieth Schwartz to create a spell that would manipulate the Fade to create a variable reality where in people would not remember Alice, and with this plan in mind they would need an anchor for this in the form of someone with a strong relationship with Alice. Going through the list of people with this relationship they were unable to find anyone that wouldn't create suspicion if they were missing or killed and thus they went to Ellia Targaryan who was friends with Alice but was also a member of the Circle of Magi.

I didn't want to believe that everyone in my life was lying to me. I just wanted to believe them. I'm sorry that I failed you Alice.
Ellia Targaryan

Ellia was tricked into believing that the spell was an attempt to turn Alice into a Magi user, and that they needed her as she was the only one in the Circle who was close with Alice, and although Alice was warned that this was a lie by Er-Khadgar Morgrave she decided to listen to her uncle and take part. In the days preceding the casting of the spell, and during this time the Circle of Magi would travel across Lucerne placing wards that would limit the scope of the spell, and the people affected by its actions. Knowing that the Magi users of Lucerne were divided and he controlled the only organized Magi users he knew he could escape notice, and thus moved to set the first of the runes in place in William's room. As James was going to do this it was Amber Heard that was  waiting in his room for him to return when she had a truly horrifying encounter with James Lovie of whom came into William's room and at first he didn't see her in the room so he had a perfect almost molded smile on his face. He walked around William's room for many minutes simply speaking out loud in some sort of chant like speech that she couldn't understand but for some reason the tone in his words scared her directly to her core. He continued to chant and then abruptly stopped before sitting on his bed for a second before he chanted again and then laid down on the bed. She watched from the corner as the King of Lucerne appeared to be in some sort of stupor, and something about the change in him as time went on told her that for her sake he had best not see her, so while he laid there she moved the blanket she was under farther up her body so that it completely covered her.

I watched this man I had known for so long speaking in tongues that I didn't understand and I felt fear. Fear for what the purpose of his actions were, and most of all fear for the future.
Amber Heard II.

He would continue to chant, and then as this continued a cloaked man (Khadgar) walked in carrying a stone and she looked him dead in the eyes and he saw her, but he didn't say anything and just passed the stone to Bill before giving her one last look before leaving the room. Bill would go to his knees and begin praying before the stone, and as this went on it begin to glow blue, and then disappeared into nothing, and despite this James continued to kneel down praying. He eventually got up when Carlisle Cullen walked into the room and told him that William was returning, and in that moment he simply got up without a word and left the room. She sat motionless in the corner still covered by the blanket as William walked into the room, and unlike his father William immediately saw her in the corner, and went to her and embraced her in a tight hug. He held her close as if he somehow understood what had happened to her, and as she cried into his shoulder she fell so deeply in love with the boy holding her that she simply held him close for what might have been hours. William would leave the room to say goodnight to Alice, and Amber was hell bent on telling him what had happened the moment he returned, but a moment after he left the door to his room reopened and Carlisle came inside. Carlisle would confront her on telling William as he lied to her that in truth Carlisle was leading a rebellious movement in the land, and was just waiting for this moment to strike. Amber would tell Carlisle that he had a day to get his affairs in order before she would tell William, and Carlisle knowing the spell was being cast the next day would agree to the offer, and when William returned Amber didn't tell him.

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There were so many things I wanted to say to him. So many things that I know if I had been able to say his heart, and mind would have coped better with my departure. He was everything to me. He was my father, my brother, and my best friend and the thought of losing him wasn't something I was ready to accept but if it meant I could have protected him I would.
Alice Lovie

With the secret kept due to the lies of Carlisle Cullen the Circle of Magi would come together in summoning the spell, while James Lovie stood at the top of the Cloud Tower and focused the spell itself. Dozens of Circle of Magi would be spread throughout the valley of Lucerne making sure that the spell spread to the distance of the wards, and that any attempt to work against the spells power were turned on. In a moment that would change the fabric of Lucerne, and most dangerously would completely shatter both Tristan, and William Lovie their father James completed his spell that would erase Alice from the world. As the spell finished, and there was nothing that could stop it from enacting itself James was overcome by his hatred of Alice, and in a fit of blind rage ran into Alice's room in the middle of the night and laughed at her because he was about to remove her from William's memory. For a moment Alice wanted to run and get William but still the fear of his death was too much for her to bear, and so she remained calm as her father verbally attacked her. After exhausting himself screaming at Alice he was interrupted by Draco Highmore of whom came at the sound of the screaming, but was sent away on the command of James. For a single moment Draco looked to Alice as he had enough of looking the other way, but she wiped the tears from her face and nodded that he shouldn't do anything. As James left Draco would return but as he attempted to comfort her she commanded him away, and ran to Williams room where she buried her head in his pillow. Alice then spent the rest of the night waiting for her beloved brother to return home but he was out with Amber Heard and he didn't return until nearly the morning and when he went into her room to check on her, he found her cradling the doll that he had given her as a child and dried tears running down her face. The sight broke his heart and he laid down beside her and held her close as he too fell asleep. James Lovie would enter her room in the morning to find his two children knocked out by the power of his spell but even in that moment his arms were wrapped protectively around her, and he had to get Carlisle to come in and assist him in releasing William's grip on her. But his grip was released and they put Alice into a sack, and put her into a wagon where she was to be brought to rest in Forks and then dumped on the side of the road.

Unforeseen Consequences[]

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It was like looking at a picture you should know, but just not quite understanding why. Everything in my life was both familiar and strange. Nothing felt real.
Alice Lovie

Alice Lovie was dropped off at the outskirts of Forks by the Circle in Magi second in command Kieth Schwartz following her going into a coma following the spell. James Lovie's loyal knight Caius Elvorix III. would convinse his brother Flavius Elvorix II. of the purpose in joining the Circle of Magi and while Flavius would not officially join he would work for them when he would murder the owner of a tavern in Forks taking control of the tavern himself and there in giving there plotting the location to dump Alice while they planned on her future. Through this work James had set her up with a job in Forks, at that local tavern - he silently hoped she would be killed while working there - and on top of this he created back stories for her where in her parents were killed, and she had left Lucerne because of this. For the three children of James Lovie who were the closest people in the world to Alice the cost was quite heavy on them. For Alice she was knocked out, but due to her lack of Dragonborn Magi abilities she did not fully enter the Fade and thus was able to wake up. Tristan was also very slightly Dragonborn and thus woke up. When Alice awoke in her small room on the ground on the side of the road her head was in horrible pain, and so debilitating was the pain that she was unable to move for almost two days. She just barely managed to pull herself into the ditch at the side of the road which saved her from being run over by the constant wagons that crossed the roads. When she was finally able to move she went towards the city where she could find things in her mind that told her she worked at a local tavern. When she arrived the tavern owner who had been paid by Bill Lovie went about punishing her for her lateness, and then on Bill's orders prepared to make her life a living hell. As Alice was broken in spirit and mind by the departure from Lucerne and her beloved brother she was not alone in this feeling as back in Lucerne her brother William would suffer deeply as a result of her departure.

She needs to die Carlisle, surely you see that. Everything went exactly how it was meant to and the only reason he remains still asleep is because she lives. Send the entire army to Forks, and don't have them return until shes dead and the entire city burns around her.
Bill Lovie

For William though his powerful Dragonborn Magi and his near constant use of the Dream Fade with Taylor Swift had left him dangerously at risk to the consequence of the spell. While both Tristan, and Alice had woken early the same day of the spell being cast, William had not woken over the entirety of the day, and had to be watched by Carlisle and James of whom by this point were growing more worried about why he hadn't grown up. As hours passed without him waking James begin to scream that Alice needed to be killed, and that was the reason he hadn't woken but this was ignored as his more evil of lackeys were away and those near were loyalists to the Kingdom. That night Amber would arrive at the Cloud Towers to try and find William, as she had discovered she was pregnant, but when she arrived she was told that William wasn't seeing visitors, and she was forced to leave. James commanded the Cloud Tower to be locked down, and thus they continued to send Amber, and then the Shadow Council away, but on the third day Draco Highmore would secretly tell Jasper that William had slipped into a coma. While this was happening it was William that had entered the Dream Fade where like he did most nights his soul on earth remained completely unaware of what was happening as it awaited the return of his Fade soul, but as William's dreaming ended he attempted to wake up but as his Fade soul could not recognize his soul on earth due to the changes in memory done by the spell he was unable to wake.

Taylor Swift Cover AMazing13 - Used
William I need you to stay with me. If you give into despair. If you allow your mind to wander then you will die for real. No Sovngard. No us. Just darkness.
Taylor Swift

With unable to wake from the Dream it was Lornax, and Vlarenix that became aware and immediately entered the Fade where they discovered to their horror that he was lost within the dream Fade. Realizing that they only had a short window to work with before he would be lost to madness and despair as his attempts to wake failed they would immediately contact Taylor Swift. As a part of their plotting it was Taylor that had been engaged in an affair with William within the Dream Fade, and thus she was quickly told of what was happening to William and told to keep him from drifting within the Fade and thus dying. Taylor entered the Fade and found a panicked William who was already drifting, and only her timely arrival would keep his panic from causing him to drift completely out of the Dream Fade. Taylor warned him about what was happening and realizing that

End of Amber Heard[]

Amber Heard II
William you need to wake up. I know that right now is not the right time for this but...I love you...I love you more then words can say, and you need to come back. This world is scary without you. You told me once that you would always be there to protect me, and I really need you to open your eyes right now and keep that promice.
Leven Martell

The Shadow Council, and Amber Heard II. would enter the Cloud Tower using the help of Draco Highmore of whom risked his life in his desperation that perhaps the return of his friends and Amber Heard would force him awake. Leven, and Amber would collapse emotionally into his arms as he lay on the bed, as he was bedrock for the two emotionally, and both loved him, and eventually the group was discovered by James of whom summoned Draco to see him. Draco would go to the King assuming he would be killed, but instead James wanted to use this as a chance to get the information out about his son's coma, and he planned to blame the affair on some of the more rebellious elements within the Kingdom including the Swan's, and Starke's. As it was discovered that William was in a coma the entire Kingdom went into hysterics as the silent hope of the Kingdom was that when William came of age he would save them from the madness of his father, but with his demise that hope was slipping through their fingers. Thousands begin flocking to the Sky Towers to pray for his return, and all attempts to disperse the crowds ended with failure.

How do I leave him? How do I leave that which has my heart. My everything. The thing that keeps me tethered to a world that I increasingly believe has lost its soul. I wanted him to smile when he heard that I had given him a child. I wanted it all to mean something more then it ended up meaning. I just wanted the man I love to know that the reason I left wasn't because I didn't love him. It wasn't because I was scared of his father harming me. The reason I left the man I love was to save him the only way I knew how.
Amber Heard II.

During this coma Amber remained by his side the entire time, as she had realized only two days before his coma that she was pregnant with his child. During this time Jasper, Dylan, Leven, and Emmett attempted to stay in the room as well all camping out for several nights before James Lovie had them all sent away with his Circle of Magi guards except for Amber of whom he believed perhaps could rouse William due to his affection for her. When Amber's presence didn't wake William James came to blame her for the coma his son was in, and in this way he began threatening her on a daily basis. At first it was completely shocking and Amber didn't know what to do but eventually he started to become violent and she pleaded with him to stop. The end came when he entered the room with a knife and threatened to kill William if Amber didn't leave the city. Following this confrontation he left her to be with William knowing he had shaken her to the core, and during the night she spent one last night at his side.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

I walked up the hallway commanding Ser Narose Scorpian, and John Shephard to wait for me and not let anyone pass under my authority. Walking forward I looked through the slit in the wall and saw Amber sleeping on his sleeping form and felt a great amount of pain for what I knew I had to do to her. She loved my son of that there could be no question, but I saw his feelings for her the same way I saw his feelings for the Numenorian girl. He cared for her but...but he didn`t love her enough to marry her. My earlier threats had led to nothing as she stayed by his side night and day despite threat of death, but I knew who she was, and I knew how I could control her.

She didn`t wake up as I walked into the room, and I made my way to his side and kissed him on the forehead. When I raised my head I saw she had woken, and she looked at me with shear terror in her eyes. It was clear that when I threatened her life, and those around her she was frightened but she loved him more then herself. ``I believe the last time we spoke I told you what would happen if you remained here.`` She made an audible gulp and moved her hand towards Williams enveloping his hand in hers. I would have done anything in the world to make him wake up, even if that meant he did defend her to my punishment, but when I looked at him there was nothing. His eyes didn`t open at her touch. She was in danger, and he didn`t wake. That had to mean she was irrelevent to him. That had to mean I was right. ``So you ignore your kings commands, and now you must pay the consequences.`` She looked away from William for a moment and looked towards me.

``My king please I love your son, and I...`` I didn`t let her finish I just lashed out with my hand striking her across the face and releasing her from William`s hand. As she fell backwards she pulled William somewhat off the bed tumbling his one side nearly to the ground. I let out a scream, and as I ran around the bed to get him back to his position I felt her try and help me get him back onto the bed, but feeling her touch me made me angrier then I may have ever been. 

``Don`t touch me you stupid whore.`` I stared down at her walking towards her as she crawled backwards away from me. ``Do you know what happened to your parents Amber.`` There was nothing in her eyes but confusion so I assumed the Arryn`s had kept the Plague story going for her. ``You see there was the group of people that believed they could do whatever they wanted. Included in these things was the belief that they could kill me and take the crown from my family. Your parents were one of those people Amber.`` I grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her up standing her infront of me. ``Your cousins as well.`` When the first tear fell down her face I continued. ``I killed them all. Your cousin Martin put up a fight but my men slit his throat. Your cousin Thomas was dragged before me and I pulled out his tongue and left him to bleed out in a cell. Your parents you see they were dragged from their beds and burned alive. You ask how you live. You wonder why I killed everyone else but you. Search your mind as to where you were when your parents died. You escaped death because you were in Hillsbrad far from my reach. Had I of known where you were in those days I would have had them smash your pretty little face in with a rock before I ever let you near my son.``

``Why do you act this way.`` I let out a laugh as she attempted to find anwsers. ``Why hurt me all it will do is drive him further away from you then he already is. Don`t you understand that all your children just want you to love them. Just be the man they want you to be and...`` I slapped her again and she started to fall down the wall before I held her back up.

``The anwsers you seek are no where to be found. Now we need to move forward. My son is gone. I feel his presence leaving this world, and I cannot bare to see him like this. I only wish to leave him in peace in this room alone.`` I thought I had seen fear in her eyes before, but now I knew what fear looked like. She knew in that moment that I was threatening William, and that was all together to much for her to handle. ``If you do not leave here. If you do not travel home to Forks then I will put a pillow over his head until he is gone away.`` I nearly cried myself speaking of his death, but I used everything I had left to speak the words I knew I had to say to make her leave.`

``You wouldn`t...You couldn`t...Why would...``She was crying but her face kept looking to William for rescue. Even in these final moments she still believed in him as strongly as I did.

``You embaress his memory by staying near him. I would put my beloved prince out of his misery if you do not leave here. Do not doubt the things I would do to protect his memory.``

The next morning before Bill had returned to send her away for good Catherine Lovie came to his room to see both William, and Amber, and during this time the two would hold each other and she begged Amber to leave as she had heard through her own spies that Bill was preparing to have her killed. When Amber told Catherine that Bill had threatened William's life she was shocked beyond anything as Catherine had believed that William was the one piece on the board that he would never risk damaging, and realizing William was threatened the two understood that Amber needed to leave, and she loved him so deeply that she couldn't bear the thought of his death and she agreed to flee the city.

William, and Alice Awaken[]

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It was years before I finally understood why I woke up. Years before Khadgar let me know that he was the bravest man I've ever known.
Bill Lovie

It was as William continued to not wake and the departure of Amber Heard II. alongside the banishment of the Shadow Council that the only sane remaining member of the Circle of Magi in the form of Khadgar would decide to take matters into his own hands. Khadgar would sneak into the room of William and finding Bill passed out in the corner he would silently take the blue stone from Bill Lovie of which kept the world from remembering Alice Lovie, and he would damage it slightly causing the spell to weaken somewhat. The following day with the spell releasing somewhat to the point that the two siblings would begin to dream of each other it begin to spark an awakening of William, and Alice which led to the two waking up three days after Khadgar damaged the blue stone. Khadgar having made his silent choice to support William's rise would send his most trusted Magi Eberhard Schnabel to go to Forks and protect Alice from what Khadgar knew would be an eventual attempt to have her killed.

It wasn't so long ago that my beloved son was in a constant sleep. Never opening his eyes I remember spending nights screaming at him after I sent the bird away. I thought to myself that perhaps he would never wake. When he finally opened his eyes there was a terror there. It was hidden behind strength, and all the layers of hate, but it was there. I could see it, and it made me hate my daughter even more.
Bill Lovie

Alistair Irons[]

See Also : Alistair Irons

Alistair Irons
He was a troubled young boy that many were beginning to think would become nothing more then his father with more charisma. When I looked at him I saw something different. When I looked at the young prince I saw someone who could change everything that was wrong with this world. I saw someone that was destined to be the greatest of his line.
Alistair Irons

Following his coma he would be clearly lost without Alice though he didn't know that it was her loss that troubled him, and in this way his father would bring in Alistair Irons of his loyalist House Irons who he thought would put William back into line with what he was before. When Alistair arrived he attempted to at first get a lay of what was happening by talking to people around the young prince of which the principle person he spoke to was Draco Highmore of whom told him of how skilled in every way the young prince was but for whatever reason he couldn't put it all together. Alistair watched the young prince from afar as he spent all his time with the group he called the shadow Council, and when he wasn't with them he was constantly finding different girls to spend his nights with. When he finally approached the young prince the two would have the following exchange.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

I ran away from Leven jumping over a chair laughing before I felt her leg catch me causing me to fall onto the ground causing us all to laugh. Leven let her hand out to help me up, and still laughing I let her pull me up which when I was moving upwards I saw a fully armored man walking towards us, and immediatly looked for my sword. Before I could find it he stood straight between me and Leven. When he did I saw Jasper nearly vault between me and the man followed shortly after by Dylan, and Emmett. "Is this what you plan to do for the rest of your life?" I was shocked hearing the man talk to me this way. Surely he was a noble by the armor he carried that much was clear. He must have been approved to see me or else he would be a pile of bloody armor due to Draco Highmore. "Did you hear my question son, or you too busy being a spoiled little brat to answer anymore?" That was too much for me, and without thinking I pushed the man backwards, and despite pushing him as hard as I could he barely budged.

"You had best watch your tongue old man, or I shall remove it." My friends laughed around me, and it was in that moment I started to feel more confident as I knew I had their support. So I did the only thing   I could think of at the time and I slapped him across the face. The moment I did Jasper lunged at me, and I was just able to throw him aside before I stood over the young prince who was holding his face.

"That's not pain son. Look around you and you'll see pain. You have a city filled with pain, and yet you do nothing. This isn't the prince I heard of when I was younger. The prince that tried his hardest at everything he ever did. This isn't the kind of person you want to be and I know that." In that moment while his face was hardened and he was ready to attack I saw a spark in his eye that told me he wanted a way out. He wanted to be better, and that was the only indication I needed. "Your better than this, and if you don't believe me then give me the chance to prove it to you."

Following this exchange William would have a silent respect for Alistair Irons of whom would take him south of the city to the House Lovie esate alongside his Shadow Council for an entire month. During this time he would teach the young prince about what it truly meant to be a leader. He was finally able to get through to him that he needed to step forward and start actually making things better instead of just talking about theoretical changes he might make or believed would work if he made them. Alistair would take the four of them along with Levan Martell back to Lucerne where he made them understand that they needed to stick together no matter what, and that only they could make sure that they were all the people they needed to be. So instead of turning William back into the playboy prince that his father had wanted returned Alistair was able to reinjuvinate the young prince into rebecoming the man his sister always thought he could become.

Dragon in Forks
It was like this constant ache in my head the entire time I was in Forks. Something felt wrong but I could just never place my finger on the reason behind it. While I lived this fake life I just kept living within my dreams.

Life in Forks[]

Alice Lovie Cover Large
I don't remember anything. All I know is my name is Alice, and I have a terrible pain in my head.
Alice Lovie
Following the spell ending the existence of Alice Lovie in the memory of those who knew her Alice Lovie was dropped off in Forks by James Lovie's cronies Kieth Schwartz. James had set her up with a job in Forks, at a local tavern, where he silently hoped she would be killed while working there and on top of this he created back stories for her where in her parents were killed, and she had left Lucerne because of this. When Alice awoke in she was on the ground on the side of the road and her head was in horrible pain, and so debilitating was the pain that she was unable to move four hours and found herself forced to pull herself into the ditch at the side of the road which saved her from being run over by the constant wagons that crossed the roads. In debilitating pain from the spell she found herself unable to move and thus she would be forced to sleep in the ditch using her jacket as a means of covering herself and woke up hours later finally able to raise her head. Finally able to move she got up from the ditch and in the early morning darkness she could see the outlines and fire of the nearby city of Forks and the created memories of the spell drove her towards Forks where she could find things in her mind that told her she worked at a local tavern, but despite this feeling she also felt as if this was somewhere strange to her and not her real home. While she had been in debilitating pain, and sleeping in the ditch she was being watched by Keith Schwartz, Florius Novellius, and Johan Snow of whom the three would have starkly different views of what was happening with Kieth and Florius caring little for Alice while Johan Snow would feel terrible and during the night would leave food in the ditch which led to Alice surviving and being able to make her way forward. When she arrived the tavern owner who had been paid by James Lovie went about punishing her for her lateness, and then on James's orders prepared to make her life a living hell.
Alice Lovie Gif Time in Forks

Alice Lovie would go from a life of complete luxury in terms of what she had available to a life of a commoner. This was made more difficult by the fact that Bill would leave responsibilities to several people around Alice to make her life more difficult.

For Alice despite the memories she had been given as a part of the spell her life in Forks just felt wrong to her, and no matter what she tried she couldn't shake a silent depression that wracked her so completely that on most nights she could not sleep because she was crying so hard. To add on to this her boss the owner of the tavern in the form of Flavius Elvorix II. seemed to hate her with a passion that she had never known before with Flavius going out of his way to cause her problems. Things became somewhat better for her when she become friends with Rosalie Cullen of whom had secretly also been sent to the tavern as a means of hiding her bastardy beginnings and thus her father Carlisle Cullen had kept in contact with her through letters but never revealed who he was in constant fear of the shame it would bring him. Rosalie and Bella would share in a mutual grief which while neither could completely describe to each other they were at least able to give each other comfort as the pain of their existence threatened to push them over the edge and for Rosalie towards suicide. There friendship would expand to a third person where while there were walking the streets of Forks late at night they found a girl hiding out in some bushes and talking to her they discovered she was Bella Swan, and was hiding from her father who she had gotten into an argument with. The two would hide her at the tavern that night and would be nearly executed when Lord Swan finally discovered where they were but she lied for them and they were protected by Bella and following this she would return to the tavern with her cousin Brody Swan and the three would build a strong friendship.
Florius Novellius[]
Alice Lovie 5
Monsters come in various shapes and forms Alice. Some monsters are hideous and can be discovered quite quickly. Others I fear are more like the monster you found in Stephan. They aren't hideous. They aren't easily seen.
Bella Swan
During her time in Forks while she was stuck without her memory Alice became involved with Florius Novellius and in this relationship she became enamored with this man that showed her the kind of attention she had been craving since she had been in Forks. She originally met him through the bar that she and Rosalie worked at, and the moment she begin talking to him Rosalie attempted to step in and make him leave, but he was so charismatic that he convinced Alice to ignore her friends warnings and to leave with him. Throughout their time together she was constantly though feeling that she was unimportant in comparison to many of the other people that he surrounded himself with, and this didn't get any better. Alice made numerous attempts to make him care about her, and many of the things that she did she felt ashamed by, and as it continued it caused tension between her and Rosalie of whom did not like him and what he was making her do. During this time she found a soundboard for her confusion in Bella Swan, and this along with some other things had a large effect on the reason they became the best friends that would grow into being. In fact his behavior became more and more unstable as time went on and this behavior first started out as his becoming promiscuous on a level that even Alice knew was happening. She confronted him on this and this confrontation would lead to the next evolution in his dark behavior.
I went into his room and found him half naked with two women laying on his body. They held him tight but the general appearance of his body was such that it was clear he cared nothing for these girls, and watching him this way made me completely confused as to what crazy part of my mind cared for this boy. As I coughed in order to wake him up the two girls sprung up and clothed themselves quickly before skulking out of the room. The entire time this went on he just lay there without moving. He stared at me the entire time with nothing in his eyes but the faint appearance of amusement. When I started yelling at him, his eyes changed into something different and it wasn't until he got up and slapped me in the face that I understood what his emotion was.
Alice Lovie

The moment he slapped her everything changed. She realized in that moment that she was crazy to be staying in this situation and she simply put her hand to her cheek to shield herself from the pain before crying and trying to leave the room. As she pulled open the door she felt his hand on her arm of whom pulled her back into the room and tried to have his way with her. As his hands ran up her body she knew where this was going and she refused to accept this was going to happen to her, and so she lashed out at him. As he flew off of her she grabbed a pole from the corner and smacked him across the face knocking him unconscious. She then walked past his now motionless body and into the street where she stumbled her way towards Swan Keep where she hoped to find Bella Swan of whom she knew would protect her from his vengeance.

Bella Steps In[]
Bella Swan1
I knew I should have gone to see Rosalie because she was the one that deserved the right to tell me she told me so. I just knew how that conversation would go, and after nearly being raped I really wasn't in the mood to be yelled at anymore so I went to see Bella. Her home in Swan Keep never felt as inviting as it did walking across the drawbridge and seeing the white armor of the Swan Guards.
Alice Lovie

When she arrived at Swan Keep she was greeted by the guards of whom led her into the back stables where Bella was spending her day, and the moment that she saw Bella she begin sobbing and fell to the ground where she was met by the arms of Bella surrounding her in a loving hug. Alice clung to Bella for sometime before she was finally calmed down enough to explain to Bella what had happened. She made Bella promise not to do anything about it, and Bella in a shocking move refused to let this go, and told Alice that the first chance she got she would be telling her father of whom she knew would have him removed from Forks. Alice attempted to make her change her mind but Bella wasn't going to change in her opinion of what she had to do, so Alice simply clung to Bella and prayed that nothing would happen. But she was wrong, and the moment that Alice went to sleep Bella left her room and went to see her father of whom was still awake. She told her father what had happened and her father did exactly what she knew he would do when he summoned him to Swan Keep to answer for his crimes. Instead of arriving in Swan Keep he got notice that he had been recalled to Brill and thus would no longer be in Forks.

Attempted Execution of Alice Lovie[]

Main Article : Attempted Execution of Alice Lovie

Listen. If this were up to me, I would take you away and keep you safe until your brother came for you. This isn't that reality. In this reality your father wins. You die.
Alice Lovie

Ending Betrothals[]

Ending Betrothals
She's too good a person father. Please send her away.
Eddara Floren Cover4
I don't know what I expected about my return. I knew they would be angry, but I never thought I would have been completely hated by some, and irrelevant to others.
Edward Cullen

Following the ending of the betrothal between William Lovie III. and Amber Heard it was Eddara Floren that was called to the capital as a potential wife for William by his father and for Eddara this was a massive shock as she was relatively low level family and had never saw the possibility of marrying so high as a legitimate chance for her, and thus when she arrived there was a lot of nerves from her side, but the experienced William Lovie III. proved extremely charming and she quickly gained a major crush on him. The relationship between Eddara and William was put under threat as the loss of Alice, and Amber in short succession had led to a quite noticeable drop in the morality of William Lovie III., and waking up from the coma had led to him coming out with constant strange dreams about a now unknown Alice leading to him being quite torn. William specifically would come to destroy his relationship with Eddara as she discovered how gentle and good a person she was which led to him having his father send her away as he didn't want to hurt her or bring her down to what he believed was his new level. Eddara for her part was devastated by this as she had come to be in love with William as during there time together he had never showed her anything but affection and love and she had not seen any of his weaknesses, and thus when she was told to return home without a word from him she would become extremely depressed and barely left her room upon her return home.

I truly believe that you love the prince. I believe that. The problem is I don't give a fuck.
James Lovie II.
Another girl who attempted to find her way into the heart of the prince was Candice Anthor of whom had arrived at the Lucernian Academy during the time of Alice's departure and still had become infatuated with William. The two would engage in a sexual relationship of which was a very emotional affair for Candice who fell deeply in her feelings of William but for William he was in the middle of his emotional breakdown and could give little of his heart to anyone. After Candice wakes up and feels sick and this leads to her throwing up. Following this she notices in the mirror that her stomach is larger and believes that she may pregnant. Candice goes to the local temple and meeting with a priestess there named Theodora Aerene of Lucerne her feelings of being pregnant are validated and thus she returns to her room at the academy where she has to think about who she should tell. Following the words of Theodora she went to see William but instead came to find Carlisle Cullen of whom was devoutly behind king James and in this loyalty would delay Candice from seeing William and instead told James. James would not be who Carlisle found but instead it was Vhloraz who had control of James at the time and in a move that would horrify James - as he thought the one thing that Vhloraz could not do was gain control to try and hurt William - it was Vhloraz that was able to have Candice brought to him despite the attempts by James to retake control of his body.
Candice Anthor Gif5
Candice found herself being summoned to the chambers of the most powerful man in the kingdom but also a man that she knew to be a monster, and a man that she knew was hated by William and so she was both excited and terrified about the prospects, but as she was escorted by several knights her choices were limited. Reaching the room she found the version of James controlled by Vhloraz and was shocked at the madness he displayed, but remained resolute as the man rained insults at her for believing that she was going to have the child of the prince. As she stood there the man she had always believed was the living embodiment of Glaurung's will would summon a spell and she felt screams from within her as James miscarried the child of her and William, and as the screams went silent she fell unconscious. Following this it was James that was able to retake control of the body, and in order to protect the girl he commanded Draco Highmore to take her to the estate of Catherine Lovie who when Draco arrived with the broken from of candice she was at a loss to what to do, but realized that the truth would help nothing, and then with the help of Draco was able to convince Candice once she woke up that the miscarriage had just happened and that visiting the king was a just a terrible dream.
Pushing William[]
Amber Heard II
Since Amber left I've had a lot of trouble feeling anything real. I wish I knew why she left.
William Lovie III.

William overcome with sadness because he can't stop thinking about Amber escapes his own bedroom which he had shared romantically with Leven the night before and in a lie he forces his cousin Marcel to back him on and then he goes to the Lucerne Lake where he sits by the water thinking of Amber Heard at first but as he falls into daydreaming he dreams of the shadow girl who he feels so close too dreaming of the two of them traveling to Lucerne Proper and then meeting with Britney Hemsworth. Following the dreams he has of the girl of which have been going on increasingly more frequently since coming out of his coma he travels back to the Sky Tower where he finds Faye Skane one of the girls that he has been sleeping with as of late waiting for him at the gates into the Sky Tower, and decides that since she is more clear on his emotional capabilities that he will invite her up. Taking Faye upstairs the two discuss her life back in Nostheim and William becomes disappointed in himself for not knowing more about her, and there conversation only stops when they begin kissing and sleep together. After sleeping together Faye sadly has to leave and William walks her out the two talking and William is happy to learn more about her they make plans to go to Nostheim in the summer something that excites them both.

I arrest him on the orders of the king. You may speak to your father tomorrow and I am positive that he will enlighten you to the crimes of this...of this man. Now while I deal with this Ser Gilbert please escort the prince upstairs.
Kieth Schwartz
Taking Blake up to his room is interrupted when as they enter the Sky Towers they see an argument and sending Brook upstairs William intervenes discovering that the guards have been arguing over the situation in Tree Hill, and William having only heard about Tree Hill in rumors attempts to get the guards to speak about it but is stopped by the arrival of Kieth Schwartz of whom silences the guards and has Gilbert Fouline take William upstairs. Arriving upstairs he is shocked by what he has learned from the argument and tries to talk about it with Blake but stops this when she takes her clothes off the moment they enter his room, and despite wanting to be better he sleeps with Blake Cullen the twin sister of his now returning former best friend. Waking up in the night William tries but cannot go back to sleep so leaves Blake in his bed and travels downstairs taking the lift accompanied by Gilbert, and Erik but after they reach the lift William is able to trick them and runs out of the palace using a trick he thinks about learning back with Amber and makes his way through the city towards the estate of House Martell. While he is doing this he doesn't know that he is being watched by Lornax who having taken on the form of his mother Lisa Tyrell follows him as he makes his way towards House Martell. Lornax has become increasingly driven to stay near William who by this point is increasingly powerful in his Dragonborn abilities and his power is like a beacon for Lornax.
Leven Martell Gif
Reaching House Martell he climbs the window to Leven's room and entering her room she wakes when he lies down beside her and without a word he brings her into his arms and they hold each other as William falls asleep. Waking in the morning the two begin kissing but this ends with a bang at the door and William hears Kieth yelling downstairs and without a word the two start laughing and get their clothes on going out the window running towards the caves. Unable to get out of the estate Leven helps William by tackling Ser Erik allowing William to get out of the estate but as he runs through the streets he finds Draco Highmore waiting for him and realizing he has been caught he catches his breathe, but when he looks back up his mother is standing behind Draco and puts a hand to his neck and Draco falls unconscious. Stunned to see his mother who hasn't left the top of the tower in years he walks up to her, but before he can say anything she tells him to have fun in the caves and disappears into nothing. William is pushed to move by the sounds of guards shouting for him, and despite the tears at seeing his mother he keeps running until he reaches the caves of Lucerne, where he finds the bed he has left there and lays down and tries to understand what just happened. Woken from his dreams by the arrival of Kieth Schwartz the two talk for some time with Kieth trying to make William see that hes wasting his talents hiding and doing all the things hes doing and convinces William to persuade his father to give him more responsibilities and with this in mind the two travel back to the Sky Tower to meet with Bill.
Bretney. Eddara. Leven. Blake. Amber. Oh Amber. I have hurt so many people. So much is expected of me and yet I am doing nothing. Mother please. Please tell me how to make this better. Please.
William Lovie III.

Arriving back at the Sky Towers he finds Draco Highmore waiting for him and once he gets on the lift and it begins to rise he asks Draco to stop it and then he apologizes to Draco for what happened in the street, and Draco accepts his apology but when he brings up his mother Draco does not remember this saying that she hasn't left her room and all he remembers is William throwing a rock at him. Confused as to what actually happened William commands the lift to raise again and travels up the lift but asks Draco to go past his fathers office where he knows his father is, and instead stops on the floor where his mother has come to be hidden away. Getting off on the floor he goes into his mothers room and finds her sitting at a table eating a small meal, and going to sit at the table with her she makes no movement to show that she knows he is in the room with her and instead is just mumbling to herself. William attempts to get her to speak telling her that he saw her in the street and pleads with her to speak to him, but despite all his efforts she did not make any more, and he left the room crying. Going into the hallway he closes the door behind him and with tears in his face shares a look with Draco who doesn't say anything just walks up to him and William goes to him hugging him as he has come to see Draco as a father figure.

Rise of Eleonore[]

Main Article : Eleonore Scarlet's Council Meeting

Eleonore Scarlet Cover
I don't know what I expected about my return. I knew they would be angry, but I never thought I would have been completely hated by some, and irrelevant to others.
Edward Cullen

Following his meeting with his father he travels to see his aunt Catherine whom he will ask for permission to take Eleonore Scarlet to the council meeting, and does this travelling to the homes off the side of the Sky Towers where he finds his aunt eating lunch with her husband Christopher, and her two daughters (his cousins) Emily, and Hanna along with there son Christopher and Catherine asks him to take a seat which he does eating lunch with them. After eating with them he goes to the garden with Catherine and Emma and the three discuss that he wants to bring Eleonore Scarlet to the council meeting and he got permission for this from his father. Travelling with Emily he goes to the House Scarlet estate where after the guards let him inside he is greeted by Lord Alexandros Scarlet II. and his son Kren Scarlet of whom he went to the academy with, and after talking about what he wants Alexandros sends Kren inside to get Eleonore while William, Emma and Alexandros stay inside and talk about the politics of Lucerne with Alexandros showing a hint of disloyalty to his father but declaring himself completely to William.

Fall of Eleonore[]

Main Article : Capture of Eleonore Scarlet

While originally planned to be killed once they had gotten her out of the city it was when Kieth had successfully gotten her out of the city and met up with Circle of Magi member Johan Snow of whom using his Magi abilities reveals to Kieth that Eleonore Scarlet is pregnant and Kieth becomes unwilling to follow through on killing her and instead takes her to Orleans. William waking up and for the first time that he can remember he had a good sleep and travels to see his father so that he can tell his father about his desire to marry Eleonore Scarlet, but after there discussion he returns to his room crying over what he realizes he has lost.

Family Members[]

