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Realm of Zelhinir
Realm of Zelhinir
Realm of Zelhinir - Maps
Ganethil Frozentree Cover
Type of Goverment Elven Republic
Head of State Council of the Moon
Secondary Leaders Councillers of the Moon
  • Asanrus Nightsnow
  • Anhorae Winteroak
  • Arsaste Winterheart
  • Lyenia Wintercloud
Location Northern Thedas
Capital Teralas
Languages Placeholder
Demonym Zelhinian
Religion Placeholder
Races, and Ethnicity Placeholder
Population 60,000

The Realm of Zelhinir is a large Sindari Elven Kingdom located in Northern Thedas within the Forest of Zelhinir, or the Forbidden Forest as called by the humans of northern Thedas. Due to the proximity of the two mountain ranges to its north the Forest of Zelhinir is quite cold and is known for its snow tipped trees of which it holds a longer then usual winter due to Magi within the forest itself.

The Realm of Zelhinir has a very sizeable population of Sindar Elves due to the isolation of its walls, and the fact that they have followed the Elven God Isha of whom is the god of fertility, and family in many ways leading to a higher level of family sizes in Zelhinir. From a starting population of less then a thousand the population of Zelhinir now has risen to nearly sixty thousand leaving it one of the largest holdings of the Sindar Elves.

The Realm of Zelhinir is ruled over by the Council of the Moon of which originally stood nine strong and was made of the original nine most powerful families who had founded Zelhinir, but over time this number has increased and decreased with the sway of families and now stands at fifteen. Within the Council of the Moon stands four sections in the form of the Arrow, the Plow, the Coin, and the Spirit of which when a new family did join the council they join one of these four sections.

The Realm of Zelhinir was founded during the Elven colonization of Europe and this colony was set up just before the War between the Elves and Dwarves, and its relationship with the relatively nearby Dwarven fortress of Erebor would lead to the colony of Zelhinir rebelling on the Elven Realm and joining the Dwarven side of which led to the colony to survive the conflict. The Realm of Zelhinir expanded westward without much difficulty until it came into the Swamps of Saurnet where it awakened the Chaos Titan Saurnet and thus started the Zelhinir-Giberling War which eventually destroyed much of western Zelhinir forcing them to retreat within the Forbidden Forest. The Realm of Zelhinir would survive within its forests the rise of the Empire of Numeron and during this time they remained close to the Dwarves of Erebor, but other then Erebor they would increasingly become isolated within their forest walls with only the border town of Teralas open to outside trade and communication.



Due to the proximity of the two mountain ranges to its north the Forest of Zelhinir is quite cold and is known for its snow tipped trees of which it holds a longer then usual winter due to Magi within the forest itself.


Early History[]

The Realm of Zelhinir was founded during the Elven colonization of Europe and this colony was set up just before the War between the Elves and Dwarves, and its relationship with the relatively nearbye Dwarven fortress of Erebor would lead to the colony of Zelhinir rebelling on the Elven Realm and joining the Dwarven side of which led to the colony to survive the conflict.

Zelhinir-Giberling War[]

The Realm of Zelhinir expanded westward without much difficulty until it came into the Swamps of Saurnet where it awakened the Chaos Titan Saurnet and thus started the Zelhinir-Giberling War which eventually destroyed much of western Zelhinir forcing them to retreat within the Forbidden Forest.

Coming of Numeron[]

We paid the tribute when the half blood Elves came. Calling themselves and empire and bidding us to do their works, we said that we were our own people. These Numenorians threatened us, but still my father said that we our own people. They came here with an army just like Im sure the Imperials to our north will one day come with. The Numenorians learned to leave us alone after that. The Imperials will too if they are foolish enough to enter Zelhinir
Syndel Winterdew

The Realm of Zelhinir would survive within its forests the rise of the Empire of Numeron, although in the early times of Numeron entering the region the Numenorians would demand they join them within the Empire but when Zelhinir refused the Numenorians came with an army and were defeated to such an extent that when the Numenorians returned they only demanded tribute and were left alone.

Isolation of Zelhinir[]

While the Empire of Numeron surrounded them they remained close to the Dwarves of Erebor, but other then Erebor they would increasingly become isolated within their forest walls with only the border town of Teralas open to outside trade and communication.

Hogwarts War with The Empire[]

Main Article : Hogwarts war with The Empire

Hogwarts War with The Empire
They came here to destroy us. There was no need for diplomacy because both sides knew that the goal was annihilation, and no amount of words was going to change the Teutons minds. That was the saddest part for me. The knowledge that death was the only way this thing ended. Either they died...or we did.
Hogwarts Fortress
Burn the city to the ground and we will rebuild over the ruins of the old order. Let not a stone remain. Let not a single member of that bloody order survive. Burn it to the ground. Slay the men...the women...the children...leave nothing alive. Burn. Destroy. Kill.
Lord Voldermorte

Following the Chaos that was the Hogwarts Civil War there was a brief period where there was peace in the region of Hogwarts. During this time under the leadership of the increasingly influential Harry Potter the city rebuilt itself, and the damage that the Malfoy's had done to the Republic was slowly repaired. But this peace lasted for less then a few months, and it became a moot point when Hogwarts begin receiving letters from the Empire asking for their surrender. This came as a shock as the two parties had usually shared a common interest, and that interest had been for mutual trade and never towards annexation but clearly something had changed. For Hogwarts they met this calls with returns saying that they were basically confused as to what had happened, and thus they wished to remain friends and trading partners but the response to this implied very clearly that the Empire wasn't going to let their aggression just go down and thus those inside Hogwarts reformed their defenses and prepared for the coming offensive.

My emperor I write to you to let you know that we have made arrangements with the exiled House Malfoy in order to take control of the city of Hogwarts. Violence committed by the murderous Franks of Hogwarts and their neighbors has determined that we have no time to wait for advice from your brilliant leadership, and must apologize for the haste of this letter. Long live the Emperor. Long live Austria.
Priam Troy to Karl Franz

On the Empire side of things they had been contacted by the forces of the Deatheaters and in this communication they had made deals with House Malfoy in order to destroy Hogwarts in order to facilitate better control of Hogwarts more northern region as well as promises of giving up the other independents around Hogwarts. It had begun with several trips by the servants of Lord Voldermorte to Nuln itself the capital of Austria and while at first Priam Troy deemed it unimportant to him he was alerted to the interest in Hogwarts by some of his more disloyal members of Austria and this brought him to the negotiating table. In the end he cared nothing for Hogwarts and thus made a deal relatively quickly, but in a fake gesture of kindness he placed most of his political enemies in charge of the actual military campaign and offered them nearly all the rewards that went along with it. The forces of Austria would cross the Urhine River near Pfeildorf, and as the armies assembled the divided leadership sent by Priam Troy found themselves supported in the region by basically no one as the entire region was very frightened of the Imperial movement against Hogwarts and several of these surrounding nations openly stated they were supportive to Hogwarts.

Minerva Griffindor Large
Edgar Hufflepuff was crying alone in the corner begging Arch Mage Albus Dumbledore to unconditionally surrender the city. He spoke as if that would save us. He had allowed fear to overcome his judgement and when he did that he lost the reason that everyone else in the room knew. Surrendering wouldn't save us. They were going to kill us all and no white flag would change that.
Harry Potter
Scouts that had been placed throughout the countryside begin reporting back to Hogwarts that a truly massive army was incoming towards the fortress in numbers in the hundreds of thousands. The Hogwarts ally in the Realm of Zelhinir would also send scouts into the fight led by two huntresses in the form of Syndel Winterdew, and Aethalas Coldwind of whom would be responsible for silently cutting down the scouting groups of the Empire army in order to blind them as much as possible to what they were walking into. The Empire commanders had ignored the defenses around the fortress of Tarherd and the fortress of Tinevarn was also ignored leaving the entirety of the Emperian army to make a near direct line towards the capital in Hogwarts. Believing that the army would first attempt to establish control of the region the defenses were prepared for the eventuality that they had more time to prepare but to their surprise the army made its way directly towards the fortress with only small splinters moving towards the mini castles scattered throughout the kingdom. Other then these forces the Empire also sent a large force under the command of Wilhem Delgougen of whom led a force of Austrians towards the Realm of Dale where they would attempt to take control of the northern farming lands, and the extremely valuable central mining grounds. When they were only a day away from the fortress they sent one last letter to Hogwarts basically stating that if they didn't surrender they would all die within the fortress, and to this letter Hogwarts simply burned it and did not respond. There was some debate within the fortress led by Edgar Hufflepuff of whom wished to surrender and take their chances, but eventually it was completely agreed upon that the Emperian army would not honor the surrender either way, and thus they were fighting to the death no matter what way they did things. The next day the army of the Empire arrived on the outskirts of Hogwarts and begin encircling the fortress. While the Empire was doing this Harry Potter led a large contingent of Dumbledore's army through the tunnels beneath the fortress, and they made their way behind the lines of the attackers.
Albus Dumbledore Gif
Serius Black, and Severus Snape led the main tier of defenses at the massive bridge, while in the open fields of the western block the defenses were led by Albus Dumbledore, and Minerva Griffindor. A small relief force was sent northward from the large Hogwarts town of Holyhead, but the vast majority of Holyhead's forces were arrayed in Holyhead itself as it was threatened by a small army coming against it. The plan for Hogwarts was basically to use massive summoned creatures to block the attackers while the overwhelming Magi of the people was used against the basically exposed troops of the Empire. Damara Dodderidge the headmaster of House Griffindor would assemble a troop of forces as the attack was preparing to be launched against Hogwarts and moved this force into the neighboring nation of Dale of which was one of the most stalwart of Hogwart's allies and was going to come under some assault. The Empire's commanders present wanted to shell the fortress for two days before attacking and through this to wear down the defenders, but the overall commander in didn't think this necessary and simply ordered that the troops to move forward and mass the Hogwarts defenders.

Fall of Hogsmeade[]

Anders Hufflepuff
Hogsmeade stood on the doorstep into Hogwarts and while we all knew it couldn't be held that didn't stop us from trying to hold the town. We fought them for every inch they took but as you know Arch Mage there was never any holding Hogsmeade. The only god news that I can tell you is that we killed far more of there men then they killed of ours.
Albus Dumbledore

The town of Hogsmeade was located just north of Hogwarts and located beneath it in terms of latitude it's taking was required before someone could take Hogwarts but problamatic in its defence was its nearly devoid level of fortifications. Placed in charge of the defence of Hogsmeade was Anders Hufflepuff of whom was joined by several other very influential members of Hogwarts in the hopeless defense of Hogsmeade meant more to damage the Emperian forces then actually hold the town. As the Empire forces arrived near Hogsmeade the town had been completely drained of population and the only remains in the town were some five hundred infantry from Hogwarts and nearly a hundred Magi. The Empire sent in some two thousand troops into Hogsmeade and these troops were able to quickly push the small Hogwarts forces out of the town, but they did take significant casualties after they were caught in several fire traps and acrurate archer fire from the buildings. Either way the forces of Hogwarts lost some sixty troops in the failed defence, but the Emperian forces lost nearly three hundred and eighty troops which was a drop in the bucket for what they had in total.

The Attack Begins[]

We need to keep moving everyone. I know your all afraid of what is happening in Hogwarts, but what were doing here will define that battle. Hogwarts will survive. They will hold the line. They will do everything they can, and I believe in my heart that they will hold. The only thing in question is whether or not we will do our part of this war. Will we fail. I refuse to fail. Lets move.
Harry Potter

The Emperian army would halt itself in the ruins of Hogsmeade and unlike most of the north they did not devastate the town as they would use it as a staging point for their forward command while the main command remained north of Hogsmeade and ordered the battle from afar. In the west a small Emperian army assisted by a force moving in from Lorraine and western Austria would halt itself north of Holyhead and block it from being able to send assistance to Hogwarts as the main army moved against it. In the south it was the forces of Dale that were beating back the forces of Austria around Holyhead, and thus in the south the static nature meant that no reinforcements were going to be coming from either sides to the Hogwarts Battle.

The Western Field[]
Albus Dumbledore (HBP promo) 1
They came to the west with the utter belief that it was already won. They moved forward in straight lines and were devestated in a way they should have never been. Had they have been even the slightest bit prepared to move slowly, or actually plan towards victory they might have achieved it.
Albus Dumbledore

The attack on the western field was always going to be the most numerous, and this had more to do with the fact that the commanders of the Empire believed so strongly in their superiority in numbers that the western field offered the largest of the attack avenues so thus the most troops were sent in. Alongside this large scale opening in the western front there was also the fact that the walls of the western section of Hogwarts were only a single tier while all the other sectors of Hogwarts were two tiers of walls, and in the case of the northern route there was three tiers of walls. Nearly fifty thousand troops were on this western side, and they prepared to attack in three waves with the first wave consisting of some 15,000 troops and this first wave was shockingly made up of most of the elite sections of the western army. In the defenses by this point Dumbledore, and the nearly two hundred Magi with him had summoned to them thousands of elemental creatures of which were hidden carefully in small crevasses throughout the fields thus concealing them from view and in this way they would create a massive shock value when they first appeared. Alongside the hundreds of Magi, and the thousands of Elemental also stood nearly four thousand regular troops of the Hogwarts Castle of which would defend the walls with arrows, and cauldrons but no one believed they could hold for long against such numbers. In command of the western attack would be Vaelin Troy a cousin of Priam Troy, and despite being known as a casual drunk and foolish in mind he was placed in charge of a large force of men at arms.

Lake Hogwarts[]
It was a horrible mistake of them to even think about attacking over the lake. They didn't have the forces even partly capable to destroy our defences. They didn't have the leadership. They didn't have anything close to a hope. It was a massacre as soon as they came.
Albus Dumbledore

Lake Hogwarts expanded a large proportion of the eastern approach but there was a small series of locks, and islands that allowed the attackers to attempt an attack that of all the attacks would prove to be the most dangerous, and in the end the most devastating in terms of overall percentage lost. The Empire over the night had constructed hundreds of small boats which they would use to transport the force of some 14,000 in the first wave to the series of small island castles that dotted the lakes locks, while another force of 18,000 would make the attack on foot directly against the locks through the canals that were open to the ground. As an added attack angle a group of some 2,500 unarmored troops were prepared to swim to the first series of locks with the goal of being light skirmishers that would hopefully augment the attack, and would be armed by small equipment boats that would be sent along with the attack. The Empire forces would come at the river during the night, and they hoped that the night would provide additional cover but the Magi defenders would use illumination spells to light the sky once they knew the attack was underway and thus despite it being the pitch dark of night they could see all around them.

Northern Bridge[]
Let the foolish Ont die on the bridge with everything he ever thought he was capable of falling with him.
Vaelin Troy

The Northern Bridge was a massive sixty foot wide bridge connecting the northern pass to the castle itself, and stretched for some six hundred feet with no cover. For this northern attack the forces of The Empire believed they had little chance of success and so Vaelin Troy placed in charge of the attack the noblemen Herdeck Ont of House Ont of whom were resisters to the direction of House Troy and had been a main source of Priam's ire.

The Suprise Attack[]

The Triumverate4

With the forces of The Empire being destroyed in the eastern locks, and massacred in the northern approach the overall commanders saw only one true opportunity and that was to throw all of their reserves into the battle on the western front which while being devestating for them casualties wise was the only one that they were even advancing into. But while they continued down this path of thought they could not see that the force led by Harry Potter and his friends was now only minutes away from their command base in the northern approach. The command base had been constructed beneath a hilltop which turned it into a valley, which they believed was a nice spot to conceal themselves but they didn't anticipate it would allow an enemy force to advance almost secretly to its outskirts. With the reserves spread throughout the region the commanders were defended by a small force of only some two thousand troops and by this point some of those had been sent to the northern approach to attempt to keep the defenders there locked down meaning there was only some 1,000 troops left in the command base to defend. Harry, Hermion, and Ron gathered themselves and their force and begin encircling the command base with their full force of some three hundred Magi, and they begin silently over the next few hours they each summoned elementals to them which brought their force to some two thousand meaning they were about to attack the command base with complete suprise and have the numbers advantage. Waiting till night Hermion, Harry, and Ron settled into the hilltop and laid together in what was perhaps one of the last moments that the Triumverate would ever have with complete trust and love for eachother. Together they talked about everything they had been through, and they promised themselves that when they were done they would try to just be students again.

The Massacre and Retreat[]
Hermione Granger 9
"You felt terrible as it was happening because how many of these men and women actually deserved to die. They were following orders though, and they had to die the same we would have if they had succeded."
-Ron Weezly

As night fell the Triumverate were awoken by Neville Longbottem of whome told them it was time. With this decleration the group made the sign that the time was now to attack and with this the entire force advanced over the hills and into the valley beneath. The Triumverate moved silently as did the rest of the force, and all around there was the bright hue of different colored elementals as the elementals followed their summoners into a massacre that would send reverberations throughout Europe, and lead to a further series of massacres that would prove to be a marking point in history. The group was able to reach the camp without any problem and they all silently took down any sentries that were present, and then once they were litterly touching the hundreds of tents they unleashed the elementals into the camp while the Magi waited on the outskirts and killed anyone able to escape the inforno of the elementals. Over the next few minutes the force of some 1,000 troops along with the nearly another 1,500 commanders, administrators, servents, and aristocrats were massacred leaving no survivors. With the command base annihilated they burned the remains to the ground to make sure everyone was dead before they then sent Magi messages to the defenders in Hogwarts that the command structure was gone.

The Retreat[]
Hogwarts destroys

Battle of Holyhead[]

In the south while the main force of Imperials was attacking Hogwarts the southern commander in Wilhem Delgougen was forced to consolidate his forces to move them all around Holyhead in order to keep the fighting in the south going as the forces of Dale had arrived in heavy numbers and had been joined by the Kingdom of Taledavia and together they had defeated the forces of the Empire in the south pushing them all towards Holyhead. Still besieging the city of Holyhead, Wilhem Delgougen did not understand he was now horribly outnumbered due to the work of Shindrell Icewing who had entered the conflict and had went about killing all the scouts of Wilhems army. The two kings of Dale arrived at Holyhead and on the understanding it was for diplomacy they would engage Wilhem in conversation and without scouts Wilhem while he was negotiating was surrounded to the north by the forces of Prince Talbot Grendren of Taledavia, and once this was finished King Bard Girion II. of Dale would let Wilhem know this and accepted the surrender of Wilhem of whom had know hope of victory following this.

Destruction of Greenshop[]

"Sometimes revenge is all you have left. So many lay dead all across the land, and someone needed to pay for those deaths. Someone was going to pay, and the consequences are unimagineable."
-Severus Snape

Following the destruction of The Empire Army, Dumbledore's army council quickly convened and decided that the Empire needed to understand that this sort of behavior would not be accepted. In order to do this they decided to destroy the city of Greenshop where the remenents of the army had retreated to, and reinforcements were now funelling into. A force of Magi led by Severus Snape would arrive at the outskirts of Greenshop as the massive army of The Empire was reasembling for another attack of which Hogwarts would not survive. Grouping together nearly a hundred Hogwarts Magi grouped their power together to asssist in the actual conjuring of the spell that would have dire cicumstances. The actualy spell would be cast bySeverus Snape, and its effects would basically rip the entire city of Greenship into the sky and then it slowly turned into dust. Those who watched the destruction said that such destruction wasn't even believed to be possible, but what this had showed was how truly horrifying Magi could be when turned to the pursuit of destruction.

Hogwarts war with the Empire

Complete and Unconditional Surrender[]

When news filtered in to the Empire's military command that Hogwarts had completely destroyed the city of Greenshop, there was extreme fear amongst all present. The loss of the nearly 110,000 person city was too much for Karl Franz, and led him to send a letter of unconditional surrender to Hogwarts.

This surrender was unprecedented in Empire History, and would be a source of great shame for many of the military elites in The Empire.


The Realm of Zelhinir is ruled over by the Council of the Moon of which originally stood nine strong and was made of the original nine most powerful families who had founded Zelhinir, but over time this number has increased and decreased with the sway of families and now stands at fifteen. Within the Council of the Moon stands four sections in the form of the Arrow, the Plow, the Coin, and the Spirit of which when a new family did join the council they join one of these four sections.

Current Councillers[]

Name Role Family
Asanrus Nightsnow The Arrow Nightsnow Family
Anhorae Winteroak The Plow Winteroak Family
Arsaste Winterheart The Coin Winterheart Family

Moon Steward[]

The Council of the Moon is somewhat administered over the Moon Councillor of whom makes sure that all rules are being followed and alongside his elite Moon Guard he is the one who controls the Council Meetings and directs the flow of these meetings.

Name Family
Ganethil Frozentree Frozentree Family



The Realm of Zelhinir has a very sizable population of Sindar Elves due to the isolation of its walls, and the fact that they have followed the Elven God Isha of whom is the god of fertility, and family in many ways leading to a higher level of family sizes in Zelhinir. From a starting population of less then a thousand the population of Zelhinir now has risen to nearly sixty thousand leaving it one of the largest holdings of the Sindar Elves.



The family names of the Realm of Zelhinir have historically all had names that correlate with the snow peaked lands they have lived within and many ways have caused.

Orders of Zelhinir[]

Sisterhood of Zelhinir[]

The Sisterhood of Zelhinir originally took the role of religious leadership for the Realm of Zelhinir just like in all other Sindari Elven colonies, but during the initial attack by the forces of Numeron the Priestesses of Zelhinir would cast mighty spells to protect the forest basking it in near year long winter and following this it was deemed by the goverment that along side their religious purpose they would serve a Magi role as well, but to protect their peopl from the coruption of Magi the Guardians of Isha were founded as well and served the role of guarding Priestesses and controlling the Magi use.

Name Role Location
Kyleen Snowgrasp Moon Priestess Teralas
Serendia Frostwing Moon Priestess Teralas
Shiromar Frostwing Sky Priestess Teralas
Nira Coldwhisper Guardian of Isha Teralas

Sentinels of Zelhi[]

Name Role Location
Syndel Winterdew Huntress Teralas
Tyldel Winterdew General  Teralas
Aethalas Coldwind Huntress Teralas
Shindrell Icewing Huntress Teralas

Druids of Zelhinir[]
